Welcome to my comprehensive Tombs of Amascut (ToA) guide. Whether you are new or old to tombs, I hope this guide provides you with helpful and accurate information.
Warning: It is an incredibly long guide, but don't let the length deter you, its mainly so long for completeness.
I. Overview
For those of you who don’t know, Tombs of Amascut is the third raid that takes place in the desert. This is not a safe death for any Hardcores. On death you will be placed back in the ToA lobby with all of your gear. Anything that has been dropped inside the raid will be lost. The easiest way to get to the tombs on Alora is typing in the command ";;toa" ToA can be completed solo or in a team of up to 8 people, and is different to all other raids in a way that allows you to control the difficulty, known as invocation. As the invocation increases, so do the bosses stats, making them have more HP and defense, as well as hitting harder. All invocations are set before the raid begins. The Raid has 3 different difficulty levels, Entry, Normal, and Expert Mode. This is determined by the amount of Invocations you have activated. Raids with between 0-145 Invocations are labeled as Entry level, Normal is between 150-295, and Expert is 300+.
II. Gear
Let’s talk Setups. All 3 styles are used and the gear hierarchy is as follows: Helm Slot: Melee: Torva Full Helm > Neitzinot faceguard > Serpentine helm > Helm of Neitiznot Ranged: Void Knight helm > Masori mask (f) > Armadyl Helmet > Serpentine Helm Magic: Ancestral Hat > Serpentine Helm Necklace Slot: Melee: Amulet of Blood fury > Amulet of Torture > Amulet of fury Ranged: Necklace of Anguish > Amulet of blood fury > Amulet of fury Magic: Occult Necklace > Amulet of blood fury > Amulet of fury Cape Slot: All slots: Monkey Cape / Completionist Cape Melee: Infernal Cape > Fire Cape Ranged: Ava’s Assembler > Ava’s Accumulator Magic: Imbued God Cape Chest Slot: Melee: Torva Platebody > Bandos Chestplate > Fighter torso Ranged: Void Knight Top > Masori body (f) > Armadyl Chestplate/Crystal body Magic: Ancestral Robe Top > Ahrim’s Robe Top Legs Slot: Melee: Torva Platelegs > Bandos Tassets Ranged: Void Knight Robe Legs > Masori Chaps (f) > Armadyl Chainskirt/Crystal Legs Magic: Ancestral Robe Bottom > Ahrim’s Robeskirt Weapon Slot: Melee: Ghrazi Rapier > Osmumten’s Fang > Zamorakian Hasta Ranged: Twisted Bow > Toxic Blowpipe > Zaryte Crossbow / Bow of faerdhinen > Armadyl Crossbow Magic: Tumeken’s Shadow > Sanguinesti Staff > Trident of the Swamp Shield Slot: Melee: Avernic Defender > Dragon Defender Ranged: Twisted Buckler > Dragonfire Ward > Odium Ward Magic: Elidinis’ ward (f) > Elidinis’ Ward > Arcane Spirit Shield > Mage’s book Gloves Slot: Melee: Ferocious Gloves > Barrows gloves Ranged: Void Knight Gloves > Zaryte Vambraces > Barrows gloves Magic: Tormented Bracelet > Barrows gloves Boots Slot: Primordial Boots > Dragon Boots > Guardian boots Ring Slot: All Styles: Lightbearer > Brimstone Ring > Berserker Ring (I) Ammo Slot: If using Twisted Bow: Dragon Arrows > Amethyst Arrows If using Toxic Blowpipe: Dragon Darts > Amethyst Darts If using Crossbow: Ruby Dragon bolts (e) > ruby bolt’s (e) Defense Reduction: Bandos Godsword > Statius Warhammer > Dragon Warhammer Dragon Dagger is used for wardens and should be brought along. Example TOA setups:
III. Invocations
Now on to the General invocations that affect the entire raid, and will dive into boss specific Invocations as we discuss each boss. This can be confusing, but it is important to understand how each modifier will affect your experience. The first 4 Invocations limit the amount of Attempts you have on a boss throughout the raid. This does not directly correspond to deaths. For example Hardcore Run could be active and a player could die in each room, but as long as the team successfully defeats the boss, the “attempt” is still active. The next 4 invocations limit the amount of time that you can be in the raid. This is the time spent in the puzzle room and boss itself. When you are in the lobby with the helpful spirit, this does not count against the raid time. The next 3 Invocations affect the Helpful Spirit that is present in the Raid after defeating the first 2 bosses, and again after the next 2. The next 4 general Invocations affect the Level of a boss in the Raid. As a boss “levels up” they get additional stats and start attacking more quickly. The next 5 invocations can be grouped together and affect your prayers, healing, and Special Attack. Of the above mentioned Invocations, it will depend on your comfort level with the raid with which you want to turn on. Turning on 1 of the “Attempt” and “Time” invocations is definitely recommended and should not make the raid any more difficult. As you become more comfortable, allowing