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Poll: Update Rank Ticket System (18 member(s) have cast votes)

Should we allow players to buy rank tickets with in store tokens?

  1. Yes (11 votes [61.11%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 61.11%

  2. No (7 votes [38.89%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 38.89%


Posted 15 July 2024 - 11:17 PM #1

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TLDR/TLCR: Not enough rank ticket sellers, let us buy 10x $10 bonds from players to buy rank ticket from ;;store. win win for donator, rank ticket seller, and alora (donations moving faster)





What is your suggestion?:

Allow us to buy rank tickets with in store tokens.


All of these options make the server $100 irl:

$100 bond = 1,000 tokens = $400 rank ticket



How would this benefit Alora?:

This would benefit the average player trying to buy rank tickets when there is none on the market, but there are a lot of bonds.


I never really understood why there's such a great divide when it comes to donating for bonds or rank tickets, it's not like the server has separate bank accs for these.


If we allow players to buy bonds for rank tickets, then people who donate specifically for lower tier bonds ($10 & $50) will get their bonds sold quicker, making them happy, and players looking for rank tickets will get them quicker (donations move in and out of the server faster). If anything this would level the price of bonds and rank tickets, donators won't feel like they got scammed because they didn't know rank tickets give more gp/$, and will lead to more donations since players bonds will be sold quicker at a more fair price.


Let's stop this charade that rank tickets should be separated from the ;;store when in reality it's all the same donations to the same server we love to support and lets get these bonds/rank tickets moved into the game and traded between players faster.






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Posted 15 July 2024 - 11:52 PM #2

Real Danger

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I feel like it should be $200 for a $400 rank ticket if you were to implement this

Posted 16 July 2024 - 08:42 AM #3

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Makes sense to me. Implementation of rank tickets was a great step towards cutting out the middle man, this is just an enhancement to that. Support. 

Posted 16 July 2024 - 08:50 AM #4


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for most people in the server it makes absolutely no difference but surely omi will lose money cuz of it.

There are so many bonds ingame , there would be a huge increase in rank tickets then without any benefit to the server.

And the logic that more people will buy bonds and  sell for gp just does not make sense because price will change maybe like 10-20% at best because currently we are already at 180m bonds eventho month ago we were 140-150m.

Rank tickets and bonds would then balance each other out and no $$$$$$ benefit for the owner so don't hold ur breath.

Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:02 AM #5

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for most people in the server it makes absolutely no difference but surely omi will lose money cuz of it.

There are so many bonds ingame , there would be a huge increase in rank tickets then without any benefit to the server.

And the logic that more people will buy bonds and  sell for gp just does not make sense because price will change maybe like 10-20% at best because currently we are already at 180m bonds eventho month ago we were 140-150m.

Rank tickets and bonds would then balance each other out and no $$$$$$ benefit for the owner so don't hold ur breath.


Hey Bigboxbob, these are all the current bonds in the tp, this would equate to a single $600 rank ticket (considering no ones paying 256m for a bond), so it would not bring a 'huge increase' in rank tickets, and there really isn't a ton of bonds in the game, at least not for sale on the market.


This would 100% incentivize players to donate for bonds more often if they know their bonds significantly faster considering the amount of players buying rank tickets, not bonds.


If rank tickets and bonds balance out, which they aren't far from doing right now either way, that wouldn't effect how much the owner gets, they get 100% of the donations coming in regardless of what the people donate for (maybe im misunderstanding your last statement?)








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Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:18 AM #6


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okay the usual price of 400$ rank ticket is 1.8-2b and been like that for about 4 months ( only rised up past couple of weeks due to few people buying eternal at the same time and 1 2 of the server ecos so they overpaid and making the price go up) that would be 10 bonds aka 180-200m each per bond as u see them at the trade post and most bonds are sold off market via yell, what ive seen past months they sell super quick , probably fastest selling item in the game.

This update would just use huge chunk of the bonds that are in game and turn them into rank tickets, it wouldn't mean people would buy more bonds , it would just mean that the ecos currently hunting eternal rank would just buyout the bonds instead of trying to buy rank tickets , i just don't see any reason why people would buy bonds more with that update because currently price is fine and they sell quickly,

With that update would have to come also a donation bonus credit change because otherwise noone would buy rank tickets anymore and only bonds and rank tickets in terms of real life $$ would be cheaper. 

I am sure the 1% the rich people would love the update, but for most it makes no difference so the better choice is what makes more money to omi.

Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:32 AM #7

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okay the usual price of 400$ rank ticket is 1.8-2b and been like that for about 4 months ( only rised up past couple of weeks due to few people buying eternal at the same time and 1 2 of the server ecos so they overpaid and making the price go up) that would be 10 bonds aka 180-200m each per bond as u see them at the trade post and most bonds are sold off market via yell, what ive seen past months they sell super quick , probably fastest selling item in the game.

