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1 or 2 people ruining the server

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Posted 09 June 2024 - 07:33 AM #1


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while i am an ironman who this problem doesnt affect, i still have more than 1 braincell in my head and can see the problem facing players and therefore provide my personal feedback on the issue. i feel there are currently a single digit number of players at the moment on the server who are making it their personal mission to make the game as unfun as possible for as many people as possible. im talking ofcourse of jeff bezos players of the server who are buying up every single piece of endgame gear possible for the sole purpose of not letting anyone else have them. this is a huge problem for the server and, in my opinion, a massive turn off for new players coming in who can see nothing is available for them so they end up leaving because theres nothing to aim at. it needs addressing. i am under no delusion about how a free market works, but at a certain point you need to intervene when the personal enjoyment of one or two people negatively affects a large number of players.

Posted 09 June 2024 - 08:28 AM #2


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nothing changed sir, except those who were putting in the work can sell their drops for x2-3 the price. only favours the hard working user.

currently people are just adjusting to the new set prices but thatll fade in due time as they work for drops and have x2-3 the networth in the same timeframe


Posted 09 June 2024 - 08:53 AM #3


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nothing changed sir, except those who were putting in the work can sell their drops for x2-3 the price. only favours the hard working user.

currently people are just adjusting to the new set prices but thatll fade in due time as they work for drops and have x2-3 the networth in the same timeframe


nothings changed? recently theres been 1 or 2 people actively going out of their way to buy up every single end game piece of gear (even going as far as paying way over price for them) with the sole intention of preventing everyone else from owning them. win all day has literally been seeing saying "i dont even play this server but whats the point having all this wealth if i cant just own everyhing people have". that isnt "hard work", its just straight malicious. again, i understand what a free market means but even the real world has safety measure in place to prevent 1 or 2 people owning an absolute monopoly on everything.

Posted 09 June 2024 - 09:23 AM #4


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Honestly don't see a problem. Case of demand and supply. If items are bought out, there is lack of supply, hence price of the item shoots (whether artificially or by design). Isn't this a good thing then, because now people can PvM and sell items for more profit. 

Posted 09 June 2024 - 09:26 AM #5


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That's simply how a free market works. It has been this way since server release. Person owns the eco, buys out end game items, suddenly there's none in the trading post so players that didn't want to sell their gear/older players start dumping more, then players start pvming to get these items since they're more expensive now, and eventually the eco holder stops buying and the price corrects itself. Tldr supply and demand.

I was an eco holder in like 2017 and I remember buying out bandos/prims/ags/zenyte jewellery, the price would double for a few days and then I'd check the TP again and there was like 30 of each item again.


Every time this has happened it's been temporary, we're not going to start pming these eco holders to stop spending their cash.


And to be honest, I like when the prices go up every year or 2. I had bulk amounts of random gear that I didn't really sell because the price was too low until now. Selling Acb's and prims for like 25m each felt kinda shit so most of the time I just kept them.





Posted 09 June 2024 - 09:58 PM #6

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Just wait till the current eco loses at fp, and the new winner starts selling all the items for customs and gp. Been like this for years. The cycle of gamblers.

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Posted 10 June 2024 - 02:29 AM #7

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While I understand where you're coming from and that it turns said items kinda unaccessible to the least wealthy people it is still a free market as @Hsaid. You're in your right to criticize the hoarding of endgame gear but people are also in their right to hoard them... it's their money and it would not be fair to stop people from spending it how they want. They aren't breaking any game rules.

All the items being bought out are still free from their respective bosses and if people can't afford to give 3b for a tbow it's time to start sending some cox :)

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Posted 10 June 2024 - 04:02 AM #8


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I mean I sold my tbow and scythe for what seemed like a very good price bc I was ignorant to what was happening. So it does suck, but it will correct itself eventually, so now I just have to wait it out like everyone else.

