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moderator guides feedback

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Posted 11 January 2024 - 05:39 PM #1

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Hey there Moderators & Administrators 


I would like to address some concerns and observations I've had during my wonderful stay in the Alora world. 

I would first like to mention that almost everyone on this server is amazing, and I'm overly happy with the content, mechanics, community and updates. You guys are killing it.


Now on to some concerns with the staff.


1) I would like to point out that as a fairly new but EXTREMELY active player who's come from years of not playing any form of Runescape; When I hopped into Alora I was beyond confused on almost every aspect of the game. I had never done a single diary, I had never done a single boss, I had never had a 99 on normal OSRS and so needless to say, coming here was a challenge. Thankfully; I've had some AMAZING members point me in the right direction and help me consistently with every question, concern or guide I needed. I think it's important to mention that not a single one of them is staff. When I ask questions in the Alora CC I have almost never had a staff member or moderator help me out; it's ALWAYS a regular member of  the community. I've had issues of asking the same question 10x times before a regular player feels the need to jump in and help me. I find that a little concerning to say the least; as in my opinion, staff should be the FIRST people hopping on all of those questions.


I would like to note that Knud  has been probably the ONLY staff member to offer me any help outside of actual game bugs and mechanics i've needed solved, which then H has always been of assistance. 


I've noticed a new staff member that I personally don't agree is right for the job; I would like to state that it's absolutely not personal as we've never had a real conversation; but Kareem Sqr has been of little to no help in the CC and rarely shouts out to message him from help. He's been asked a few questions in CC where I've noticed he's provided the wrong answer and a regular member has had to come in and correct him. I personally disagree with the decision to have him as an information leader or staff member in any sort.


NOTABLE MEMBERS: These are the people that have taken extreme time out of their days and dropped a lot of things to go out of their way and help me, one of them even going as far as supporting me through a tough time in my personal life. Not once have I ever messaged these people and they haven't been excited to jump up & Help.

1. 2 has been absolutely above and beyond not only for me, but every single player I've talked to. I've never had 2 come up in a conversation and someone instantly didn't start talking how he helped them in some way. He went as far as helping me through a very challenging personal experience in my life and making sure to remain in contact via discord and private message me every single time I've logged on. I understand he was previously staff; and I'm unsure what issues arose or caused him to be demoted; so I am in no way justifying anything prior to knowing him BUT I will say I'm absolutely blown away he isn't staff as HE IS mainly the ONLY person constantly blasting on yell to join alora CC for help or to personally message him. He goes out of his way to help every single person that individually messages him; whilst running 2 accounts and trying to max a realism. In my books, that's dedication and what a staff member should consist of.

2. nesquik00 & sweetooth are notable mentions I'd like to also say have helped me and my experience with the server a ton. They definitely aren't in the same boat as being on yell and offering help to every player, but It's worth noting that they have helped MY individual experience a ton.





1. I'll keep this one short and sweet. The guides NEED to be updated as 90% of the time a staff member does answer me in Alora, they link me to the guide or topic and 90% of the time it's either lacking crucial information which could make my experience much, much easier or they are completely missing whole entire steps.


Thank you for taking the time to listen to my concerns and allowing me to voice my opinion. In no way is this to ruffle any feathers, but I did feel it necessary to come here and voice my opinion.

Sincerely; DMGDaddy

Posted 11 January 2024 - 05:46 PM #2

Fussy Parts

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No one's perfect, and we shouldn't belittle or expect staff members (especially new ones) to know the answer to every question asked. The staff are only human after all.

As for the what you mentioned about guides, only staff members with forum moderation access can edit guides since all these guides are player contributed.
If we had a wiki, it would be much easier to edit these outdated guides but it's not a staff member's job to do so. 

Posted 11 January 2024 - 05:51 PM #3

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No one's perfect, and we shouldn't belittle or expect staff members (especially new ones) to know the answer to every question asked. The staff are only human after all.