This update would just use huge chunk of the bonds that are in game and turn them into rank tickets, it wouldn't mean people would buy more bonds , it would just mean that the ecos currently hunting eternal rank would just buyout the bonds instead of trying to buy rank tickets , i just don't see any reason why people would buy bonds more with that update because currently price is fine and they sell quickly,

With that update would have to come also a donation bonus credit change because otherwise noone would buy rank tickets anymore and only bonds and rank tickets in terms of real life $$ would be cheaper. 

I am sure the 1% the rich people would love the update, but for most it makes no difference so the better choice is what makes more money to omi.

Bonds really don't sell that fast, at least not from talking to the players trying to sell them at 190m+ and usually have to sit overnight for them to buy, I don't believe any bond was sold last night that was over 190m (since i looked at the tp last night and the screenshot today seems similar). 


Why wouldn't players buy rank tickets anymore? It makes no sense for us not to if that's literally what we're trying to get. We would just be yelling to buy all rank tickets AND BONDS, which would make people who donate bonds happy because they can sell them significantly faster than now.


Donators will donate for more bonds if they know it will sell fast AND at the same exchange rate as if they were donating for a $100 rank ticket.


as far as the bonus tokens given to donators, I'd say dont change it at all, let them get a discount. Even at a $450 donation they don't getenough tokens to buy an extra rank ticket at all, if anything we need to incentivize more donations not less to keep the server healthy. Players buying bonds from other players will still be buying rank tickets from either the player who got more tokens from the ;;store from their original donation, or from bonds they purchase from the players.








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Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:39 AM #8


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Player would not buy rank tickets from ::donate because of the free bonus tokens whilst buying credits.

As i said would have to also do a donation board change with the free tokens etc.

Highly unlikely that this will go through.

People will always buy more bonds because there are many uses for it , only the few of player base buys rank tickets.

Big updates come what the majority will have use for, haven't seen once that omi caters to the rich only.

My last response.

Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:43 AM #9

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Player would not buy rank tickets from ::donate because of the free bonus tokens whilst buying credits.

As i said would have to also do a donation board change with the free tokens etc.

Highly unlikely that this will go through.

People will always buy more bonds because there are many uses for it , only the few of player base buys rank tickets.

Big updates come what the majority will have use for, haven't seen once that omi caters to the rich only.

My last response.

and as I said, give the donators more incentive to donate as rank tickets aren't coming to the game either way as it is now, no changes needed to bonus tokens.


There's more people buying rank tickets right now than bonds, and this isn't 'catering to the rich only' (victim mentality btw) it's trying to do what's best for the server and player base (giving players what they want while giving people reasons to donate more)






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Posted 16 July 2024 - 09:54 AM #10


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It is ur perspective , no need to get personal.

I just put down another perspective 

You say alot of things to be facts but they are just assumptions, you simply do not have the info and are just throwing stuff out there.

Currently people buy more rank tickets than bonds you are correct, but what u don't know is that it is just now , most of the times it's bonds that are being bought and the more bonds get bought out cuz of rank upgrade that means there will be less and less bonds out there and in no way it means that people will donate more it is just an assumption.

And yes that is catering to the rich , literally the definition of it because only eternal buyers bring the drought not the ones who buy 750 rank or even a 2,5k one.

You just see the situation at current state because within last 2 weeks 2 or even 3 people have bought rank tickets for eternal and i see another 1 buying them.

That is not a common occurrence. Usually there is enough to go around if ur looking to buy few of them.

and if the ::donate store stays the same then the rank ticket's can be removed because doesn't matter which value u buy at you always get more if u buy bonds so if this goes through then he will rework the store 1 way or another.

Posted 16 July 2024 - 10:25 AM #11

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You say alot of things to be facts but they are just assumptions, you simply do not have the info and are just throwing stuff out there.


Below is a compilation of you spewing a whole lot of opinions/assumptions as facts, when clearly I've disproven all of them through screenshots and logic.

for most people in the server it makes absolutely no difference but surely omi will lose money cuz of it.

There are so many bonds ingame , there would be a huge increase in rank tickets then without any benefit to the server.

And the logic that more people will buy bonds and  sell for gp just does not make sense because price will change maybe like 10-20% at best because currently 

what ive seen past months they sell super quick , probably fastest selling item in the game.

This update would just use huge chunk of the bonds that are in game and turn them into rank tickets, it wouldn't mean people would buy more bonds

Player would not buy rank tickets from ::donate because of the free bonus tokens whilst buying credits.


I'll break this down in 3 replies


1.Currently people buy more rank tickets than bonds you are correct, but what u don't know is that it is just now , most of the times it's bonds that are being bought and the more bonds get bought out cuz of rank upgrade that means there will be less and less bonds out there


2.And yes that is catering to the rich , literally the definition of it because only eternal buyers bring the drought not the ones who buy 750 rank or even a 2,5k one.