yourself less attempts and faster completions will allow for higher invocation raids. The Helpful Spirit is very important in ToA and provides very beneficial supplies. As a learner I would not activate any of the Spirit Invocations, but as you become more comfortable, I find that “Need some Help” changes very little and can be activated for a free additional 15 invocation. “Walk the Path” makes each of the following bosses stronger, adding to overall raid time and difficulty. That being said, it adds 50 invocation which is quite large. The increased boss stats is easily overcome with current gear and should be turned on. “Pathseeker”, “Pathfinder”, and “Pathmaster” change the starting level of each boss. Typically when walking in the raid, each boss is Level 1. With Pathmaster activated each boss starts at Level 3 and when combined with “Walk the Path” the reach up to level 6. For your first few ToA completions, I would not activate them, but similar to “Walk the Path” the add a lot of invocation. Once you are mechanically sound at the bosses, I would definitely try and add one of these as you increase your invocation
IV. Invocations (Recommended)
In my opinion, “Quiet Prayers” and “Deadly Prayers” change very little to the raid and the additional chip damage and prayer loss is minimal. They are easy extra invocations as you progress. “On a Diet” allows no solid food to be used, but as long as you have access to Saradomin Brews, this should always be turned on. “Dehydration” is for very high invocation raids and should not be used until you are advanced. “Overly Draining” makes the entire raid longer and is not typically worth it. I would not activate this. An example setup of invocations for beginners might look like the following: A higher invocation will look more like:
The Tombs of Amascut consists of 5 bosses in total. The order in which I recommend doing them is Kephri, Zebak, Akkha, Baba, and finally the Wardens. I will go through each individual boss and their puzzle rooms included.
V. The Path of Scabaras (Puzzle)
The puzzle room before the boss Kephri contains 5 different puzzles. Runelight makes this very simple and highlights all the answers, but I will cover each puzzle in here for completeness. For all puzzles in this room, a “Scarab” will spawn and attack you. Protect from Ranged will neglect all damage. Puzzle 1: This puzzle begins by pushing the ancient button. The tiles on the ground light up in an order that is supposed to be remembered. Lucky for us, Runelight does the work for you. An important note is that all the tiles must light up before you begin stepping on the tiles. If you step on tile 1 before tile 5 has been highlighted, you will take damage and have to restart the puzzle by clicking the ancient button again. Puzzle 2: This puzzle once again starts by clicking the ancient tablet. The tablet gives you a number. The symbols etched on the ground all have a corresponding value, and the goal is to stand on symbols that add up to the number on the tablet. Once again Runelight is very helpful as it automatically highlights the symbols that need to be stood on. Puzzle 3: Players must light up all the pressure plates by stepping on them. Stepping on one tile causes adjacent tiles to shut off, so players must step on them in a certain arrangement. Once again, Runelight is incredibly helpful here and shows which plates must be stood on to complete the room. Puzzle 4: Players must hit the obelisks in a specific order. If the wrong obelisk is struck rocks will drop from the ceiling. The player can move to avoid damage from these rocks. In Alora, this room is slightly different than OSRS. The most southeast tile is automatically lit up meaning you do not have to touch that obelisk. The most Southwest obelisk is always the last obelisk that needs to be hit. That means you must find the correct order of the first 4 obelisks. Tag the obelisks with a blowpipe until 1 lights up, avoiding all rocks while doing so. This is your new starting point and if the next 1 you tag does not light up, you must start again with the first obelisk. Continue doing this until you get the order of the first 4 obelisks, and the most Southwest Obelisk is always 5. Puzzle 5: The last puzzle is a memory flip. Flip all the tiles on 1 side, run to the other and flip those. Match each tile with their corresponding image. Runelight helps a lot by labeling each symbol. A few things to note about the puzzle room: If you're going solo, you do not have to complete all the puzzles. You can complete 1 side, switch to the other and go through the door. This means of the first 4 puzzles you only have to complete 2 of them. If there are 2 or more people in the raid, the players should split and all puzzles need to be completed.
