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Posted 18 June 2024 - 04:59 AM
There are already different comp capes (gm variant for example) to show you completed these things.
Different tiers is just a big no (if you mean different stats to them with the tiers).
Would like an explanation on why a big no?
Unless i missunderstood then it's a great idea
If with the last comp cape being without a colosseum quiver had all 3 combined cape stats then you can just make the extra thing as an addon which swaps the stats with the assemblers stats. it seems quite straight forward, an upgrade if u will, it makes sense and everyone will agree to it.
Same with lets say blood torva , u can somehow add it to the comp cape and u get a different kind of look on the cape.
Again, there is absolutely no down side to it .
since i don't wanna be missundestood il say this , idm the current update but at certain point it just becomes unfair based on where u are located at since decent % of the players play with 150-300 ping
and u can't tell me that u have to be just that good to do the content at 300 ping, so it becomes unfair from that point of view.
Inferno is easy content there is basicly no skill required and even with 300 ping it is doable, but after seeing colosseum i don't think players will be able to do it with 300 ping ever or just a few players.
So think about it.
Posted 18 June 2024 - 05:04 AM
Would like an explanation on why a big no?
Unless i missunderstood then it's a great idea
If with the last comp cape being without a colosseum quiver had all 3 combined cape stats then you can just make the extra thing as an addon which swaps the stats with the assemblers stats. it seems quite straight forward, an upgrade if u will, it makes sense and everyone will agree to it.
Same with lets say blood torva , u can somehow add it to the comp cape and u get a different kind of look on the cape.
Again, there is absolutely no down side to it .
since i don't wanna be missundestood il say this , idm the current update but at certain point it just becomes unfair based on where u are located at since decent % of the players play with 150-300 ping
and u can't tell me that u have to be just that good to do the content at 300 ping, so it becomes unfair from that point of view.
Inferno is easy content there is basicly no skill required and even with 300 ping it is doable, but after seeing colosseum i don't think players will be able to do it with 300 ping ever or just a few players.
So think about it.
The reasoning is in the comment right above (my last reply).
Posted 18 June 2024 - 05:18 AM
@To gain Completely agree! Same sentiment of realistic goals should also be considered when taking into account the rest of the high ping community (not really sure how big this community is). I play at 215 ping at best and honestly love the change to awakened whisper tentacles, for example, as that made it more realistic for me to get a kill.
- Mhk likes this
Posted 18 June 2024 - 08:50 AM
I support this but I feel like it would be a lot for some players just because of high ping. Completionist cape is hard to balance to please the majority of players, which is probably why OSRS still does not have one.
I would love that we had a second variant of the Completionist cape such as a trimmed version that would only offer cosmetic upgrades but it would require GM cas, max total xp and all raid killcount capes for actually "completing" the game. Maybe even throw a 750 clog requirement as well but I don't think that's going to happen. But a man can hope...
For now, I think Elite CAs would make sense to have as a requirement for the current Completionist cape since it takes some effort and good base knowledge of PvM to get whilst not requiring all of the hardest PvM challenges in the game and there is Master and Grandmaster variants of the Completionist cape already in game. Additionally, a 300-400 collection logs requirement would be nice and not that bad, especially over time it would be even easier to accomplish with more things getting added in to the collection log.
Great suggestion, @Mhk.
- Sassa fras and Mhk like this
Posted 18 June 2024 - 01:08 PM
I have a hard time believing that a majority of the community think that completionist requirements need to be changed. No one had any issues with the requirements 2 days ago, but now all of the sudden it's a "problem"? Why it was never a problem before is probably because there are already ways to display your accomplishments beyond the cape/monkey (e.g. 23 cape/monkey variations, blorva, uniques, etc.). I was currently [and slowly] going for skeletal monkey, but now what's even the point if I can die in 1 tick in Colosseum if I have 1 misclick or 1 wrong prayer. Kind of pointless.
