Hello everyone,
Today's guide is about the new Hunter skill activity Hunter's Rumors.
What are Hunter's Rumors you might ask?
Hunters' Rumours are an assignment system, similar to Slayer tasks or Farming contracts, that are available through the Hunter Guild by first speaking to Guild Scribe Verity in the Burrow, the guild's underground pub. By speaking to one of the Guild Hunters in the Burrow, players are tasked to investigate a rumour involving a specific hunter creature. This is done by hunting the creature until a rare creature part is received, and then bringing it back to the Guild Hunter. When a player finds the rare part, a jingle is played and the player receives the message You find a rare piece of the creature! You should take it back to the Hunter Guild..
How to get to Hunter Guild,
To reach the guild you have multiple ways
Hunter/Max Cape teleport which will take you directly down to the Burrow.
If you don't have 99 hunter you can get there by taking the quetzal teleport system located in east side of Varrock
Requirements and recommendations
Level 46 Hunter > Huntmaster Gilman (Novice)
Level 57 Hunter > Guild Hunter Cervus or Ornus (adept)
Level 72 Hunter > Guild Hunter Aco or Teco (expert)
Level 91 Hunter > Guild Hunter Wolf (Master)
Fairy ring access > Completion of Easy & Medium Lumbridge Diary or Lunar Staff
Permanent falcony usage fee which cost 5m.
Basic Quetzal Whistle
After completing 10 rumors getting a basic whistle blueprint
After you get the whistle, you wanna right lick and click Rumor after you receive a rumor and check the chat box to make sure you're hunting the correct rumor.
*There's a bug currently with the plugin when it can show wrong task.
Hunting supplies which you can find at Imia's North east of the guild
You will need, teasing stick, butterfly net, bird snares* and box traps*.
*Depends on your Hunter level.
Meat pouch where you can make it with 4 fox fur + needle + thread. Needs lvl 35 crafting.
and can be upgraded to Large Meat pouch by buying a Mixed hide base from Pellem's Fur Store (Southeast of the guild) + needle + 3x Sunlight antelope fur. Needs lvl 65 Crafting.
Fur pouch ( When it will be added, Soon™ )
Bonecrusher / Bonecrusher necklace
Huntsman's kit ( When you get it as a reward )
Guild hunter outfit ( When you get it as a reward )
*Make sure you have the Hunter Rumours Plugin enabled in your plugins section ( It should be enabled by default ).
The plugin will show you what rumor you currently have and how to get there.
Also you will find the place marked on the map
What do we need to do to run Rumors efficiently ?
- Huntmaster Gilman (Novice) is able to give all rumours.
- Guild Hunter Cervus and Ornus are both (adept) hunters, but have their own distinct list of rumours.
- Guild Hunter Aco and Teco are both (expert) hunters, but have their own distinct list of rumours.
- Guild Hunter Wolf (Master) is able to give only 8 type of rumors. (Which we will try to force it to 3 only)
What does it mean to us?
In order to not waste too much time running around we need to setup a blocking list with the low tier Huntmaster in order to go to Master tier with only the ability for him to assign 3 types of rumors.
List of Rumors can be found here
Here's the plan : We need to block the following tasks with the following master.
*Blocking means to get a task assigned and move on to the next Huntguild master.
Huntmaster Gilman (Novice) > Tecu salamander or Moonlight moth
Guild Hunter Cervus (adept) > Red chinchompa
Guild Hunter Ornus (adept) > Red salamander
Guild Hunter Aco (expert) > Moonlight moth or Tecu salamander
Guild Hunter Teco (expert) > Herbi
Here's the Guild Hunter Wolf (Master) list after blocking
*Enable Back-To-Back rumors by talking to Guild Scribe Verity
You will be getting only those 3 tasks, which are the best Rumors/Hr.
Now you reached the Burrow room where you can get your Rumors hunt started,
Now we start by talking to the Novice huntmaster to get our first rumor
**Remember to always double check with the whistle that you're hunting the correct rumor.
*I will only explain the pitfall trapping since it's the new one, Deadfall trap is the same thing, just need logs and you click on the rock to make the trap.
Then you go back to hunter guild and talk to your huntmaster to receive your loot
*You can stack these loot sacks if you want.
And that's it, get another task, confirm with your whistle and good luck!
Rewards and Loot
Guild hunter outfit
*Can be obtained from all Hunters' loot sacks (Basic - Maste)
Huntsman's kit
*Can be obtained from Adept+ Hunter's loot sack
Enhanced quetzal whistle blueprint
*Can be obtained from hunters' loot sacks or purchased from other players. An untradeable variant, the torn enhanced quetzal whistle blueprint, can be obtained from any hunters' loot sack upon completing 100 Hunters' Rumours.
Perfected quetzal whistle blueprint
*After receiving the Enhanced quetzal whistle blueprint it can be obtained from Expert or Master Hunter's loot sack.
*Can be obtained from Expert or Master Hunter's loot sack
Hunters' loot sack
*Varies from Basic to Master loot sack
Notable drops :
Quetzal feed : Used to make landing site for Quetzal teleport system ( You only need 40 to make the 4 unbuilt landing sites )
- (10) A basic quetzal whistle blueprint from Soar Leader Pitri, to craft a basic quetzal whistle.
- (25) The ability to cook raw graahk, raw kyatt, and raw pyre foxes.
- (50) The ability to cook raw dashing kebbit, raw sunlight antelope, and raw moonlight antelope.
- (100) A torn enhanced quetzal whistle blueprint from any hunters' loot sack, to craft an enhanced quetzal whistle. Only received if the player has not yet obtained a regular enhanced blueprint.
- (250) A torn perfected quetzal whistle blueprint from any hunters' loot sack, to craft a perfected quetzal whistle. Only received if the player has not yet obtained a regular perfected blueprint.
That marks the end of the guide, please let me know if I missed something. Good luck and happy hunting!
Huge shoutout to @Logan for helping out in the making of the guide.