VI. The Path of Scabaras (Kephri)
The first boss that we will face is Kephri. Kephri consists of 3 phases, but all damage can be avoided. Kephri spawns with a shield protecting her. Damaging this shield until 0 ends phase 1. During the transition phase Kephri can regenerate some hp to her shield. Once the transition phase is over, Phase 2 begins. Phase 2 ends once the shield has been depleted once again. Then the final phase begins where the player can damage Kephri herself and complete the boss kill. This kill will be done in your best melee gear. The kill should start off with 2 bgs specs to lower Kephri’s defense. After the BGS, Keris of Breeching > Rapier > Fang > Zammy Hasta Let’s start with Kephri’s basic attack. She will send a bomb into the air. This is a magic based attack and protect from magic will reduce the damage if you are hit by it. A shadow will appear underneath the player. The player must move out from underneath the shadow in order to avoid damage. Above is an image that shows the shadows that appear underneath the character. Depending on the invocations activated, the player will need to move 1 tile (or 2 with Aerial Assault) to avoid this damage. After 5 bomb attacks, Kephri will perform her first special attack, “Dung Strike.” The player will be hit with a trail of dung that stays for the entirety of the fight. Placement of this is important as it can potentially block off part of the arena, or also block you in certain spots. Kephri will then perform another 5 auto attacks until her next special “Mass Incubation.” This special spawns eggs all over the floor and will explode causing magic damage. As long as you are not on an adjacent tile to the eggs when they explode, these can be completely ignored. These 2 special attacks will continue until the boss’s shield has depleted and we make it into the first transition phase. During this phase, kephri will spawn Scarabs to help defend her, as well as Scarab Swarms to help regenerate her shield. Depending on what invocations you have activated will determine which Scarabs will spawn. Without “More Overlords” a Ranged scarab will spawn. It is recommended to turn on Protect from Ranged and kill the scarab first. Keep in mind you will have to continue dodging the magic bomb attacks during this phase. They don’t come from Kephri, but instead appear as scarabs flying at you. Once the Spitting Scarab has been killed, equip your Blowpipe and kill all the Swarming Scarabs. These do not do damage, but instead regenerate Kephri’s shield. The more of them you kill, the less damage you have to do on the next phase. If the invocation “More Overlords” is activated, both a Melee and Range scarab will spawn, and both will need to be killed before moving on to the Swarming Scarabs. In OSRS you can use the dung to trap scarabs. That is not the case in Alora, you want access to kill every scarab. Once the swarms stop spawning, Kephri will become attackable again. Phase 2 will start where phase 1 ended. Keep in mind this could mean her next attack could be the Dung Strike, depending on where Phase 1 ended. The fight is the same in Phase 2, dodging the bombs and damaging Kephri’s shield. Once Kephri’s shield has been depleted a second time more Scarab minions will Spawn. This time a Melee and Mager will spawn (all 3 will spawn if “More Overloads” is active). The Arcane Scarab “Mager'' should be the first priority as it can hit very high if not killed. Then proceed to the other scarabs, and finally the swarms. Once again the transition phase will end when Kepri becomes attackable. There will be no more minion spawns at this point and Kephri will continue her auto attacks and 2 special attacks. Once Kephri’s shield is once again depleted, she will immediately do another Dung Strike and continue her cycle of Auto/Special attacks. At this point all you have to do is avoid the auto attacks and continue placing the Dung out of the way until Kephri is dead. Above shows where the Scarabs will spawn. The bottom Yellow square is where I recommend you stand for the first Dung Strike. Continue placing dung as close to that line as possible to leave yourself lots of room. A few things to note: Duo can certainly make the Kephri puzzle and room easier. 1 person can kill the Scarab minions while the other kills the swarms. This allows Kephri to heal very little of her shield back. Duo also requires coordination. It is very easy to trap a player with the Dung Strike special and for them to be killed, making the fight take a much longer time than needed. Here is some raw footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lbwL6xjLek
VII. The Path of Scabaras (Invocations)
Now let's talk about how to make Kephri easier/harder with invocations. “Lively Larvae” adds very little to the fight and should always be on. “More Overlords” can make things a little more difficult, but it’s just a total of 2 extra minions with 40 HP each. Very manageable and should be turned on. Note this is even easier with duo+. “Blowing Mud” If you are solo this is completely free. If you are duo+ it requires a little more coordination but should still be on. “Medic” causes the Scarab Swarms to spawn continuously and extends the fight length. I would not recommend having on until you are very comfortable with mechanics. “Aerial Assault” makes Kephri’s attacks hit a 3x3 area instead of a 1x1. This is easily manageable by moving 2 tiles instead of 1 between each attack and should be kept on. Note: All bomb attacks are specific for 1 person! If you are in a duo+ group, you can stand under your teammates' shadows and not take damage, as long as you are not under your own shadows.
