Buy enhanced teleport crystals/crystal armour seeds. Turn them into crystal shards with the Amrod npc in Priffdinas. Buy crystal keys from vote shop/slayer shop. Put them together. Spam open chests.
enhanced teleport seeds are 1/1000 pickpocket rate
crystal armour seeds are 1/50 drop rate from gauntlet
if a pickpocket takes 3 seconds -> each enhanced teleport seed takes 50 minutes -> 150 shards / 50 min -> 3 shards / min
if a gauntlet takes 8 minutes -> each crystal armour seed takes 400 minutes -> 250 shards / 400 minutes -> 0.625 shards / min
So to purchase the hundred or thousand enhanced keys you're talking about -> what is the cost? -> if time is money, how much is the cost in time?
Doing thieving for enhanced crystal teleport seeds
100 keys = 1000 shards -> at 3 shards / min -> 5.55 hours (assuming you never fail a pickpocket)
1000 keys = 10,000 shads -> at 3 shards / min -> 55.55 hours
Doing gauntlet for crystal armour seeds
100 keys = 1000 shards -> 0.625 shards / min -> 26.66 hours
1000 keys = 10,000 shads -> 0.625 shards / min -> 260.66 hours
What's my point? You're downplaying the work it take to obtain these enhanced crystal keys
Most of the server is playing ironman/realism where buying your way through is not an option.
Just because you can buy enhanced keys in bulk does not mean the rate doesn't need to be adjusted.
The average RSPS player does not want to spend 55 hours of their life pickpocketing elves (that's an underestimate too).
By the way, I didn't even factor in the time it would take to gather enough vote points/slayer points to purchase 1,000 crystal keys.