support, but let me keep normie gim status and new accs get fucked, i already got all the gear i need
No problem. That's great! You're grandfathered in! Nothing to worry about.
To be honest, I'm not trying to change much about GIM.
I'm just trying to stop players from openly advertising selling/buying GIM bank.
Why? It makes the whole server look like a joke.
Would you really want to start playing GIM on a server where the top 5 teams are buying/selling GIM bank?
Like if you want to do it under the table, I really don't actually care.
I'm not staff. I'm not going out of my way to set up sting operations to tempt potential RWTers or GIM bank buyers/sellers.
I'm just a guy keeping it real and trying his best to give OSRS fans more reason to come to Alora.