VIII. The Path of Crondis (Puzzle)
The puzzle room for the Crondis path is quite simple. The goal is for every player to fill 2 containers with water and use them on the tree in the middle of the room. In OSRS you have to do this before the Crocodile starts eating the tree, but that does not happen in Alora and the Crocodile can be completely ignored. We take advantage of running mechanics to completely avoid taking damage and it removes timing out of the conversation. There are several OSRS guides that work well. I will provide them below as well as a video of how I do it.There are several different ways, and none are more correct than another.
IX. The Path of Crondis (Zebak)
This boss has had a few new changes recently that make it a little more difficult, but should still be a consistent room. Zebak attacks with all three attack styles, however, his melee attack hits the hardest and can apply a debuff that causes the player to take bleed damage if they move. The melee attack can be avoided via dodging. Zebak's standard attacks will be indicated by visual and audio cues: his magic attack spits a pot (clam?) into the air that splits into red orbs, while his range attack spits a large rock in the air that splinters into smaller rocks. The magic and ranged attacks can be fully blocked against if Quiet Prayers are not enabled, whereas the melee can hit through prayer, albeit with reduced accuracy and damage. The attacks will only deal damage right before impact with the player, so the magic and ranged attacks can be easily flicked. Since Zebak’s defense can be lowered, its best to start off the room with 2 BGS specs. It is important to dodge his melee attack as it hits very hard. The easiest way I have found to do this is to attack Zebak as soon as he sends out his Range/Mage attack. If you attack and leave melee distance before he is ready to attack again, you will not take damage. Zebak has a few different special attacks. The first 2 of which happen at random. Zebak will attack with a blood barrage that attacks all players. This can be negated by praying protect from magic, but flicking Zebak’s auto attacks should be a priority first. This looks like a blood barrage leaving Zebak. It can be difficult to see, but will become easier as you adjust to the fight. If he does not do the blood barrage attack, he will spawn blood spawns. These chase after 1 player and will do 2 damage per tick. These are easily avoidable, just run from them while prayer flicking auto attacks. It is very difficult to see in this image, but this is Zebak casting blood barrage. Once Zebak reaches 85%, 70%, 55%, and 40% health, he will queue up one of two special attacks listed below and alternate between them. Should Zebak's health fall to the enrage point threshold before a queued attack, it will be discarded. Great Roar - Zebak will throw jars, poison and two/three rocks onto the arena. Several attacks after doing so, he will let out a great roar, dealing massive damage to any players caught in these soundwaves for three hits. The only way to avoid this attack is to stand behind a rock (up to three tiles behind one), causing the rock to take 50 damage (each rock has 150 health). Every pattern that Zebak throws out will always have at least one jug that will create safespot(s). Jars can be pushed or pulled straight or diagonally, so make use of direction to find a jar suitable to destroy near the rocks. Luckily in Alora, a lot of times there is a spot open behind a rock where you don’t have to deal with the jars at all. This is a new change and be very careful to not get hit by the poison as it will deal very high damage. Tidal Waves - Zebak will throw jars and poison before slamming his tail, causing boulders to drop from one direction and cause a massive tidal wave to sweep from that side of the arena. Players must avoid these tidal waves; getting caught by one will push the player down the direction it was going and deal moderate damage. The waves will also push jars down if they collide into one. If a player is washed out of the arena, they must make their way back up through the two bridges at each side; they cannot attack and are reduced to walking speed I like to stand near the ladder off to the side of the arena. There is less chance of getting hit by the poison in this area. If you can avoid the poison and flick prayers properly, then this should be a relatively easy fight.
X. The Path of Crondis (Invocations)
I would suggest having all invocations for Zebak on. They do very little to make the fight harder.