As for the what you mentioned about guides, only staff members with forum moderation access can edit guides since all these guides are player contributed.
If we had a wiki, it would be much easier to edit these outdated guides but it's not a staff member's job to do so. 

This is no way, shape or form is to belittle anybody. But I do believe if your a staff member in a community of well over 500 people, you should be able to assist in 90% of scenarios. 

No one's perfect, and we shouldn't belittle or expect staff members (especially new ones) to know the answer to every question asked. The staff are only human after all.

As for the what you mentioned about guides, only staff members with forum moderation access can edit guides since all these guides are player contributed.
If we had a wiki, it would be much easier to edit these outdated guides but it's not a staff member's job to do so. 

and as for the mention of guides. If the in game staff are going to use them to quote every question, then it should be forum moderators responsibility to ensure proper guides. Because they all know the answers, they just simply haven't edited them.

Posted 11 January 2024 - 05:55 PM #4

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This is no way, shape or form is to belittle anybody. But I do believe if your a staff member in a community of well over 500 people, you should be able to assist in 90% of scenarios. 

and as for the mention of guides. If the in game staff are going to use them to quote every question, then it should be forum moderators responsibility to ensure proper guides. Because they all know the answers, they just simply haven't edited them.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. I don't expect staff members to know even 90%. You know what you know. You provide the knowledge you have while always striving to learn more.
I've seen plenty of times where a mod/admin don't know the answer or simply provides the wrong answer, and there's nothing wrong with that. 

And staff members only link people the outdated topic guides because it's way easier than telling someone to just Google it or check the OSRS wiki.
I think a lot of people fail to realize that every single staff member is a volunteer doing this in their own free time. 

Posted 11 January 2024 - 06:03 PM #5

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Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. I don't expect staff members to know even 90%. You know what you know. You provide the knowledge you have while always striving to learn more.
I've seen plenty of times where a mod/admin don't know the answer or simply provides the wrong answer, and there's nothing wrong with that. 

And staff members only link people the outdated topic guides because it's way easier than telling someone to just Google it or check the OSRS wiki.
I think a lot of people fail to realize that every single staff member is a volunteer doing this in their own free time. 

I do not disagree with you at all, but this is where your missing the whole point of my post. I only ADDED that he's provided some wrong answers. The issue came from the lack of availability and the lack of yelling out and offering help, and also the fact that he rarely even does answers the questions.


And I again don't disagree and I'm AWARE it's a volunteer position but it in fact still holds a sense of responsibility. This is why in my mind and A LOT of other peoples.2 needs some sort of a position back. He is STILL volunteering with no responsibility to the server. He updates google docs in his spare time, he offers help constantly in and out of the server, he's ALWAYS on yell offering help and he's usually the first to respond. Being a volunteer doesn't change the fact of certain things. If I volunteered at a soup kitchen, but didn't offer anybody soup my position is in fact void and null and no longer useful.

Posted 11 January 2024 - 06:23 PM #6


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While I myself don't have any qualms relating to staff (albeit I seldom ask for help), It's refreshing to see an honest, constructive, and concise feedback thread. I think that Fussy Parts is missing the entire point of this thread, which is that it is a feedback thread, on the feedback section, and not meant to bash anyone.





Posted 11 January 2024 - 07:14 PM #7

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I don't have much insight into the support aspect, but I've encountered this server support Kareem Sqr who, when the rest aren't available, is my go-to for answers, and I usually receive correct responses. It's a bit inconsistent, as mentioned earlier, but we're all human, and being new to the staff team might mean some gaps in game knowledge are expected. This specific member used to be active on yell and helpful in clan chat, but I've noticed a slight drop in dedication since they became staff. Nevertheless, I appreciate your candid feedback on your experience here on Alora. I also share the sentiment about 2 being an amazing person. Although I'm not part of the staff, feel free to reach out if you ever need anything, my DMs are always open. Best of luck on your adventures here!






