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[22/12/23] Christmas Event, CoX/ToB/ToA changes, QoL updates & more!

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Posted 22 December 2023 - 11:56 PM #1



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Hello everyone,
First and foremost, I hope everyone is enjoying this holiday season! We are here to keep you in good spirits with another update, this time bringing the Christmas Event along with a heavy focus on raids bug fixes, QoL and scaling for all 3 raids (no favoritism here!). We've also managed to squeeze in a plethora of other bug fixes and QoL updates for you to check out below.
Also, if you haven't seen it already, the latest dev blog outlines our work on Desert Treasure II and our efforts to bring RuneLite plugins to mobile:
Last but not least, make sure to take advantage of our Holiday sale before it ends, we have many items on sale (with limited-time items such as Christmas boxes and crackers!) and every purchase will give you an additional 25% bonus tokens, as well as extra added to Rank tickets!

  • Christmas Updates:
    • 2023 Christmas Event:
      • Jack Frost has frozen a Lumbridge sheep pen this year, and has been tasked by his father to bring some holiday cheer to Gielinor!
        • Teleport to the ice rink by speaking to Jack Frost in Edgeville, or simply teleporting to Lumbridge and running north.
        • He'll have a few challenges for you within the rink, and if you manage to embody the holiday spirit, he'll have a few rewards for you!
          • The tasks include:
            • Skating around the rink to form the shape of a heart
            • Landing 3 jumps off of the ramps in the rink
          • Once these tasks are completed, you'll receive:
            • Snowglobe helmet
            • Ice jumper
          • BONUS CHALLENGE:
            • As an extra challenge, Jack Frost will have you try to jump off of a ramp and land yourself outside of the ice rink. He may have an extra reward for you if you manage to land this trick!
    • Miscellaneous:
      • NPCs and Pets have pulled their Santa hats out of storage for the season!
      • The music at home in Edgeville has been temporarily replaced with the Christmas theme song, "Dot's Yuletide".
      • You can collect as many snowballs as you'd like from snow piles in Edgeville and Lumbridge to pelt at other players.
    • Store:
      • As you may have noticed, our Christmas items are back in the store:
        • Christmas boxes:
          • Similar to Mystery boxes, this Ironman-accessible box will provide all of the Christmas cosmetics you could ever wish for! Possible rewards include:
            • Rare rewards:
              • Santa outfit (full outfit is given)
              • Anti-santa outfit (full outfit is given)
              • Santa hat
              • Inverted santa hat
              • Black Santa hat
              • Wise old man's santa hat
              • Christmas cracker (can be used on another player for a random party hat, but beware it will randomly give the party hat to either you or the other player! Can be used on your own account if you'd like)
                • These also have a rare chance of obtaining a more exclusive partyhat, such as the Rainbow partyhat.
            • Normal rewards:
              • Candy cane
              • A jester stick
              • Silly jester outfit
              • Jester hat
              • Jester cape
              • Jester scarf
              • Marionette (green, red or blue)
              • Yoyo
              • Cozy cabin blueprints (winter PoH theme)
              • Goblin decorations (Makes PoH objects look Christmas-themed)
              • Wintumber tree (PoH Christmas tree) 
        • Christmas cracker:
          • A classic Christmas item, you can use this cracker on another player for a 50-50 chance at one of you getting a party hat! (One of the normal 6 colors)
            • Of course, you can also use it on one of your own accounts as well.
  • (Late) Halloween Updates:
    • Unfortunately, earlier this year we didn't get to release our usual Halloween update due to the mobile project taking precedence, but we wanted to make sure that the event items were still obtainable. Along the outer walls of Edgeville bank, you'll find a Spooky cauldron containing the following items for you:
      • Spider hat
        • This hat has 5 different forms, you can right-click "Transform" to cycle through them.
      • Cob cape / Web cloak
        • These spooky capes can be cycled through the same way as the Spider hat.
  • Mobile Changes:
    • Fixed a bug where clicking the caps lop button on the mobile keyboard would trigger the shift-drop mechanic and cause players to drop items when tapping them.
    • Fixed a bug where players could not withdraw items from the bank on vertical mode if the keyboard was open.