After Zebak you will gain access to the Helpful Spirit. It is best to select the Power option as it will provide you with Smelling Salts, ToA’s equivalent of an Overload, and Liquid Adrenaline, which halves the special attack consumed when using a special attack.
The Smelling Salts are very important for Akkah and the Liquid Adrenaline is very good for Ba-Ba so this should definitely be your first selection.
XI. The Path of Het (Puzzle)
The puzzle room for Akkah is very simple. Use the mirrors to bounce the light from one statue to the other. Once the light hits the opposite statue, you can mine the obelisk. If you bring in a dragon pickaxe with 99 mining and use the special attack, you can kill the obelisk before having to repeat the puzzle. If you do not kill the obelisk, you must complete the puzzle again to continue mining the obelisk. There are only a few layouts to this, and are very quick to learn.
XII. The Path of Het (Akkha)
This is the room that many people are scared of and why they choose to not learn TOA. Even after the most recent update where you can no longer safe spot Akkah, this room is still very doable. OSRS has the “butterfly” method where they don’t take any damage, Alora has kiting. This can take some time to get used to, and I would recommend doing 0 invocation raids and practicing the timing of this only. Once you feel comfortable, you can start doing it in your actual raids. Now onto the boss fight. With Alora you can take 0 damage from this room all the way up until the last phase, just by using proper timing. I am going to include the tile markers I use as well. There is a 4 tick option and a 5 tick option. For those of you that are using Sang/Trident you will use these 2 squares. For those that are using Shadow, you will use the 5t squares. Note that if you are in a duo and one person has a Shadow and the other has a Trident, you both have to use the same squares. So you will use the 5 tick squares, but the trident will just be losing 1 tick of dps, which isn’t a big deal. Another thing to note, with the new changes there is an even bigger DPS check on the shadows. If you don’t kill them in time you will take damage. At the time of writing this, I have not tested it enough to know if it’s worth changing the method, but for now I believe it will be best to stay and take a little bit of damage if you do not pass the DPS check. So on to what we do. This will be much easier visualized but I will try to break down the fight. Ignore the tile markers above, but this is what the arena looks like. It is broken up into 4 different quadrants, and as we damage Akkah, she will summon shadows, 1 in each quadrant. The entire fight we are “kiting” Akkah. This allows us to skip all her special attacks and keeps her from ever using “Protect from Magic.” It is very important to keep her from attacking us by kiting. After she hits a player 6 times, she will switch her attack style and the Kiting will no longer work. The tldr is that we damage Akkah in 1 quadrant, and kill the respective shadow. We then move on to the next quadrant, killing the Shadow in each. Once all 4 shadows are dead, you will be able to kill Akkah and the final phase will begin. This sounds confusing but I will add clips of both to show what to do. If the DPS to kill shadows is not high enough, the quadrant you are standing in will cause you to take damage. At this time, tank the damage. This is really best learned with visual, so I recommend you watch the raw footage below. The last phase of Akkah can only be done with melee. It is best to use 2 BGS specs on Akkah and then use your best melee weapon (Rapier > Whip > Fang). White balls will be traveling across the arena and do your best to avoid them, but you will likely be hit by a few. Turn on Redemption and Piety to help heal you if your hp gets too low. Watch your HP and keep attacking Akkah until she is dead. Note: I recorded these videos without using the Smelling Salts. Typically this boss is done 3rd so it is a huge DPS increase to have the salts. I however did not do the full raid, so am only using the Saturated Heart for boosts. The below video will show several different puzzle room layouts as well as a 4t and 5t Akkah: This raw footage shows both 4t and 5t method. I also mess up and it goes to show why “Stay Vigilant” should stay off. You can easily get hit due to poor pathing. The more you get the rhythm down the easier it gets. You can also use the 5t tiles with a 4t weapon if you so choose. This gives you a little more time between running so you don’t feel quite so rushed. That being said, it will decrease your DPS. Side note: If in a duo or more, Akkah will only be targeting 1 player. If you are aware of who that player is, the other players can stop kitting and just attack the shadows, as Akkah only changes aggression if she is hit. As soon as you get back on Akkah though, all players will have to begin kiting again.
XIII. The Path of Het (Invocations)
All of these Invocations should be turned on except for “Stay Vigilant.” Since we are skipping all of Akkah’s mechanics, these are all easy invocations to use. Stay Vigilant gives us less wiggle room when kiting, so it is advised to keep it off until you are very comfortable with kiting.