This entire thread reeks full of ego gatekeeping and not a whole lot of common sense. It comes across as very narrow-minded and a lot of people that I've talked to are pretty pissed off about it. Peoples accomplishments were stripped of them and they're now being forced to complete bugged content to get it back...Just think about that for 2 seconds. Regardless, colosseum isn't very realistic for hardcores. Might that change as bug fixes come out and best-practices and mechanics are shared? Maybe, but is it even worth the risk and why even lock content behind something that's not realistic for 99.9% of a community to attempt anyway? Colosseum was also added as a 1:1 update to Alora when most other end-game content on the server is tampered down in some way.
I'll bitch about it later, but I think people are forgetting that this is not OSRS (a common theme on Alora) and private server are generally not catered towards people who care for it to be an exact copy or just as difficult as OSRS. It seems like people are trying to fix something that isn't broken.
@Scorn i do agree with adding more requirements, but it has to stay realistic for every player to be able to get one.
I'd say add 100 cox / tob / expert toa, 50-100 of every boss and x amount of collection log slots.
How is this realistic for the hardcore community? Expert TOA? Wildy bosses? DT2 bosses? This is just gatekeeping mentality for the most die-hard players. When you share suggestions like this, you need to understand who you're actually catering to and what kind of server you're trying to foster. RSPS's are generally not known for having the most sweaty communities. Any new requirement added should be very well-thought out...50-100 of some boss? Maybe. X collection log slots? Sure...but again, that is already something that's included in the comp cape - the ability to have different variations to show off your collection log accomplishments.
I just have a feeling that this isn't the end of it and this conversation is going to resurface in the future. While it might not fit neatly into its definition, I do see this as a form of power creep and it's a cycle that kills games and divides communities. Even OSRS is experiencing these problems because all they've been doing for years is releasing updates that only appease the most dedicated niches of the community.
Updates like these should really be polled within the Alora community.. Please stop letting the loudest voices think that they speak for everyone. A lot of people on the staff team are sweaty nerds and a lot of people who are active on the forums are also sweaty nerds. They shouldn't be able to speak for everyone. If it passes, then so be it but jfc do it right
- Phosani, RNG Bitch, Deadsalmon69 and 1 other like this
Posted 18 June 2024 - 03:38 PM
I have a hard time believing that a majority of the community think that completionist requirements need to be changed. No one had any issues with the requirements 2 days ago, but now all of the sudden it's a "problem"? Why it was never a problem before is probably because there are already ways to display your accomplishments beyond the cape/monkey (e.g. 23 cape/monkey variations, blorva, uniques, etc.). I was currently [and slowly] going for skeletal monkey, but now what's even the point if I can die in 1 tick in Colosseum if I have 1 misclick or 1 wrong prayer. Kind of pointless.
It's not really a problem, most of the people in the replies probably thought the completionist cape requirements were a bit too easy before, but it wasn't that big of an issue to the point where a thread had to be made there and then. So when a player makes a thread suggesting to add some stuff, people will support it. And sure, there are other ways to display your accomplishments, but you're forgetting that the item is called a Completionist Cape, which in my head means you've completed the majority of the games content to some degree. And lastly, you can't really "die in 1 tick" like you say.
Perhaps once the bug fixes are pushed through it will be a little easier.
This entire thread reeks full of ego gatekeeping and not a whole lot of common sense. It comes across as very narrow-minded and a lot of people that I've talked to are pretty pissed off about it. Peoples accomplishments were stripped of them and they're now being forced to complete bugged content to get it back...Just think about that for 2 seconds. Regardless, colosseum isn't very realistic for hardcores. Might that change as bug fixes come out and best-practices and mechanics are shared? Maybe, but is it even worth the risk and why even lock content behind something that's not realistic for 99.9% of a community to attempt anyway? Colosseum was also added as a 1:1 update to Alora when most other end-game content on the server is tampered down in some way.
Your reply comes off as very disrespectful simply because they have a different opinion to you ngl.
I could say the opposite in regards to your paragraph; you're pissed because the completionist cape requires riskier content now which means your HCIM can't wear the BIS cape, see how that works?
"Colosseum isn't very realistic for hardcores": Sure, that might be the case now, but once bug fixes are pushed and perhaps future adjustments are added, then it will be more achievable for more of the player base.
