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New Vote Boss

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Posted 19 June 2024 - 10:24 PM #1


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Let's do things to try to grow Alora's player base to what it used to be and should be!



What is your suggestion?:


First, before talking about the vote boss, I'd like to suggest: Add 3 more websites to vote on.


The current websites we have to vote for are: RuneLocus, RSPS-List, and Moparscape.

I suggest adding voting links for the following websites: Top100Arena, RuneList, and TopG.




The main suggestion, adding a vote boss, Avatar of Destruction!


I think after voting on 3 websites we should receive the standard vote book, but after voting on 6 website we could additionally receive a key to access this vote boss.

This key should be untradeable and only one useable to access the boss every 12 hours to prevent it being abused.


This boss should have two main features:

1. Scaling in difficulty for each time you defeat it. It should be possible for a new player to defeat it within their first day, but not scaling to the point where end game people struggle.

2. A VERY good drop table that makes voting even more neccessary to help gaurentee we stay as high ranked on these websites as possible.


Suggestions for common loot include:

Manta rays, karambwans, prayer potions, super potions, ranging potions, cannonballs, blood runes, death runes, gold ore, adamant bars, rune bars, uncut gems, high level herbs and seeds.


Suggestions for rare loot include:

5x Crystal key, 2x Enhanced crystal key, Vote book, Instance token, Marble block


Suggestion for ultra rare loot and proposed drop rate:

Random booster scroll (1/20), Magic stone (1/35), Imbuement scroll (1/50), Mystery box (1/100), Super mystery box (1/150), Ultimate mystery box (1/200).



Is this in OSRS?:




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:




How would this benefit Alora?:


Adding the new sites to vote on:

These are all the top ranked websites when it comes to SEO and almost all other top servers are using them.

This is leaving many potential new players to find another server by not being ranked on these websites.


Adding the new vote boss:

Having something like this gives even more of a reason for everyone to vote to ensure we are ranking as high as possible on these websites.




Ultrimately, this benefits Alora by bringing more players which strengthens the game economy and also brings in more revenue. More revenue typically equals more dev time.

| EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" | HCIM "Anticipation" | Classic "REWK" | Realism "uwk" | Main "Ruwk" |

Posted 19 June 2024 - 11:00 PM #2

Satan Smash
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SUPPORT but im not sure they are going to add 3 new websites but maybe just add this boss anyway :kekw: 





Posted 19 June 2024 - 11:49 PM #3


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Not a terrible idea, adjustments would definitely be made to the drop tables you mention especially with imbuement scrolls either being way more rare or not available at all. But I do like the added ways of obtaining marble blocks/magic stones as they're hard to come by on an ironman without buying bonds. Supply drops would also be really clutch!

Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:04 AM #4


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Not a fan of custom bosses with custom loot at all. Cosmetic boxes, instance token etc should never be obtainable from a boss in-game sounds like custom scape to me.




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Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:15 AM #5


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A bit of a tough one this. The suggestion would definitely help in terms of incentivizing more people to vote for the server which is a good thing.


But apart from very few things, Alora is pretty much 1:1 to Osrs so the custom bits are hard to digest.


No support from me just because of the custom issue but the idea itself isn't too bad. 

Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:30 AM #6


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SUPPORT but im not sure they are going to add 3 new websites but maybe just add this boss anyway :kekw: 





Adding the websites would help the server to grow a lot!



Not a terrible idea, adjustments would definitely be made to the drop tables you mention especially with imbuement scrolls either being way more rare or not available at all. But I do like the added ways of obtaining marble blocks/magic stones as they're hard to come by on an ironman without buying bonds. Supply drops would also be really clutch!


Keep in mind you can only kill it twice per day so those lower drop rates aren't as crazy as you may think!





Not a fan of custom bosses with custom loot at all. Cosmetic boxes, instance token etc should never be obtainable from a boss in-game sounds like custom scape to me.


A bit of a tough one this. The suggestion would definitely help in terms of incentivizing more people to vote for the server which is a good thing.


But apart from very few things, Alora is pretty much 1:1 to Osrs so the custom bits are hard to digest.


No support from me just because of the custom issue but the idea itself isn't too bad. 


