What is your suggestion?:
My suggestion is about rules #13 P. vs. P
People in yell continue to pop off about people saying people are luring people in yell.
For example: When the wilderness supply chest goes off, I teleport out to the chest.
Then notice I am the only one who shows up. I have a pker as my target. Then they teleport to me and then
I log out so I dont get pked. But then switch accounts
to tell a few people in yell "*without saying a name* is at the supply chest do not get baited"
Legit after that the whole yell community legit says thats breaking Rules #13.
When in all reailty I made it so no one would go out there to lose their stuff.
"It should be a lure to wait at the supply chest for a long period of time for someone to come out just to get pked"
Its like the game is baiting/luring the people out for them with out them techincally luring.
Is this in OSRS?: No.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.
How would this benefit Alora?: This would make it so the pkers can't sit at supply chests for long periods.
In my own opinion: After the supply chest popped off if you are waiting there and not pulling it just to wait for someone to come out so you can pk them is luring.