How is this realistic for the hardcore community? Expert TOA? Wildy bosses? DT2 bosses? This is just gatekeeping mentality for the most die-hard players. When you share suggestions like this, you need to understand who you're actually catering to and what kind of server you're trying to foster. RSPS's are generally not known for having the most sweaty communities. Any new requirement added should be very well-thought out...50-100 of some boss? Maybe. X collection log slots? Sure...but again, that is already something that's included in the comp cape - the ability to have different variations to show off your collection log accomplishments.
I'm sorry but if you can't do a few Expert TOA's (300 invo's btw), wildy bosses that you can teleport from and/or freeze to escape then in my eyes you don't deserve to have the ability to wear the completionist cape in the first place.
I just have a feeling that this isn't the end of it and this conversation is going to resurface in the future. While it might not fit neatly into its definition, I do see this as a form of power creep and it's a cycle that kills games and divides communities. Even OSRS is experiencing these problems because all they've been doing for years is releasing updates that only appease the most dedicated niches of the community.
Updates like these should really be polled within the Alora community.. Please stop letting the loudest voices think that they speak for everyone. A lot of people on the staff team are sweaty nerds and a lot of people who are active on the forums are also sweaty nerds. They shouldn't be able to speak for everyone. If it passes, then so be it but jfc do it right
...? What updates has OSRS been adding that only appeases the most dedicated niches of the community? If anything it's the other way around. Jagex have been focused on adding early-mid game updates to the point where it's getting a bit ridiculous.
Are the "Alora staff team sweaty nerds" in the room with us right now? I recall a few months ago people were complaining about us having staff members with very minimal pvm knowledge, so which one is it?
Lastly, the active people on forums are usually those that are a lot more involved in the game and community, compared to a lot of other players. They have put in considerably more time so it kind of makes sense that their voices will amplified compared to a 1.5k total level player, no? Obviously the noobier players will vote no in order to keep the completionist cape in the reach.
My bad for yapping once again. To add a little more to my previous reply; the ideal Completionist Cape system in my head would be similar to the League Tasks, e.g Equip an Osmunten's Fang(or), Equip a set of Sanguine Torva being master tier, while stuff like Equip a Dragon Defender and Defeat KBD 100 times being Easy/Medium tier, and you unlock the Completionist Cape after something like;
Completed Achievement Diaries(Easy Task)
Achieved the Music Cape(Easy Task)
Achieved the Quest Cape(Easy Task)
Achieved 1B experience.(Easy Task)
Achieved 200M experience in 1 combat skill and 1 non-combat skill(Easy Task)
Completed the Easy Completionist Tasks(Easy Task)
Therefore you have a Completionist Cape that can be acquired by most, but if you truly want to be a Completionist then you have a whole lot of other stuff to do. Don't ask me how the easy/master comp capes differ, or what about the comp cape variants. My 2 brain cells can only work so hard.
- Sagacious, Formula One and Mhk like this

Posted 18 June 2024 - 03:52 PM
Nothing in OSRS/Alora is catered to hardcore community. You choose to play with 1 life. Why are you crying about comp cape requiring dangerous content but you're ok with MA2 cape being inside the wildy (dangerous), and even ava's assembler being a dangerous activity for you (Vorkath) < which isnt even bis anymore.
Don't play a game mode with restrictions if you're going to cry about the restrictions.
How is this realistic for the hardcore community? Expert TOA? Wildy bosses? DT2 bosses? This is just gatekeeping mentality for the most die-hard players. When you share suggestions like this, you need to understand who you're actually catering to and what kind of server you're trying to foster. RSPS's are generally not known for having the most sweaty communities. Any new requirement added should be very well-thought out...50-100 of some boss? Maybe. X collection log slots? Sure...but again, that is already something that's included in the comp cape - the ability to have different variations to show off your collection log accomplishments.
- Linkki likes this

Posted 18 June 2024 - 05:25 PM
@H There are probably better ways to make completionist more all-encompassing that don't involve needing to complete bugged content. Will it be doable after the fixes? I don't know, maybe, but considering only 1 person on the entire server is able to do it and is doing it in absolute max gear should tell you a lot. The fact that it was released in its current state, to begin with, is a bigger issue.
