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Completionist Cape / Monkey requirement proposals.

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Posted 19 June 2024 - 05:51 PM #1

Formula One


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Before we dive in, if you are not familiar with the completionist monkey / cape please head over to the wonderful guide by H - https://www.alora.io...ey-information/

A new contender for Alora’s 2024 bingo card has arisen being ‘Quiver required for Comp Cape’ alongside its colleagues such as ‘GIM buying banks’ ‘Ruck staff’ and ‘Merging realism’.

All jokes aside, the purpose of this topic is to have a genuine input into potential requirements for the cape in the near future. A single location where we can put our ideas in for the Dev team to take on board a consider. Rather than the aforementioned where WE ALL just vented/argued.

So please, withhold any arguments and keep this civil , let the dev team take onboard the ideas and decide what is suitable for the community.
This isn’t another forum to vent your frustrations on this topic. It’s purely a collection point for some ideas on what some requirements could possibly be.
Mods - feel free to edit this post as required to suit your needs.

The format:
Very simple, it’ll outline the current requirements with a keep or remove option followed by your ideas.


Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep / Remove
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep / Remove
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep / Remove
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep / Remove
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep / Remove
- Quiver obtained Keep / Remove

Proposed Requirements



How can it be implemented?:


Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Keep

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Add a 50-100 kill count requirement for Tempoross, Wintertodt, Guardians of the Rift.

Relevance: Comp cape signify’s more than PvM achievements. Adding a mid-high KC requirements of skilling mini-games will give able opportunity to ‘master’ those mini-games and have an understanding of the gameplay which in return they can show newer players. Also this may help the activity numbers of said mini games.

How can it be implemented?: Adding these into their respective areas for achievement diary.

classic_large.pngEliteSR20   hcim.pngToto Wolff   gim.pngCarl Gustav   uim.pngTraction Off   eim.pngPerson 5

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Posted 19 June 2024 - 07:41 PM #2

RNG Bitch
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There is an easy solution here surely, there’s comp cape plus all the monkey variants, have one cape/monkey that requires the initial requirements to be met as it always was, then for other variants require additional reqs, such as colo for one, x amount of boss kills for another and so on.




Posted 19 June 2024 - 08:31 PM #3


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I personally like how this topic is outlined with the format to follow, but at the same time I feel there's already been enough relevant discussion on this topic for the staff team to come to a conclusion. Regardless, I'll still partake.

- Meet the requirements for a max cape: Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape: Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary: Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat: Remove
- Have at least a total of 1b exp: KeepIncrease to 2b

- Obtain quiver: Keep

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: 5 TOA (not exper mode) required apart of desert elite diaries alongside adding master or grandmaster combat achievements

Relevance: It's a part of "Completing" the game

| Realism "uwk" | HCIM "Gl" | EIM "Lydo" | UIM "um im uim" |

Posted 19 June 2024 - 08:39 PM #4

Formula One


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There is an easy solution here surely, there’s comp cape plus all the monkey variants, have one cape/monkey that requires the initial requirements to be met as it always was, then for other variants require additional reqs, such as colo for one, x amount of boss kills for another and so on.

Just to try keep this forum in line with the addition, below is your input:

Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Maintain the old baseline requirements for Comp Cape, with new additions and extra requirements - create a new variant of cape/monkey to display the achievements.

Relevance: Suitable for all levels across Alora, appeals to the cloggers who wish to show off their achievements.

How can it be implemented?: Variants to be included in Collection Log slots.

classic_large.pngEliteSR20   hcim.pngToto Wolff   gim.pngCarl Gustav   uim.pngTraction Off   eim.pngPerson 5

Beginning of Main account  -  Link to the challenge





Posted 20 June 2024 - 02:28 AM #5



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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Make another completionist cape which will grant additional Dizana's bonus. (Also Grand Master completionist cape should have these bonuses as well).

Relevance: Will simplify the situation, for many people, as well as Hardcore accounts will continue to have their hard-earned completionist capes without risking their life to get a "good spawns" and rely on high ping/skill completion of Colloseum.

How can it be implemented?: Dizana's completionist cape + Grand Master completionist cape should have slighly better bonuses than other monkeys/completionist capes.



