Note: Prices can change, these are the prices at the time the guide is being made. If you have any other ideas or tips please feel free to share.
Starting Out![TxpvPUn.png](
The first and most important thing you should be doing is voting and selling the vote books you receive. They sell for about 5M a pop and it's a fantastic way to start from scratch or as a new player. You can vote every 12 hours.
Once you have sold the books, go to ::shops and buy some equipment and supplies. Make sure you have some cash left over to buy dragon bones from the trading post(2k each). You need about 100 dragon bones for 99 prayer on a normal account. Ask someone to use their POH altar, After doing this you can afk your stats at sand crabs to get base 70s then start slayer.
Now that your account is ready for some training, use the equipment and supplies you bought earlier to train slayer.
Alora Events![Mt1iGeY.png](
Events are hosted during Weekdays(Wednesday & Thursday) and Weekends(Friday, Saturday, Sunday).
To familiarise yourself with the types of events hosted on Alora,
read this thread.
If you manage to get lucky and win an event or two, you can make over 100M from less than an hours work. It's important to note that you will need your own equipment to participate in tournaments, but you could ask an Event Manager to loan you some gear such as a Dharok's set for the Dharok's tournament, or a whip for the Whip/DDS tournament. An Event schedule for the entire month is posted at the beginning of every month which you can find
Event Threads are posted a day in advance to let the community know what types of events will be hosted.
Here's an example.
At the beginning I said to sell vote books as you get them. If you feel like you have a decent amount of cash to the point where you don't need to sell your books, you can save and open them (enable ;;2fa before you open the vote books or else you wont get any points). The vote shop has some great skilling equipment such as the
Rogue's Outfit which can be used to receive double loot from pickpocketing. This effect is usually taken advantage of at Vyrewatches (82 Thieving) and Elves(85 Thieving) to acquire double
Blood shards and
Enhanced Teleport Crystals which sell for around 60M and 30M each respectively.
Puro Puro is a hunter area swarmed with many implings. It is highly recommended to catch the Dragon Implings and Lucky Implings. Dragon Bones, Dragon Darts, Dragon Arrows and Ranger Boots can all be sold to players for some great cash. Items such as Dragon Longswords and Mystic armour pieces can be high alched.
Early/Mid Tier PVM![KT6uTMm.png](
These money makers can be taken advantage of by players with a lack of knowledge of PVM encounters.
Vyrewatches can be AFK'd with high prayer bonus if you have stuff to do outside of Alora, or simply want to play other games, I have made over 1B from caskets alone from 50k kills while doing it on an alt.
Phantom Muspah is a great money maker too because the Venator Shards are quite common, and even the Ancient Essence sells for about 2-3k each.
Godwars bosses except for Zamorak are fairly easy and honestly good money especially if you have 2 alts with prayer bonus gear to tank for you.
If you know how to do Gauntlet its one of the best ways to make money in my opinion, you don't need any supplies or gear to enter the boss, you simply just need quest points and 70s in some stats. guide
Armour seeds sell for about 80M and the Enhanced Weapon Seed sells for 400M+. Gauntlet is a great way to start PVM as it introduces you to prayer switching, item switching and movement.
Desert Treasure 2 bosses (Mostly Duke and Vardorvis) are a great way to make money, you do NOT need very high level gear for either boss, Awakener's Orbs are consistent money and sell for roughly 30M. Both rings from these bosses are very expensive and of course Virtus prices are dependant on what the trading post is selling them for really so you'd have to check yourself.
Demonic gorillas can be a great way to make money but I suggest doing these yourself to make your own Zenyte Jewellery. Once you have your own, you can kill more Gorillas and sell the shards.
Skotizo is a great way to make money.
Skotizo spawns every 30-45 minutes in various wilderness locations, and can drop Zenyte Jewellery as well as Archaic emblems that you can either sell in the Trading Post, or turn in to the Emblem Trader north of Edgeville bank for PKP and Cash.
Bloody keys spawn around the wilderness at random places and sell fairly often at around 4-5m each, opening the bloody key chest is not worth it even if the keys are free in my opinion. Read this guide to familiarise yourself.
Supply chests spawn around the wilderness at random places which can be opened for some great loot as well. You will need 112 Combat Level and 1M risk to open these. They are by far the most active wilderness activity when it spawns, so try to loot these when the server is less populated.
If you are familiar with Pking and escaping OR you have fast reaction times, Revenants are a great money maker. Player Killers usually like to run through the caves and kill pvmers so be alert at all times.
Endgame PVM![iyJQ0ON.png](
These money makers are for more experienced players, as you'll need some knowledge to kill these consistently.
Nex is probably the best money maker in the game if your account is able to kill it (bowfa with full crystal or zcb minimum) kills only take roughly 4 minutes in trios with best in slot gear. Torva Platelegs alone sell for around 2B.
Tombs of Amascut at level 400 invocation is up there with the best money makers in the entire game. It doesn't rely heavily on Donator rank like Chambers of Xeric does, and you don't need the best equipment in the game as long as you know what you're doing. Considering most drops from tombs are expensive all you need is 1 drop and since tombs isnt as reliant on your rank, its the best one to grind for money if you like doing Raids.
Theatre of Blood is the second best choice for raids but it's second in my opinion because you need a team to be able to do this raid and on alora teams can be hard to come by especially if you are new in the community.
Chambers is last but not least with good gear and some above average skill you can easily complete chambers runs in roughly 11-15 minutes which is very good times for solo, I suggest not spending too much time doing chambers since donator rank has a huge effect on purple chances. It's worth to do on bonus with boosters though.
Massive shoutout to @
H for formatting the post and making it look good