3.and if the ::donate store stays the same then the rank ticket's can be removed because doesn't matter which value u buy at you always get more if u buy bonds so if this goes through then he will rework the store 1 way or another.

1.Another assumption, I would imagine between the 2 of us I've played and dealt with the eco significantly longer than you have, and it's ALWAYS easier to get bonds than rank tickets 100% of the time. Anyone who's had the luxury of dealing with this would know this, but I guess this is what YOU dont know


2.I don't know if you know this, but a majority of players cannot afford to buy eternal rank. sure recently 2 other players have been going for it, but this will cater to anyone whos going for ANY rank.


3.I'm almost positive those extra tokens don't allow players to buy more bonds, considering there is a bond allowance based on how much you donate, so players will still be buying rank tickets regardless of how you 'feel'. If you want to continue to reply feel free to dm me if this thread gets too long, but I really haven't seen any decent argument on why this would be a negative to the server, and if anything would only lead to more donations, again because donators will get instant gratification, which is the whole reason they're donating to begin with.






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Posted 16 July 2024 - 10:43 AM #12


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1. great flex and thats what i said.

2. again that's what i said and when there isnt 3 ppl goin for eternal there has always been people selling rank tickets.

3. again why buy 400 ticket if u can get 10 bonds that u turn into rank tickets and extra credits to store.

Never said it is negative thing to the server , i said this would affect small portion of the server and omi would not really benefit from it.

Loads of things can lead to more donations , such as the donation store event that comes every once in a while.

If you have been around so long then u would know that bonds go quickly if sold in yell, sure price will fluxuate with that update but after eternal buyers got theirs then prices will slowly drop again to a certain point as they do.


You do not need to get upset , i am not coming at you in any way i am just giving u another perspective.

Posted 16 July 2024 - 10:58 AM #13

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1. great flex and thats what i said.

2. again that's what i said and when there isnt 3 ppl goin for eternal there has always been people selling rank tickets.

3. again why buy 400 ticket if u can get 10 bonds that u turn into rank tickets and extra credits to store.

Never said it is negative thing to the server , i said this would affect small portion of the server and omi would not really benefit from it.

Loads of things can lead to more donations , such as the donation store event that comes every once in a while.

If you have been around so long then u would know that bonds go quickly if sold in yell, sure price will fluxuate with that update but after eternal buyers got theirs then prices will slowly drop again to a certain point as they do.


You do not need to get upset , i am not coming at you in any way i am just giving u another perspective.

I'm not upset, but the sassy 'this is my last response' was weird.


1. that is not what you said, you said "

most of the times it's bonds that are being bought
which is not true.


2.Yes people sell rank tickets, but they never last, rank tickets are always a hard find.


3.Great point, and honestly I don't know, just like I don't know why people would buy $100 bonds instead of a rank ticket when rank tickets always gave more gp/$ even if you calced the extra tokens. We should still give people the option regardless, I think it has something to do with how certain players around the world are allowed to donate, what charges taxes and what doesn't but I'm not 100% on that.


I'm not upset, I don't mind going back and fourth, it can show me where I might be missing something in my suggestion that would make it not work, not just people voting no for no reason other than 'it benefits the rich'. Only real thing I can see is the bonus tokens being an issue, but I also stated I don't mind giving donators more incentive to donate






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Posted 16 July 2024 - 11:02 AM #14


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It's a great idea that just needs work , donation prices are set there for a reason .

And you assume people would donate more , if that is the case then no matter how many no's are in the vote omi will implement it.

More money with no downside to the server update will be accepted always, it's a win win.

Posted 17 July 2024 - 04:02 PM #15



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Rank tickets exist due to the fact that a $450 donation during a sale gives you 6375 tokens, which allows you to buy 45 $10 bonds and then still have 1875 (almost $200 worth) of tokens left over. This is why we never accept bonds/tokens for custom items, when we price something at a specific price such as $100 for an Infernal cape, we will only accept a Rank ticket for it because we know that the Rank ticket cost exactly $100/$150 and that is what the server receives in exchange for it.


If we were to implement your change, there would be no reason to buy Rank tickets outright, you'd simply wait for a sale (although that's not necessary either, you'd still get bonus tokens without a sale) and rack up as many free tokens as possible alongside your 45 bond purchase. This might lead to more Rank tickets being available in-game, but reduces income for the server because we're also giving away a bunch of tokens in the process, ultimately leading to less funding for advertisements/development/etc which already has reduced over the years due to inflation (we haven't raised any store prices since our launch in 2016). 


We may consider the idea of adding in a $50 or $75 Rank ticket to make it easier to get your hands on them (potentially providing slightly less rank than the 1:4 ratio), but unfortunately we have to decline this suggestion.

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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