Posted 20 June 2024 - 04:23 AM #6


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove



Proposed Requirements


Somehow make an actual vote currently the vocal majority is not using forums so no matter what happens in the thread you will not know oppose to people actually are agains the quiver comp requirement. Anyone who spends alot of time ingame know that people are not happy with it.


Make the quiver as an addon to the comp cape so u get the relevant bonuses with it. otherwise u would have to wear normal quiver without getting the comp cape bonuses.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 04:31 AM #7


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Maintain the old baseline requirements for Comp Cape or include some new minimum boss kc required like cox/toa/tob, with new additions and extra requirements - create a new variant of cape/monkey to display the achievements.

Relevance: Suitable for all levels across Alora and compensates for people with large ping differences that limit their ability to do certain content.

Also important to factor HCIM who grinded out previous comp cape req by going into wildy etc, now to be locked behind quiver.

How can it be implemented?: Variants to be included in Collection Log slots.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 04:38 AM #8

Gim no mo
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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained / Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: in my opinion all should've stayed the same with comps. only if u want to get extra bonuses and ammo slot it could be new comp variant to obtain from colosseum. cause i'd love to see colosseum being content everyone like to do and try, but now its only been done with absolute max gears and only few ppl. cause of delays on prays, 1/100 RNG and ''awesome spawns'' its very hard to do for normal alorian.

Relevance: Will simplify the situation, for many people, as well as Hardcore accounts will continue to have their hard-earned completionist capes without risking their life to get a "good spawns" and rely on high ping/skill completion of Colloseum.

How can it be implemented?: Variants to be included in Collection Log slots.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 04:47 AM #9

GIM Shockre
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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep 
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep 
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep 
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep 
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep 
- Quiver obtained Keep 

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Keep the requirements the same, mainly because we're talking about comp CAPE which combines all the best in slot capes into one. Also I'm against adding Combat achievements into comp cape requirements since they have their own rewards.






Posted 20 June 2024 - 05:07 AM #10

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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep 
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep 
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep 
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep 
- Quiver obtained Remove 

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Add High level (skilling) bosses KC - Something like combined Godwars dungeon 500KC, Wintertodt, Tempoross, Zalcano Combined 250KC. 3 minigames completions, TOA Killcount just like COX and TOB (entry mode) Quiver removed because it could be added to the excisting comp cape and make an even better version of it.

Relevance: Makes the end game more complete. 

How can it be implemented?: Makes it more of an completion to add more content to the cape


Posted 20 June 2024 - 10:32 AM #11

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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained / Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: add 5 toa (elite desert diary ) add 5 cox (elite kourend diary)
would match and make sense with the already 5 tob kc for Morytania diary
Quiver is a great update but make it an add on with comp/monkey variants with added bonuses
Make it suitable for all players after all this is a rsps

Posted 20 June 2024 - 10:53 AM #12


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: keep the comp cape/monkey exactly the same as its been this whole time and add a comp cape ( b ) which has the stat upgrade of the quiver once a blessed quiver has been added to it.

Posted 20 June 2024 - 11:39 AM #13

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Thank you for creating this topic, @ Formula One


Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep (Even when sailing is added)
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Keep

Proposed Requirements


    - Add 5 TOA Expert KC, could be swapped for KQ KC in desert diary since KQ head is required (Honestly this is more reasonable than TOB since TOA can be solo'd)

    - Add Elite CA point level requirement, since master & GM have cape transmogs already

    - Add 300 Collection log requirement, since 500 for mythic & 750 for ICE already exist


   - Gives love to CA's & TOA which were not added to comp cape req.

   - Collection log requirement is like 1 hr at puro puro

   - Still achievable by the majority of players but gives a more 'competionist' feel to the newer content


    If possible, make the KC requirements retroactive. Recently with awakened CA's, TOB KC req, other things, KC obtained in the past was not counted.


Posted 20 June 2024 - 02:26 PM #14



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very funny how you throw the first rock to a certain player and then ask to keep it civil xD ( flamebait ??? )


*A new contender for Alora’s 2024 bingo card has arisen being ‘Quiver required for Comp Cape’ alongside its colleagues such as ‘GIM buying banks’ ‘Ruck staff’ and ‘Merging realism’ .*

*So please, withhold any arguments and keep this civil*


Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep 
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep 
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep 
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep 
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep 
- Quiver obtained  Remove

Proposed Requirements:

add some toa kc (5) and some collection logs items ( 300-500)

i wouldnt mind adding some total boss kc or like a 500 godwar kc ( total from all godwar bosses)


Relevance: switch the kq kc for some toa kc ( no expert mode), 5 kc would match the 5 tob kc and the 5 cox kc already needed for comp.

boss kc and x number of collection logs could be implented the way music cape work , 3x 200ms and 1b total xp.