If what's being proposed seems unreasonable for the HCIM community, then yes of course I'm going to speak up. Nobody else is. What's wrong with that? But proposing things like "a few" expert TOA's doesn't sound very reasonable - it sounds more tryhard, if you ask me. How many people on the server as a whole even do TOA? Not many. I really don't agree with trying to foster this really hard core server. As I mentioned, most of the RSPS community isn't that sweaty. I'm not opposed to improving the game -I never have been- but when it affects an entire community/server and all sides aren't being heard then I'd like a voice. If it comes off as disrespectful, then it's probably me being passionate about it. I'm not going to apologize for that
Power creep exists in the game. I don't really know what else to tell you. Jagex has even addressed it recently and there are tons of YT videos about it. We can agree to disagree on that, but if you think TOA was the last raid or Nex and DT2 were the last bosses released by Jagex, then that's just not true lol. Are we just going to keep revisiting this topic every year and adding more and more requirements to completionist? I don't see that being practical.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being "sweaty" in your own regard, but when people start to hold others to their own standards and try to gatekeep content because of it, I see that as a problem. I don't think it's a shock that there are a lot of staff members who are very good at the game - their own opinions of what should be added shouldn't be the only voices heard.
@SG I've mained a HCIM for over 4 years. I'm aware of the risks, thank you bro. I have a problem with peoples accomplishments being stripped and being forced to complete bugged content to get it back - and now a bunch of people suggesting to add more requirements like "a few" expert TOA, awakened DT2 bosses, among other things.....? What's next, kill 500 corps without banking as a comp requirement? (kidding, pls). If you're a normie, that's fine and you can struggle through X amount of raids or repetitive Colosseum deaths until you get it. That's not really the case for a HCIM/HCGIM. And before the next person jumps down my throat, there's a line between including reasonably risky requirements and ...not reasonably risky.
- RNG Bitch and Deadsalmon69 like this
Posted 18 June 2024 - 06:34 PM
You can feel free to practice risky content on a normie as many times until you feel comfortable then do risky content on your hardcore just like people do on OSRS. Also, you are not forced to do anything you are choosing to go for this comp cape.
@SG I've mained a HCIM for over 4 years. I'm aware of the risks, thank you bro. I have a problem with peoples accomplishments being stripped and being forced to complete bugged content to get it back - and now a bunch of people suggesting to add more requirements like "a few" expert TOA, awakened DT2 bosses, among other things.....? What's next, kill 500 corps without banking as a comp requirement? (kidding, pls). If you're a normie, that's fine and you can struggle through X amount of raids or repetitive Colosseum deaths until you get it. That's not really the case for a HCIM/HCGIM. And before the next person jumps down my throat, there's a line between including reasonably risky requirements and ...not reasonably risky.

Posted 19 June 2024 - 12:29 AM
@H There are probably better ways to make completionist more all-encompassing that don't involve needing to complete bugged content. Will it be doable after the fixes? I don't know, maybe, but considering only 1 person on the entire server is able to do it and is doing it in absolute max gear should tell you a lot. The fact that it was released in its current state, to begin with, is a bigger issue.
If what's being proposed seems unreasonable for the HCIM community, then yes of course I'm going to speak up. Nobody else is. What's wrong with that? But proposing things like "a few" expert TOA's doesn't sound very reasonable - it sounds more tryhard, if you ask me. How many people on the server as a whole even do TOA? Not many. I really don't agree with trying to foster this really hard core server. As I mentioned, most of the RSPS community isn't that sweaty. I'm not opposed to improving the game -I never have been- but when it affects an entire community/server and all sides aren't being heard then I'd like a voice. If it comes off as disrespectful, then it's probably me being passionate about it. I'm not going to apologize for that
Power creep exists in the game. I don't really know what else to tell you. Jagex has even addressed it recently and there are tons of YT videos about it. We can agree to disagree on that, but if you think TOA was the last raid or Nex and DT2 were the last bosses released by Jagex, then that's just not true lol. Are we just going to keep revisiting this topic every year and adding more and more requirements to completionist? I don't see that being practical.
Also, there's nothing wrong with being "sweaty" in your own regard, but when people start to hold others to their own standards and try to gatekeep content because of it, I see that as a problem. I don't think it's a shock that there are a lot of staff members who are very good at the game - their own opinions of what should be added shouldn't be the only voices heard.