XIV. The Path of Het (Tile Markers)
XV. The Path of Apmeken (Puzzle)
Ba-Ba is the easiest boss in the raid, but has the longest puzzle room. The puzzle is not difficult, it just takes a little time. To start the puzzle, make sure to grab a potion and hammer from the entrance, you will need these during the puzzle. Monkeys will spawn from any of the 6 various openings in waves. There are 10 total waves with a set amount of monkeys coming from each waves. “Brawlers” are the melee monkeys and should be killed with magic, “Throwers” are the ranged monkeys and should be killed with Melee, and Mage’s are the magic monkeys that should be killed with range. There are also some “special” monkeys. These include the “Shamans” which attack with magic and summon Thralls. Typically these are a priority so they don’t spawn too many more additional thralls. The Volatile monkey is by far the most dangerous monkey. When it gets within 1 tile of you, it begins to explode. You must not be in any adjacent tile to the Volatile when it explodes or you will take very high damage. The last monkey is the Cursed Baboon which creates a trail of venom across the floor. They are non-aggressive and can be killed last. Throughout the puzzle 1 player will receive “Apmeken’s Sight” Shortly after the chat box will state there is an issue in the room. The player with the “Sight” should see red skulls above the characters head, on the Vents in the ground, or on the 4 pillars around the room. They should relay what they see to the rest of the team. P = Pillars V = Vents S = Self The issue that needs to be resolved is equal to the amount of players in the raid up to 4. For example, if the issue is Pillars and there are 3 people in the raid, 3 of the pillars need to be repaired. If you are solo, you only need to repair 1 pillar. When it is self, every member in the raid must use the potion in their inventory on themselves to not take damage from the issue. Once you have completed all the waves the puzzle is complete and you can move on to the boss.
XVI. The Path of Apmeken (Ba-Ba)
Ba-Ba in Alora is much easier than OSRS as he rarely hits and his mechanics are very simple. We will pray melee against him. It is best to start the fight by using 1 of your Liquid Adrenaline doses and using 4 BGS specs on Ba-Ba. This drastically reduces his defense and it makes using the Blowpipe the BIS item. After your specs, switch to all of your ranged gear with a blowpipe and DPS the boss. There are really only 3 mechanics that you need to be aware of. First is his ShockWave attack. Shadows will appear on the ground underneath you. You must run out from underneath the shadows or you will be damaged. The next is his Rockfall attack. He will drop a large boulder on you. You can move out of the way or you can just continue attacking Ba-Ba, if you spam click him you don’t lose any ticks while attacking. When this boulder appears all players in the party need to stand next to it. Ba-Ba will throw a large rock in the air at the players. It will deal minimal damage as long as you are standing next to the boulder on the ground. The last mechanism that we deal with for Ba-Ba is his Rolling Stones attack. This happens at 66% and 33% hp and will only happen twice during the fight. To start this special he throws you all the way to the bottom of the arena. Keep in mind to stay out of the middle if you have the invocation “Mind the Gap” on. During this time, attack the weakened boulder. On Alora it is very easy to “boulder skip” by attacking the first weakened boulder and then running all the way to the top of the arena. Once at the top and you attack Ba-Ba, he will stop throwing boulders. Another method is to “farm” the boulders. You are guaranteed to 1 shot the weakened boulders on Alora, and the more players that are in the raid, the higher this 1 shot will be. With multiple people in the raid, you hit well over 100’s and this is a very easy way to get some extra points. This is accomplished by attacking the first weakened boulder and running through the gap. Instead of running to the top though, stay back and attack Ba-Ba from the maximum range of the blowpipe. He will continue to throw boulders. Keep attacking the most weakened one and running to that gap. You lose minimal dps doing this and it is a good way for additional points. This is typically only worth doing in team raids and oftentimes the “boulder skip” is used for solos. Here is a quick video for the Path of Apmenken: Few things to note here: I didn’t have Smelling Salts OR the Liquid Adrenaline which makes Ba-Ba much easier. As you probably can see (and I am sorry for the runelight recording and not my whole screen) but the Ba-Ba fight is quite simple, and the room before is probably more dangerous. On the boulders I showed both the “farm” method as well as the skip method. You can do either.
