My Problem with Staff 2
Now, this is a story all about how group
ironman got flipped-turned upside down.
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how an admin rucked up group iron man.
We start with a guy. Let's call him Bob.
Bob's a regular player who just started GIM.
He donates to the server; then joins the staff team.
He works his way up from server support
to player moderator and finally admin.
For his hard works, he's paid in tokens,
which exchanges for GIM removal tickets.
Putting 2 and 2 together,
Bob realizes what he found.
The cheat code to GIM
As admin, no one would question
or dare think twice
about what he's doing.
Buy GIM supplies.
Buy GIM bank.
Then when Bob quits,
sell it all back.
Who even cares?
Bob's not taking advantage of a loophole and playing ironman in a way that wasn't intended... or anything like that...
Now, in 2024 he's retired from staff.
After selling GIM bank, he claims it's too late
to stop the trading of group ironman banks.
Moral of the story?
Want to be able to trade on GIM?
No problem, just become staff.
Also Bob (in 2020)
To the many staff and community members who think that the damage is already done...
You are acknowledging that there is an integrity issue here with people not playing the game the way it was intended. So as staff and leaders of the community, what are you going to do about it?
Option 1: Fix it - how? just say no more trading GIM banks guys
Option 2: Give up on it - merge it with normie/classic
Either way, there should not be a group or elite ironman bank trading economy.
Ironman is in the name for pete's sake. It's blatantly obvious that trading of GIM banks is an abuse of game mechanics. If you want to leave and join another GIM group because your teammates quit, I don't have a problem. Do it. But if you're deliberately trying to sell GIM items or buy GIM bank, that should be treated as a punishable offense for trying to violate ironman integrity (like RWT).
@ Foxxi said it it best...
So to summarize it up for you guys...
My problem with staff here is -> they don't see how ironman bank trading is problematic
And if they do -> they aren't taking any action to restore that integrity -> instead Alan has to bring this topic up and deal with flame from staff and ex-staff.
At the very least, they could moderate the game suggestions better.
"In the past few days, literally every report has come from your threads. " - Admin @ H
Response -> Well that's because I'm doing my part and reporting things that I think are against the rules.
That's not an excuse to not look into it and give each report fair judgment.
Do your job as forum moderators. In particular, I'm referring to Logan and Not Shadow.
As for H, I have to give the man credit. H is an exemplary staff member. He sets a good example of how to handle game suggestions on forums. While we may not always agree, I respect the way he explains his rationale without taking things off topic. The man was up at 2 am responding to customer feedback. He responded to each one of the points I brought up without giving any flame/hate/name calling. He also asked for clarification on points he didn't understand – unlike To gain, who would usually take the my way or the highway; i dont care about what your way is, 'end of story' route.
As for admin Mufasa, that guy can learn a lot about how to moderate a game suggestion from H.
This comment came from a game suggestion on -> should we allow trading of group/elite ironman banks?
Here's how admin Mufasa responded. He brought up Realism for some reason?
I expect admin to be able to distinguish what's on and off topic for a suggestion post.
Lastly, I want to address why I told staff to ruck off when instructed to make a bug report.
I do not regret that and would tell staff to ruck off again, any day. Why?
Because their system of bug reports sucks. Take the tecu salamander trees for example.
They've been bugged for 3 weeks now. There's not 1 post from staff educating community members on the activities that are currently down.
I could make a bug report like staff requested, but that's a waste of time. Why?
Only 1 person needs to make the bug report. Make it public knowledge that something is currently broken -> that way 10 players don't all need to waste 1 minute of their lives making the same freaking bug report.
So how do you make bug reports (that don't cause exploitable damage) public? -> you post it in game suggestion where the entire community can see.
However, when I put in 30 minutes of my time to be that person, take one for the team, and put that knowledge out there in game suggestions -> how do staff respond?
They delete my game suggestion -> claiming it's a bug -> then they tell me to stop making game suggestions that are bugs and to instead make bug reports.
When I try to tell them that bug reports aren't public and you don't need 10 people all making the same bug report, they don't seem to understand. Not to mention, I was perm forum banned for the last year or so, where I couldn't even make bug reports. So yeah, that's why I will continue to tell staff to ruck right off if they tell me to make a bug report. It's not personal. I just refuse to make bug reports. Not like I'm getting paid tokens like staff for writing them up. By the way, you had me perm forum muted for over a year. Can you really be surprised when you get a whole bunch of game suggestions from me after you unmute me?
As for why I like to joke about To gain. The guy sent me to port sarim jail for what? playing the game in a way that wasn't intended
I hit nex 1 time with ZCB, then camouflaged as a penguin for the rest of the kill in Nex Mass.
I even checked with To gain via PMs beforehand to make sure that this wasn't against the game rules.
In fact, I reported other players that would run in last second, deal minimum damage, and snipe nex killcount after 20 seconds of work.
Staff rejected the report and said that was allowed.
Then when I do it, I'm the one that gets punished.
Here's my advice to staff. We are just players. We don't make the game. We play the game.
Don't blame the player. Blame the game.
If staff have a problem with me playing the game in a way that wasn't intended (by just doing bare minimum damage on nex), why don't they have a problem with GIM bank trading where people are playing the entire game mode in a way that wasn't intended? Why don't they blame how low they set the minimum damage to get loot threshold at nex?
Perhaps it's because staff are paid in tokens which incentivizes them to buy/sell ironman banks with the GIM removal tickets that can be purchased via the very tokens they earn from staffing.
Lastly, there's the case of ex-staff Ivy. Ivy needs to stop being so closed mined.
On one hand, Ivy will tell you -> you shouldn't really care what other players are doing as this doesn't affect your account directly.
On the other hand, Ivy will tell you -> this is the 'Alora' community forums -> everyone should get a say in whether Realism is merged
Ivy will provide the reasoning that merging realism will attract new players -> then, disregard the entire existing community it would uproot.
Similarly, I can argue that fixing GIM integrity will attract new players -> how many players don't play GIM because they know all the endgame players just buy/sell bank?
Next, Ivy will explain that the server needs money from selling GIM removal tickets. Without that it wouldn't be profitable.
To that, I'd like to say -> if you stop the buying/selling of banks of GIM/EIM, the people that want to buy bank and speedrun the game will turn to realism. This will create more investment in Realism. More rank tickets sold on the realism TP. How come? Because people need gp to buy realism bank. What's my point?
Ex-staff Ivy can benefit from lightening up a bit and being less closed minded.
Extra cringe just for Gim Crohn
Red text just for Realmungard
Tune in next time for...
Link to previous - My Problem with Staff 1