@SG I've mained a HCIM for over 4 years. I'm aware of the risks, thank you bro. I have a problem with peoples accomplishments being stripped and being forced to complete bugged content to get it back - and now a bunch of people suggesting to add more requirements like "a few" expert TOA, awakened DT2 bosses, among other things.....? What's next, kill 500 corps without banking as a comp requirement? (kidding, pls). If you're a normie, that's fine and you can struggle through X amount of raids or repetitive Colosseum deaths until you get it. That's not really the case for a HCIM/HCGIM. And before the next person jumps down my throat, there's a line between including reasonably risky requirements and ...not reasonably risky.
On Alora there has always been the discussion between "the want to be 1o1 with OSRS" and "the casual chill private server players" .
The goal should always be to find the golden spot for both parties, adding blood torva to the completionist cape is insane and should never be added as a requirement (also keep in mind the ping difference for everyone).
Completionist cape should always be within reach for all the casual players as well or this will just cost us player count in general, you already get the blood torva ornament kit to show your skill don't see any point to add is as a comp requirement. As for expert TOA I think it should be added there is nothing hard about it tbf. I am however a big supporter of adding more grindable requirements to the cape to keep people intrigued longer.
As for the bugged content topic, it should not have been made a requirement before the content was properly working. It will be fixed soon though so be patient.
And for the hardcore ironman part the completionist cape should be achievable for all game modes if you ask me. I'm a big believer that making alora 1o1 with osrs does not benefit the server at all. There is no point in keeping the 5% hardcore players if you lose the other 95% of the casual players. Everything should be in reach for everyone that's the point of a private server except for some niche things, like fang kit, blood torva, GM ca's etc..
- Formula One likes this
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Posted 19 June 2024 - 01:58 AM
@H i always see the people in forums are most active in the community, but the fact is that if ur more active it wont mean ur word means more just because u use the forums. I see so many assumptions in this thread and it is ridiculous. Fact is that it is more than split in half the opinions on colosseum but u disregard the "haters" because we are not the vocal majority here which means you as the staff team have failed to make it more active topic and get more opinions right here and make a poll or a vote or whatever and get people into the forums to vote which is easily done by advertising the things in game.
We as players can just give our opinion but most people don't use forums and if the discussion is not brought to them they will only give their opinions in game and as you clearly see they are completely disregarded here and that's a fact.
Another thing is that colosseum comp cape req was forced into us and not given a choice or a heads up or nothing.
Things like that should be polled and again majority will agree to this ( i am sure the few in forums will not )
Again now many people who grinded for the comp cape for a long while got f'd just because they didn't get any notice that u will actually have to do very hard content to keep the comp cape.
Even as what you all call " sweaty nerd " and all staff can't deny that this surprise was not handled well.
You can not forget people who have reached the comp cape without being good at pvm but they did do the skill grinds and now get punished.
And OSRS has servers for most regions but we only have 1 so big chunk of the player base plays with high ping.
@@Selenagomez Can't even take anything you say seriously, you are just aggressive and attacking person because of their opinion and passion, i have no idea why ur comments are not removed. Your comments aren't adding anything to the conversation , your just rude whilst failing the understand the reason tamber made the comment. You can leave the personal hate out of the topic.
And speaking of disrespect, i find it very disrespectful that this is more of a discussion behind a hidden door because most players do not use forums but are vocal in game.
So you as staff need to get the important topics into the game so more people get involved.
No matter what you always cater to the majority , the 1-10% who are active are not valued above the majority. Server is a business to make money so bad decisions = less money.
Idk forum rules but this is not meant to be disrespectful towards anyone, since the average casual aint talkin then trust me my opinion will atleast be consistent with the average player and even more with the players who worked for so many hours and got cucked without a notice because of a badly handled update.
Posted 19 June 2024 - 03:00 AM
I'm not aggressively attacking anyone. As a veteran of this community I am always up to date on rules and following them diligently. My addition to the conversation is simply stating that just because the person is playing hardcore doesnt mean that there cant be / shouldn't be difficult dangerous achievements for the completionist cape. I'm not sure what I did to warrant such anger from you.