XVII. The Path of Apmeken (Invocations)
All of the invocations for Ba-Ba do not add to the difficulty of the fight and should all be turned on.
After you defeat Ba-Ba the helpful spirit will once again appear. At this time it is advised that you take Health. It will give you brews/restores, healing scarabs which massively restore prayer, and Ambrosia. Ambrosia is a 1 click heal that automatically takes your HP to 121 and fully restores your prayer. This should be used in emergencies if you are starting to get stacked out by mechanics.
XVIII. The Wardens (Phase 1)
The purpose of this phase is to destroy the obelisk in the center of the arena. In a solo it is a large DPS check that oftentimes will result in you taking some extra damage. In duos or more this phase becomes much easier as the DPS check is easier to hit. When the fight starts, orbs will begin leaving on both sides of the obelisk, to the left and to the right that will charge the Warden’s on each side of the arena.. After a set amount of time UFO’s corresponding to both sides will drop from the ceiling and start dealing damage. We need to block some of these orbs, delaying the UFO’s of one side. To do this, once the fight starts we will stand in front of the left side orbs, blocking them. Each orb will damage you by 3. We will continue to stand in front of it until 75-78 HP and then can move. There are 2 safespots that we will be using to dodge the UFO’s. The first is on the corner of the obelisk to the left from where we enter the room. We will stand here as the red UFO’s drop. The second is the direct center of the obelisk from where we enter the room. We will stand here as the yellow UFOs drop. Once the UFO’s have both dropped down, a ball of energy will be shot at you. This is unavoidable damage and you will likely need to eat. Two balls of energy in total will be sent to the player, and then the cycle will restart, starting with Red UFOs. After the balls of energy, we can just return back to our first safe spot and continue attacking the obelisk. If the obelisk is killed before the balls hit the player, they will not be damaged. Once the obelisk has been killed we can move on to Phase 2. There are a few different methods for killing the obelisk. Depending on if we got 2 vials of Liquid Adrenaline or not, we can use 1 dose at the start of this phase. For beginners it is advised to use 1 BGS spec (2 if you drink an adrenaline) and then equip max range with a blowpipe. The BGS lowering the obelisk's defense makes the BP a very good weapon. If you are max gear, you can start with 1 ZCB spec (or 2 with adrenaline) and then switch to max mage with the Tumeken’s Shadow. The shadow is BIS for the obelisk phase and does not need defense reduction.
XIX. The Wardens (Phase 2)
To start phase 2 you will run to the right side of the arena, next to where the Warden is standing. Equip you best magic gear, and attack the warden as soon as he becomes attackable. The warden will have 2 auto attacks that make up the majority of the fight, but he also has several special attacks. He will auto attack with magic and ranged. The magic attack will consist of him moving his arm up across his body and sending a red skull at the player. Deflect from magic should be used. For Warden’s ranged attack, he will lift his leg like a baseball pitcher and throw a grey skull at the player. Protection prayers should be switched, and Warden can start to hit quite high even through prayer. Special Attacks: Divine Projectile - the Warden will disable all players' overhead prayers and fire either a red scimitar (melee), white arrow (ranged) or blue spell (magic) at everyone. Depending on the projectile launched, use the according prayer to block it, or high damage will be taken. This attack is used when the Warden has more than 55% its health. Imprisonment - the Warden will fire a dark-coloured projectile at the player's last position when the attack was initiated. Getting hit by this projectile will encase the player in stone, temporarily preventing them from moving or attacking. It is still possible to change overhead prayers and eat while imprisoned. This attack is used when the Warden has less than 55% of its health. Converging Beam - Red beams will be sent out from the obelisk. Players can avoid the beams by running over them with proper timing. Red lightning will surround the obelisk as a warning indicator for the attack. Windmill Beam - the obelisk will periodically shoot out beams clockwise in four directions like a windmill. The floor will briefly glow before the beam is discharged, giving players some time to move away from it. Standing in the right area where we attack the Warden from, we can ignore this mechanic. Lightning Skull - the obelisk will launch several red skulls and discharge lightning outward in a 7x7 area from where the skull landed. The two tiles in each cardinal direction (not diagonally) of the tile where the skull will land are safe to stand and will allow the player to avoid taking damage from the lightning. In the spot where we stand, this is mainly avoided. It’s rare for the obelisk to send a skull close enough to the side of the arena, but if he does, be aware and run away. As you are learning this is a little tough to see, but you will catch on rather quickly. Not all of these mechanics even happen every fight, so although it seems like a lot, you mainly just need to focus on prayer flicking the Warden’s auto attacks. As you are attacking the Warden his health bar will actually be charging. Once this hits 100% he will fall to the ground and release his Core. At this point, equip your best melee gear along with a Dragon Dagger. Drink your adrenaline potion and start special attacking the core. You will always max hit on the core, and your damage to the core is done 4x to the warden. Once you are out of Special attack switch to your primary melee weapon. The core is only exposed for a set amount of time, and once the time is up, it will go back into the warden and we have to get his health bar back to 100%. After the first time down, when the Warden stands he will be protecting magic, so we must put on all of our ranged gear. This continues until you have completely killed the Warden. With high end gear killing the warden after 2 “downs” is possible, but for beginners a 3 down is much more likely. This seems like a lot but after a few runs you will get accustomed to it and it's not as bad as it seems.