We already have custom ::event bosses with custom drops, Skotizo in the wilderness with custom drops, supply chest, bloody chest, etc.. So there's already a lot of custom stuff. It's not custom scape just because of a few bosses. There's no cringe custom items and Alora has all of the content OSRS does have. That's what makes it similar to 1:1. I don't see how having one more additional custom boss makes much of a difference especially when it's already an NPC from OSRS and it also has an immense positive impact on the game.

| EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" | HCIM "Anticipation" | Classic "REWK" | Realism "uwk" | Main "Ruwk" |

Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:32 AM #7

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How about instead of a boss, you get a global drop rate buff for 60 minutes after like 100 ::claimvotes on the server or something similar.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:41 AM #8


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How about instead of a boss, you get a global drop rate buff for 60 minutes after like 100 ::claimvotes on the server or something similar.

Yes there are a lot of different things that could be chosen to implement in order to help convince people to vote more often. This is another example. Whatever the community wants. Truly my suggestion is more so to create a way to help the server get more votes and get ranked on more popular websites than it is about adding some new boss.

| EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" | HCIM "Anticipation" | Classic "REWK" | Realism "uwk" | Main "Ruwk" |

Posted 20 June 2024 - 02:37 AM #9



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A very nice idea indeed, this would make most of people vote daily & obviously we would higher the listing of Alora in private server lists.

Though I would swap vote pet being received from the boss rather than opening books and also I would not like to see cosmetics/ultimate boxes being in the drop table.


All-in-all I support the idea.



Posted 20 June 2024 - 04:24 AM #10

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I’m Neutral .

A lot of valid points have been raised but I am leaning more towards siding with Mufasa. The more custom bosses we ad, the further we deviate from what Alora is. At least this is just my personal opinion.

The aforementioned bosses such as skotz, ::event etc already exist in OSRS though just tweaked slightly for more engaging content.

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Posted 20 June 2024 - 05:24 AM #11

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Neutral on this one aswell. Sure it is beneficial to the game when more players are voting and getting the Alora name out there. I think custom bosses like this wouldn't be used as much as you think and could end up as dead content. Maybe combine this ''vote'' boss  with Scurrius, the rat boss.


Posted 20 June 2024 - 06:51 AM #12

RNG Bitch
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I kinda like the idea but it seems a bit custom-scape. Id go with something like - x2 votes = 1 boss kil, so you get 1 a day, this can be a currently unused boss from OSRS (Rat boss maybe, as it would be dead content on Alora otherwise if implemented)


Rewards are:


1 Hour Drop/Raid/Clue boost

Pet chance

Vote book chance




Posted 20 June 2024 - 09:50 AM #13


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I dont hate the main suggestion. id half heartedly say support even. 

its gotta be a selling feature - check
new player friendly - check
but i dont know!


How about instead of a boss, you get a global drop rate buff for 60 minutes after like 100 ::claimvotes on the server or something similar.

I like trying to get new people to the server, this suggestion just benefeits the hardos that already play this game 24/7
i wouldnt say someone looking for a community would pick us for a buffed drop rate for lots of votes. spit balling. 

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Posted 20 June 2024 - 12:28 PM #14

Clean Clicks
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Top100Arena, TopG, and RuneList attract minimal organic traffic, primarily consisting of RSPS players who only visit the sites to cast votes to earn rewards on their played RSPS. YouTubers are the most accurate way of advertising your RSPS at this current time.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 01:11 PM #15


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A very nice idea indeed, this would make most of people vote daily & obviously we would higher the listing of Alora in private server lists.

Though I would swap vote pet being received from the boss rather than opening books and also I would not like to see cosmetics/ultimate boxes being in the drop table.


All-in-all I support the idea.

Maybe two possible vote pets? Bc if Avatar of Destruction were to be used for this, it would make sense to get a pet version of that as a drop. But I also like the idea of the pet being a drop rather than just claiming a vote book!



I’m Neutral .

A lot of valid points have been raised but I am leaning more towards siding with Mufasa. The more custom bosses we ad, the further we deviate from what Alora is. At least this is just my personal opinion.

The aforementioned bosses such as skotz, ::event etc already exist in OSRS though just tweaked slightly for more engaging content.


The second point you make I'm confused about as it's repurposing both of these bosses. Avatar of Destruction that I had suggested is already in OSRS as well, it would just be repurpoposed like these.




Top100Arena, TopG, and RuneList attract minimal organic traffic, primarily consisting of RSPS players who only visit the sites to cast votes to earn rewards on their played RSPS. YouTubers are the most accurate way of advertising your RSPS at this current time.


The first part of this is just untrue. Anyone who is looking for a new RSPS to play that hasn't played them in a long time is either going to go directly to runelocus.com or they will google search "RSPS List", "Top RSPS", "OSRS private server", etc. When you search that, these additional 3 websites come up on the top 6 lists.