Posted 11 January 2024 - 07:15 PM #8


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@DMGDaddy Thank you for taking the time to write this out.

As mentioned prior, we're all humans and not everyone is perfect. Some of us come with base knowledge from OSRS and picked up most of what we know from Alora. Others are well experienced beyond belief. Dynamics are always changing and not everyone stays up to date. We may not have the answers right away. But from my side, I can guarantee you that if I don't know, I will figure it out to help said player. That being said, some staff members don't always hang out in the Alora CC, BUT there is a ;;staff command to find out who's online and you can send them a message. I'll take this feed back to better myself as a whole and help others where ever possible. It's a great topic and feedback is always necessary to improve. Change is important. Can't always be stuck doing the same things as the world is changing around us.

Posted 11 January 2024 - 07:53 PM #9


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Kareem be like



Regarding your second point;

I agree, there's quite a few outdated guides that we need to update, however players are free to make guides too. I have a list of guides I want to get around to making, however I've been quite busy with other stuff, I'll get around to a few of them eventually.


Thanks for the feedback!





Posted 11 January 2024 - 07:55 PM #10

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Kareem be like



Regarding your second point;

I agree, there's quite a few outdated guides that we need to update, however players are free to make guides too. I have a list of guides I want to get around to making, however I've been quite busy with other stuff, I'll get around to a few of them eventually.


Thanks for the feedback!

ahaha, it ain't fuck kareem guys. I got no personal quarrel, just making observations. <3

Posted 11 January 2024 - 08:15 PM #11

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There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes regarding staff and how we handle the server. We all try our best to help and keep things in line. Regarding staff not being in the Alora CC, please if you ever have a question or concern, check which staff are online using ::staff and messaging any of us and I promise your question or concern will be handled. At the end of the day, we're all online to just have fun and enjoy a game we've been addicted to since our childhood, the only difference is we have a staff team that volunteers to make sure our community is up to standards and to make sure Alora is ran as professionally as it can be. Regarding the guides, some may be out of date but for the most part I myself have been able to get through with what we have but I understand where you're coming from. I myself tend to lead players to the topics of guides whenever it can't be answered within one or two messages because at that point it may be easier to just read a guide or watch a video, then after if the player still has questions, I'll try my best to help. 


Thank you for the feedback and good luck on your grind! @DMGDaddy 

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Posted 11 January 2024 - 08:59 PM #12


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I agree, with staff members like To Gain, who to the community only logs in, mutes, kills potential new players but instead they leave because they get tilted by getting pked by a gold crown, instead of getting assistance from staff, they are set backwards. This gives the entire staff team a bad look to those players instead of just the one who is too lazy to make an alt account that is unranked. Pking is a part of the game, but you have to have some sense when it comes to it. Alora is largely an ironman server, not pk server. They come here to visit the content for irons, and starting at revs is a good place for GP. I dont know Kareem, or if he is good or not, but the slightly incompetent person who said hes just human is just enabling him. As a staff member, you should have a large amount of knowledge on Alora to be able to aid people, read the title of his staff position if you are still confused. To say "hes just a human who makes mistakes" is quite literally a dense comment. He is supposed to help new players, and old players alike. Back to To Gain, if baffles me he hasn't been demoted. He has a very large ego problem that reflects onto the staff team, and i have had certain situations where he abused his staff rank/power. For example I pm'd him saying my account was dc'd near KBD and it was black screened. It was a new GIM and he did help me, which i can't deny, but first he made sure to pk my account. Aswell as a recent incident where he died due to poor 1:1 coding of multi to osrs, he used his staff rank to get a refund, even though on Alora the multi icon was there, and you would be fully aware you were in multi. When he killed me due to a bug, he didn't refund my items (the bug was i planted a seed under him and didn't move, forcing me to be stuck where i was.) I didnt even ask for a full refund, just one of my spec weps back since i was low on them, and he replied with "nah im keeping a collection." I have also seen him abuse the singles plus timers in Rev Caves and has pj'd fights, and even took a kill on me off another pker somehow pjing the middle of the fight. Now it is my word against his, but there are many other people im sure he has done this to. Ivy, 2, Not Shadow, Arosa, and Lucifers GIM were the only staff members who actually did a good job during my time playing. Helpful, took time out of their days to figure out a problem with me, and if i had an issue instead of saying ::report, they just tp'd and saw what was going on first hand. To Gain, and a few others would respond with "::report" to the point where I just stopped messaging them. 