XX. The Wardens (Phase 3)
Wardens Phase 3 is probably the most difficult part of the entire raid. That being said, its possible to do it without taking any damage at all. It does have a large learning curve, but once you get it down it becomes very manageable. Phase 1 and 2 are done in the same arena, but phase 3 brings you to a new arena. Equip your best Ranged gear (Tbow > BP > Bowfa) and begin attacking the Warden. The Warden will perform a floor attack. He will raise one hand to the left, one hand to the right, or both hands in the middle. You want to go the opposite of where the warden goes. Ex: He raises one hand to the left, you want to be on the right side. For the middle, you stay in the middle. Once this cycle begins you will always move to the right. If you are on the right, the cycle starts over and you run back to the beginning, the left. Ex: Left -> Middle -> Right -> Left. Ex: Middle -> Right -> Left -> Middle Ex: Right -> Left -> Middle -> Right This pattern will continue for the majority of this fight. It can take some getting used to, but once you get into a rhythm it becomes much easier. Every 20% of health lost, Warden will spawn Red Skulls on the ground. You must equip a melee weapon to attack these. These skulls can be attacked every tick regardless of what melee weapon you have equipped. At 80% the first skulls spawn, you must attack and do 1 damage to each skull, and then the floor phase will begin again. Get back into rhythm and continue damaging the boss. At 60% the next set of skulls will spawn. At this point Zebak will also spawn on the left hand side. Just like in the Zebak he will begin attacking with Rocks/Jugs (Ranged/Mage) attacks. At this point you must begin prayer flicking to avoid taking damage. At 40% the next set of skulls spawn. Zebak is still present and at this point Ba-Ba also spawns. He will be throwing boulders at you that you must step at least 1 tile away from. This is where things start to really pick up the pace. Once the skulls have been killed, you are dodging the floor attacks, flicking Zebak attacks, and dodging boulders being dropped by Ba-Ba. A tip for the Ba-Ba boulders: Ba-Ba will move his arm when he is throwing a boulder. When he moves his arm, the tile you are currently standing in is where the boulder will land. Wait until he has thrown his boulder before moving to the next area to avoid the ground attack. This places the boulder out of the way At 20% the last set of skulls will spawn. Continue pray flicking and avoiding boulders while killing the skulls. From 20% -> 5% no mechanics change, but at 5% Warden regains HP and stops with the floor attack. This is the final phase of the raid and is considered the Enrage phase. The floor will start chipping away from the back of the arena. Instead of the floor attack, he will spawn lightning that appears as shadows on the ground before they hit you for typeless damage. The key is to keep moving to avoid all of Ba-Ba’s boulders. Continue prayer flicking and hitting the boss. Here is a great time to use an ambrosia if you miss a flick or 2, or have gotten hit by a boulder/lightening. These attacks can stack up quickly so make sure to keep your hp high. Below I will insert some raw footage of a Wardens run:
XXI. The Wardens (Invocations)
Once again I recommend all of Wardens invocations be turned on. By far the hardest will be Insanity as it makes the p3 fight much quicker. While you are getting used to this it does not need to be turned on. But as you start getting kills, you should attempt to get used to the speed of Insanity because it provides a huge boost to invocation with a +50. Once you are comfortable with Overclocked 1 / 2 it would be a good idea to do group raids with 1 or more extra people. This way if you die getting used to mechanics, they can still carry the kill and you don’t waste 30 minutes.
XXII. Video Help