What is your suggestion?:
Add the stale baguette into the game! Make it rare and tradable
Is this in OSRS?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
It would give players another rare item to grind, method of entering can be voted on, I cooked up some suggestions, but if you can think of a better way feel free to drop a comment below!
Option 1:
Drop from Mimic, same rate as baby mimic since that pet is kind of meh since it's a reward from daily logins
Option 2:
Rare drop from random events (although personally not a fan since most players turn them off once completing the log and people with 200m stats wont get many random events anyways)
Option 3:
Rare drop table item similar to marble block, most pvmers will achieve at least one in the life of their account, but surely not often.
Option 4:
Random drop when using a booster (drop, raid, pet, gauntlet, clue) would give a sneaky benefit of any player using these
Option 5:
You decide, leave a comment below