Posted 12 January 2024 - 12:54 AM #13

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I agree, with staff members like To Gain, who to the community only logs in, mutes, kills potential new players but instead they leave because they get tilted by getting pked by a gold crown, instead of getting assistance from staff, they are set backwards. This gives the entire staff team a bad look to those players instead of just the one who is too lazy to make an alt account that is unranked. Pking is a part of the game, but you have to have some sense when it comes to it. Alora is largely an ironman server, not pk server. They come here to visit the content for irons, and starting at revs is a good place for GP. I dont know Kareem, or if he is good or not, but the slightly incompetent person who said hes just human is just enabling him. As a staff member, you should have a large amount of knowledge on Alora to be able to aid people, read the title of his staff position if you are still confused. To say "hes just a human who makes mistakes" is quite literally a dense comment. He is supposed to help new players, and old players alike. Back to To Gain, if baffles me he hasn't been demoted. He has a very large ego problem that reflects onto the staff team, and i have had certain situations where he abused his staff rank/power. For example I pm'd him saying my account was dc'd near KBD and it was black screened. It was a new GIM and he did help me, which i can't deny, but first he made sure to pk my account. Aswell as a recent incident where he died due to poor 1:1 coding of multi to osrs, he used his staff rank to get a refund, even though on Alora the multi icon was there, and you would be fully aware you were in multi. When he killed me due to a bug, he didn't refund my items (the bug was i planted a seed under him and didn't move, forcing me to be stuck where i was.) I didnt even ask for a full refund, just one of my spec weps back since i was low on them, and he replied with "nah im keeping a collection." I have also seen him abuse the singles plus timers in Rev Caves and has pj'd fights, and even took a kill on me off another pker somehow pjing the middle of the fight. Now it is my word against his, but there are many other people im sure he has done this to. Ivy, 2, Not Shadow, Arosa, and Lucifers GIM were the only staff members who actually did a good job during my time playing. Helpful, took time out of their days to figure out a problem with me, and if i had an issue instead of saying ::report, they just tp'd and saw what was going on first hand. To Gain, and a few others would respond with "::report" to the point where I just stopped messaging them. 

although I don't want to dive too deep into this one, I completely agree with your comment and its extremely well thought out. I would say i whole heartedly agree with every statement in this paragraph, especially concering To Gain. I've noticed his abuse of power and have also made mention of it a few times. I have ONLY ever seen him talk down to people, talk back or mute individuals. Hoping to not get muted myself for this comment, but respectfully he doesn't seem too caring of an individual for the community; I haven't had many experiences with him; and I am fairly new so i'm not sure what led to his promotion, but I'm unsure it was the right move. I've watched people quit the server because he says "enjoy your 30 minute break" and mutes them. Usually because they disagree with something he's saying.

Posted 12 January 2024 - 09:01 AM #14


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im sorry that happened, but i agree @H is bad





Posted 12 January 2024 - 10:05 AM #15


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Hey man, while I understand your frustrations, no one person is above the other. Everyone has their strengths and everyone has their weaknesses. Kareem is new to the staff team, and still learning. Instead of coming to the forums to publicly bash the guy, why not help educate him as well? When I first started as a staff member I was still learning the game also. Let’s chill out a little bit.
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Posted 12 January 2024 - 12:25 PM #16