How can it be implemented?: i would remove the quiver from normal comp monkey and create an in between comp monkey (t) like @ Sassafras stated on another post.  this would be another thing to achieve b4 golden monkey.




this could be a 2b total xp cape, awakened bosses, colloseum req, like harder stuff some player could work on. this would create different goals and not punish all the players that have already worked for their comp capes. this cape would be for another tiers of gamer i guess, but its always fun to grind harder to get bis stuff.


Posted 20 June 2024 - 03:39 PM #15


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Honestly just remove the comp cape all together make infernal cape/ma2 cape great again!


Just kidding...


- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep 
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep 
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep 
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep 
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep 


(For normal comp cape) 


- Quiver obtained Keep 

(For comp cape (i))

Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted 20 June 2024 - 08:27 PM #16


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted 20 June 2024 - 11:10 PM #17


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Maintain the old baseline requirements for Comp Cape or include some new minimum boss kc required like cox/toa/tob, with new additions and extra requirements - create a new variant of cape/monkey to display the achievements.

Relevance: Suitable for all levels across Alora and compensates for people with large ping differences that limit their ability to do certain content.

Also important to factor HCIM who grinded out previous comp cape req by going into wildy etc, now to be locked behind quiver.

How can it be implemented?: Variants to be included in Collection Log slots.

Posted 21 June 2024 - 07:26 AM #18


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Current Requirements
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove


I think the best way forward is already in game as it is. You don't get the bonus stats of comp quiver cape until you use the blessed quiver on  comp cape so why not leave it like that.


Everyone that previously could equip the cape can continue doing so and if they want the boosted stats, they gotta complete the Colosseum and get the quiver blessed.


Win win for everyone

Posted 22 June 2024 - 03:48 PM #19

Sassa fras

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Current Requirements for Comp Cape
- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained  Remove

Proposed Requirements

Proposal: Satisfy both sides of this issue with a two-tier system for Comp:

1. Existing Comp Cape which is more manageable with the Colosseum requirement removed

2) Add Trimmed Comp with expanded requirements for real Alora.io gamers (as suggested by @ Sagacious , @ strudelle , and others)

Relevance: Strikes a balance between the more easy-going nature of RSPS grinds with the desire for a prestige item for elite players to show off.


How can it be implemented?: Introduce Trimmed Comp as a separate item with slight cosmetic change:


Proposed Requirements for Trimmed Comp Cape

- Have at least a total of 2b exp

- Grandmaster Combat Achievements

- Awakened DT2 Bosses

- 750 Collection Logs
- Quiver obtained 

- 500 Total clues completed

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

Posted Image

Sassa fras | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

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Posted 24 June 2024 - 08:40 AM #20

SCIM Tamber

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Current Requirements

- Meet the requirements for a max cape Keep
- Meet the requirements for a music cape Keep
- Complete the Achievement Diary Keep
- Have at least three skills 200m with a maximum of one combat Keep
- Have at least a total of 1b exp Keep
- Quiver obtained Remove


In lieu of quiver, add:

  • 5-250 of various boss kills, depending on difficulty (e.g. 250 thermo smoke devil, 250 giant mole, 250 kraken, 100 of each GWD boss, 100 abyssal sires, 100 cerb, 100 DKS, 100 KQ, 100 zulrah, 100 alch hydra, 5 nex, 5 corporeal beast, 5 normal or corrupted gauntlet)
  • 300 collection log slots
  • 150 combat tasks
  • TOA/TOB/COX - 5 raid completions of each. Normal raid modes, to be consistent with the current ToB requirement


Add a new item: Trimmed Comp Cape, with slightly higher stats that requires;

Proposed Requirements for Trimmed Comp Cape

- Have at least a total of 2b exp

- Grandmaster Combat Achievements

- Awakened DT2 Bosses

- 750 Collection Logs
- Quiver obtained 

- 500 Total clues completed


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