There's a lot of variety with this one giving you the chance to choose from many desired pets!
Pets to hunt & rewards:
Snakeling from Zulrah - 200M CLAIMED
Hellpuppy from Cerberus - $10 Bond CLAIMED
Pet Kraken from Kraken - $10 Bond CLAIMED
All rewards generously donated by @
(Please read carefully)
- If you manage to get one of these pets, take a screenshot and send it to Mufasa or Ruwk on Discord
- As pets are claimed, they’ll be crossed out from the list
- Please keep an eye on this thread to ensure you're not hunting for a pet that has already been claimed
- You are allowed to receive more than one reward if lucky enough to be the to first to obtain each pet
- The event will last through end of day Thursday (server time) - 8/29/2024
Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/alorarsps
(or by typing ::discord in-game)
Good luck, and may the drops be in your favor!