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Posted 10 June 2024 - 02:43 PM #9



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i dont have any problem with him buying everything, as @Mtam said, at least now we have good prices for items that plp work for.


its pretty good for the economie since you will want to go for those items yoursell to sell and buy something else if you are not ready for endgame content.


if a player for example cant do nex but find easy to do bandos, at least he has the opportunity to sell some bandos pieces for decent amount and will pay a decent amount for some torva.


its a circle as its been stated above, whenever he stop buying/lose his money, another eco holder gonna do maybe something different.


maybe he does it to annoy plp but overall its  another kind of ''item consumer'' which is good for the server and the economie.

Posted 10 June 2024 - 06:25 PM #10

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Eco holder is never eco holder for long, ive been on this server 5+ years over multiple accounts and they never last.

They will get cleaned sooner or later at FP and those items will trickle back to the player base via the TP/Other gamblers winning the items.


And ive heard rumours that one is hoarding with the intention of dumping into the well, to delete all the big end game items, even if they do that, no worries, people will send raids and end game PVM, the items will return.






Posted 10 June 2024 - 10:38 PM #11


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I fail to see a problem with this , if anything that is a good thing.

Even for a new player it only benefits them because if u grind u actually get paid more.

It balances the eco out nicely , there isn't tons of item dumps in tp anymore of usefull pvm items with price goin down daily, instead the prices went up alot and now will slowly go down again.

Only very very small portion of the game are upset at this current situation eventho more than most benefit from it.

The people who buy out the items run out of money and items go down and they literally cut their bank in half with all that buying.

Literally the only downside is that new players have to grind a bit more to buy certain items.


So if you think this is destroying the economy of the server then u are just wrong because it is the exact opposite.

Check tp, instead of being full of dumped items and war of goin lower and lower till someone buys it is higher price and couple of those items in market.

Just wait a while and the prices will go down.

Posted 11 June 2024 - 09:27 AM #12


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Who would thought someone in rsps who has the whole economy would use it for own benefit, damn no way....



On the topic it's been like this forever and like mentioned above just wait till the eco changes and new eco drops the prices again rinse and repeat.

Posted 01 July 2024 - 01:31 PM #13


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I hear you. I’ve been playing on this server for a while, and it’s frustrating when a few people scoop up all the endgame gear just to keep it from others. I’ve seen a lot of new players quit because they come in and see there’s nothing for them to aim for. I get that it’s a free market, but there’s definitely a point where it becomes unfair and hurts the whole community.

Posted 02 July 2024 - 12:00 AM #14



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This server is based on Ironman game mode, prices inflation is kinda nice to the server, since you do understand if you grind the boss that price has increased, you are going to be making more money now :)



Posted 02 July 2024 - 11:05 AM #15


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It's frustrating to see a handful of players monopolizing all the endgame gear. Even though I play Ironman, I get where others are coming from. It definitely kills the fun for newbies and drives them away. The server needs to step in somehow to keep things balanced.

Posted 03 July 2024 - 08:48 AM #16


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Totally get where you're coming from. I play as an ironman, so I don’t run into this issue myself, but it’s clear there’s a problem. There’s a small group of players hoarding all the endgame gear, and it’s killing the fun for everyone else. I've got a few friends who just started playing, and they're already talking about quitting because they can't get their hands on any decent gear. It’s super frustrating for them, and it makes the server feel unwelcoming for new players. We really need some kind of intervention to keep things fair and fun for everyone.

Posted 03 July 2024 - 10:18 AM #17

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I hear you. I’ve been playing on this server for a while, and it’s frustrating when a few people scoop up all the endgame gear just to keep it from others. I’ve seen a lot of new players quit because they come in and see there’s nothing for them to aim for. I get that it’s a free market, but there’s definitely a point where it becomes unfair and hurts the whole community.


You say nothing for them to aim for as if they cant just play the game like everyone else and work up to end game bossing/raids? The game doesnt just go start > Buy max gear > done.


Majority of players get their items from PVM/Raids drops.




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