Event Description:
Following a similar layout as the classic tile race, teams will race each other through the board to the final tile, but with a twist!
Duration of the event:
The event will begin on the 28th of June 8PM server time and end on the 7th of July 8PM server time.
How does it work?
The participants are divided into teams of x players based on their account progress (to keep things fair). Every team starts at Barrows and work their way up on the board. During the race there are a set of passive solo and team tasks that can be done for points that can be spent on a shop to add a little spice to the race. The tasks, how many points they give and how many each perk costs in the shop will be posted in the Discord server which we will link to the participants. Along with these passive tasks you are able to complete one of the two bonus routes when you unlock the second tile. Depending on if your team wants one of the perks you might need to think twice. The Board, teams and other related info will be in the Discord server.
1st Place - 4B 2nd Place 2.5B 3rd Place 1B
Teams and Signups:
We will make teams based on account progression and donator rank to ensure that every team has a fair chance of winning. ICE members with the rank Recruit +/Invite May enter.
Sign ups close 26th June.
Please sure to sign up using this template:
Discord name:
Alora account you will be participating with:
Donator rank:
Does your account posses the Scythe of Vitur (yes/no, if no what's your best weapon):
Does your account posses the Twisted bow (yes/no, if no what's your best weapon):
Does your account posses the Tumeken's Shadow (yes/no, if no what's your best weapon):
ICE is super excited to be bringing this event to you, just a reminder, if your looking for a community to join? Join "ICE" in-game and head over to ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING - Clan Recruitment - Alora RSPS | Oldschool MMORPG to apply for a rank today!