@@Selenagomez Can't even take anything you say seriously, you are just aggressive and attacking person because of their opinion and passion, i have no idea why ur comments are not removed. Your comments aren't adding anything to the conversation , your just rude whilst failing the understand the reason tamber made the comment. You can leave the personal hate out of the topic.
- Linkki likes this

Posted 19 June 2024 - 03:07 AM
Posted 19 June 2024 - 03:28 AM
This is the last response I'll put out on here, if you want to talk more feel free to pm me ingame or on forums. But if you've read more topics than just this one about the colosseum being added as a requirement I said that it is difficult for plenty of people, and people still struggle with inferno (no flame but did you get youre inferno first attempt? i see you just got your 1st and only zuk kc recently this month, possibly even your comp cape based on your stats. so maybe you have a bit of bias since u just got your cape recently and had it snagged away?). It will take people time to figure out the colosseum, and again I said above if he doesnt want to risk his life on his hardcore anymore than content hes already done/doing he can attempt it and get comfortable on it first on a normal account that can die over and over again just like people do on OSRS.
Selenagomez No anger at all, you only say its very very hard for hc s but in reality it will be hard for half of the players if not more.

Posted 19 June 2024 - 03:37 AM
This has nothing to do with me and i am not bias at all, even if it's not a req for comp il get it once it has been fixed.
Just because u phrase things politely doesn't mean it's not rude or toxic.
It is not only about HC its the majority.
The people who are not good at pvm , the people with high ping. Explain why do they get comp cape taken away just cuz they are not capable of doin colosseum? They put in the work to do rest of the stuff.
Many people have only done the skills just for the comp cape , that is up to hundreds of hours of skilling which they wouldn't have done otherwise.
Your point is to make things personal but i am talking about the majority not me and tamber.
Just because vocal majority in forums wants the col does not mean majority of players want col for comp and if anyone for a moment thinks that, then they are just ignorant and again that's a fact.
To know what people actually want you need to be online ingame alot.
Posted 19 June 2024 - 01:49 PM
@H There are probably better ways to make completionist more all-encompassing that don't involve needing to complete bugged content. Will it be doable after the fixes? I don't know, maybe, but considering only 1 person on the entire server is able to do it and is doing it in absolute max gear should tell you a lot. The fact that it was released in its current state, to begin with, is a bigger issue.
Completing the colosseum is a legitimate requirement for the comp cape. Myself and several other players tested the content before-hand and reported every bug we could find, and once everything was patched it was pretty good, but bugs popping up out of nowhere is expected. It's not going to be permanent, and like I said earlier if after these bug fixes the Colosseum proves to be an extremely hard challenge, perhaps someone will make a suggestion thread asking us to turn down the difficulty a little.
If what's being proposed seems unreasonable for the HCIM community, then yes of course I'm going to speak up. Nobody else is. What's wrong with that? But proposing things like "a few" expert TOA's doesn't sound very reasonable - it sounds more tryhard, if you ask me. How many people on the server as a whole even do TOA? Not many. I really don't agree with trying to foster this really hard core server. As I mentioned, most of the RSPS community isn't that sweaty. I'm not opposed to improving the game -I never have been- but when it affects an entire community/server and all sides aren't being heard then I'd like a voice. If it comes off as disrespectful, then it's probably me being passionate about it. I'm not going to apologize for that
I still don't understand the idea of catering to less mechanically skilled players. IF the completionist cape got updated next week to include a whole list of new requirements, it would be expected that these players would learn the content to achieve the cape. The Completionist Cape should be an end-goal for players, rather than a milestone.
In regards to your proposal comment, I'd love to create a suggestion that links to this one and pretty much outline exact requirements and stuff. Most of the replies here are beating around the bush and not really giving definite suggestions. From there feedback can be applied and stuff so that most are happy.
Power creep exists in the game. I don't really know what else to tell you. Jagex has even addressed it recently and there are tons of YT videos about it. We can agree to disagree on that, but if you think TOA was the last raid or Nex and DT2 were the last bosses released by Jagex, then that's just not true lol. Are we just going to keep revisiting this topic every year and adding more and more requirements to completionist? I don't see that being practical.
I think we're misunderstanding each other, so I'll leave it at that.
- Mhk likes this

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