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Hey man, while I understand your frustrations, no one person is above the other. Everyone has their strengths and everyone has their weaknesses. Kareem is new to the staff team, and still learning. Instead of coming to the forums to publicly bash the guy, why not help educate him as well? When I first started as a staff member I was still learning the game also. Let’s chill out a little bit.

this is not to bash anybody at all, this is to shed light to situations I've noticed. It also seemed to help Kareem out as he's now become much more active in the yell chat, and alora cc. He's also answering questions with the quickness. Maybe he didn't realize he had areas he was lacking in ? it's our job as a community to open up about concerns with staff and that's exactly what this feedback section is for. It's a little bit of a cop out and a lazy answer to say "everybody is human" when we have a TON of capable candidates for these positions. 

Hey man, while I understand your frustrations, no one person is above the other. Everyone has their strengths and everyone has their weaknesses. Kareem is new to the staff team, and still learning. Instead of coming to the forums to publicly bash the guy, why not help educate him as well? When I first started as a staff member I was still learning the game also. Let’s chill out a little bit.

I also feel as if this post was nothing but chill. I worded it with professionalism and honesty. There is no emotion behind my statements, just observed facts.

Posted 13 January 2024 - 02:10 AM #17

Kareem Sqr

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Hello @DMGDaddy Thank you so much for your honest feedback, i really appreciate it, i really love reading feedbacks especially when they are a honest feedbacks, i will do my best to prove my self and i will do more yells & helping more in the help cc / Discord / Pm / Dm / Forums ;) 

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Posted 14 January 2024 - 09:25 PM #18


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I agree, with staff members like To Gain, who to the community only logs in, mutes, kills potential new players but instead they leave because they get tilted by getting pked by a gold crown, instead of getting assistance from staff, they are set backwards. This gives the entire staff team a bad look to those players instead of just the one who is too lazy to make an alt account that is unranked. Pking is a part of the game, but you have to have some sense when it comes to it. Alora is largely an ironman server, not pk server. They come here to visit the content for irons, and starting at revs is a good place for GP. I dont know Kareem, or if he is good or not, but the slightly incompetent person who said hes just human is just enabling him. As a staff member, you should have a large amount of knowledge on Alora to be able to aid people, read the title of his staff position if you are still confused. To say "hes just a human who makes mistakes" is quite literally a dense comment. He is supposed to help new players, and old players alike. Back to To Gain, if baffles me he hasn't been demoted. He has a very large ego problem that reflects onto the staff team, and i have had certain situations where he abused his staff rank/power. For example I pm'd him saying my account was dc'd near KBD and it was black screened. It was a new GIM and he did help me, which i can't deny, but first he made sure to pk my account. Aswell as a recent incident where he died due to poor 1:1 coding of multi to osrs, he used his staff rank to get a refund, even though on Alora the multi icon was there, and you would be fully aware you were in multi. When he killed me due to a bug, he didn't refund my items (the bug was i planted a seed under him and didn't move, forcing me to be stuck where i was.) I didnt even ask for a full refund, just one of my spec weps back since i was low on them, and he replied with "nah im keeping a collection." I have also seen him abuse the singles plus timers in Rev Caves and has pj'd fights, and even took a kill on me off another pker somehow pjing the middle of the fight. Now it is my word against his, but there are many other people im sure he has done this to. Ivy, 2, Not Shadow, Arosa, and Lucifers GIM were the only staff members who actually did a good job during my time playing. Helpful, took time out of their days to figure out a problem with me, and if i had an issue instead of saying ::report, they just tp'd and saw what was going on first hand. To Gain, and a few others would respond with "::report" to the point where I just stopped messaging them. 

To gain is a stand up administrator, all i read is you crying about dying in pvp to a better player to you. #FAFO brb work call

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Posted 15 January 2024 - 12:13 PM #19

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I believe that @H should suicide his HC 

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Posted 15 January 2024 - 08:43 PM #20


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I believe that @H should suicide his HC 

Maybe try to be a bit more professional considering your role while here in the staff feedback section, or atleast like H actually add feedback after your joke. 

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