But I do agree with you that youtubers making videos promoting it is currently the best marketing.



I kinda like the idea but it seems a bit custom-scape. Id go with something like - x2 votes = 1 boss kil, so you get 1 a day, this can be a currently unused boss from OSRS (Rat boss maybe, as it would be dead content on Alora otherwise if implemented)


Rewards are:


1 Hour Drop/Raid/Clue boost

Pet chance

Vote book chance


What would be the difference between using Avatar of Destruction and Scurrius? They are both boss type NPCs from OSRS that are not currently used in Alora. Though I'm not opposed to using Scurrius, the actual NPC doesn't really matter.


| EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" | HCIM "Anticipation" | Classic "REWK" | Realism "uwk" | Main "Ruwk" |

Posted 20 June 2024 - 02:32 PM #16

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The first part of this is just untrue. Anyone who is looking for a new RSPS to play that hasn't played them in a long time is either going to go directly to runelocus.com or they will google search "RSPS List", "Top RSPS", "OSRS private server", etc. When you search that, these additional 3 websites come up on the top 6 lists.


But I do agree with you that youtubers making videos promoting it is currently the best marketing.


Website traffic itself is not a direct ranking factor, it is SEO. I Google searched "RSPS List" - granted, Top100Arena was at #7, TopG was at #5, and RuneList was at #4, but most people don't usually bother visiting websites ranking below the top 3 or 5 positions in Google search results.


Individuals who have been away from the RSPS community for an extended period will typically gravitate towards popular platforms such as RuneLocus, Rune-Server, or MoparScape upon their return.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 03:04 PM #17


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Website traffic itself is not a direct ranking factor, it is SEO. I Google searched "RSPS List" - granted, Top100Arena was at #7, TopG was at #5, and RuneList was at #4, but most people don't usually bother visiting websites ranking below the top 3 or 5 positions in Google search results.


Individuals who have been away from the RSPS community for an extended period will typically gravitate towards popular platforms such as RuneLocus, Rune-Server, or MoparScape upon their return.


I never said website traffic is what constitutes its ranking. While you are right about most people not clicking past the third website listed, they rank differently depending on what you search. There is a reason every server that is more popular has players vote on all of these platforms. I think it's less about the weight of the impact it has and more about it having some amount of impact at all. If a server wants to thrive it should be doing everything it can that has some impact, not only the things that have the absolute most impact. If you're not a fan of voting on more than 3 websites, with my proposal in this suggestion, you wouldn't have to. You could still get the same reward you get now for only voting on 3 websites as it is currently. No matter how you see it, the suggestion of adding more servers to vote on can only have a positive impact.

| EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" | HCIM "Anticipation" | Classic "REWK" | Realism "uwk" | Main "Ruwk" |

Posted 20 June 2024 - 03:32 PM #18

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I like and support this idea! I think a vote boss of some sort would be kind of a cool concept! and with the adding more vote websites I think it would be a good idea because it can help boost the Alora server by promoting to new players as well as getting more people to vote!! I know there a few who disagree with this topic but quite like the concept! I also like the idea that @RNG Bitch had said about x2 votes = 1 boss kill that you get to do once a day, that way its not too custom since i see some who don't like the idea of it being full custom! But over all i like this, so you have my full support on this one :)

Posted 20 June 2024 - 03:40 PM #19

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I never said website traffic is what constitutes its ranking. While you are right about most people not clicking past the third website listed, they rank differently depending on what you search. There is a reason every server that is more popular has players vote on all of these platforms. I think it's less about the weight of the impact it has and more about it having some amount of impact at all. If a server wants to thrive it should be doing everything it can that has some impact, not only the things that have the absolute most impact. If you're not a fan of voting on more than 3 websites, with my proposal in this suggestion, you wouldn't have to. You could still get the same reward you get now for only voting on 3 websites as it is currently. No matter how you see it, the suggestion of adding more servers to vote on can only have a positive impact.


Your claim that my statement about the 3 websites receiving minimal organic traffic was false, followed by your remarks on their Google search rankings, does suggest otherwise. The top 5 RuneScape Private Servers at the moment do not appear on the recommended 3 RSPS lists, and there are specific reasons for this.


Regardless of whether or not Omicron decides to include Alora in these 3 RSPS lists, I will continue to cast my vote wherever possible to demonstrate my backing for the RSPS I am presently engaged with. Nevertheless, I am sceptical that including Alora on Top100Arena, TopG, and RuneList will lead to a rise in player numbers.

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