    • Fixed a bug where tapping the search button in the bank while it was active (highlighted red) would open the keyboard again.
    • Fixed a bug where the achievement dropdown banner was placed too high on mobile.
    • The player's chat history will no longer clear on mobile unless they log into a different account.
    • Fixed a bug where the pvp skull would not show properly on mobile in horizontal mode.
    • Players can now long press the world map icon and select the “Minimize” option to hide the world map/compass.
      • You can long press the world map icon again to select the “Restore” option to show the minimap again.
    • Certain textures being too "bright" (eg. Fire cape, water) have been fixed.
  • Tombs of Amascut Changes:
    • Volatile baboons will now kill any baboons next to them when they explode.
    • Only attacks done by a player will count as a hit that triggers teleporting in Akkha’s final phase.
    • Players will now be able to attack the final phase warden a few ticks sooner after the siphon attack is finished.
    • Players can now use smelling salts while the previous dose is still active.
    • A deposit pot will now appear next to the helpful spirit.
      • Players can use food/potions on this pot to send them to the bank.
  • Chambers of Xeric Changes:
    • Kindling is now stackable, but no more than 28 can be held at once.
    • Farmed herbs will now grow in 32 ticks rather than 52.
    • The first dragon Warhammer special attack against Tekton will always land.
    • Attacks no longer have any delay after hitting a jewelled crab.
    • If your attack changes the crab's colour, you won't automatically re-attack.
    • The Ice demon’s magic defence has been reduced from 60 to 40.
    • Players will now receive potion secondaries when defeating the ice demon.
    • The corrupted scavenger beast now drops potion secondaries.
    • The worms in the thieving room are now stackable, but no more than 28 can be held at once.
    • Lux Grubs now have 125 hitpoints, up from 100.
    • Medivaemia blossoms now restore 35 hitpoints to lux grubs, up from 25.
    • Players are now guaranteed an overload from Vespula.
    • Vasa Nistirio’s ranged defence has been reduced from 60 to 40.
    • Vasa Nistirio now drops an Overload.
    • Vasa Nistirio will now have visual hitmarkers while healing and charging from crystals.
    • Vasa Nistirio will now only heal from a crystal if the players have not destroyed the crystal by the time Vasa is done recharging.
    • The large/small muttadiles have had their max hits slightly reduced.
    • The large muttadile will now only swap from range to mage/vice versa after 3 hits (not including melee attacks).
  • Theatre of Blood scaling:
    • Theatre of Blood team(s) of 1-2 players will now scale down to 67.5% hp rather than 75%.
      • While both solos/duos will now be easier, we've chosen to set them to the same scaling given that the Theatre of Blood is designed to be a group raid (unlike CoX / ToA which are designed to scale), and we still want to encourage players to pair up at least to a duo for the most optimal scaling.
        • Ideally we wouldn't scale at all (similar to OSRS), but we understand that it can be difficult to find a team, so we are opting to make it easier to find a single partner to duo-raid with and not face repercussions.
  • Gambling updates:
    • A bank chest has been placed next to the Gambler (closer to the lanes).
    • A gamble teleport button has been added to the top of the Teleport interface, next to the Donator zone button.
    • Upon winning a gamble, a regional chatbox message will be sent to any players that are nearby to notify them of who won the stake, as well as the size of the pot.
  • Ancient essence mining:
    • Players can now mine ancient essence crystals in the Ghorrock dungeon.
      • There are 3 potential locations that can contain the crystals all next to each other, but only one will be active at any given time.
        • They will change locations every 60-90 seconds.
      • Players must have level 75 mining or higher to mine these crystals.
        • Players with level 75-77 mining will get between 1-2 ancient essence.
        • Players with level 77-89 mining will get between 2-3 ancient essence.
        • Players with level 90+ mining will get between 3-4 ancient essence.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where the iban's blast spell would play the attack sound twice.
    • Attacking the mager/ranger with melee in the final wave of the inferno will no longer send players the “I can’t reach that!” message.
    • The lava tiles in the infernal will now render even if low detail is enabled.
    • Fixed a pathing bug with the seers agility course tight rope.
      • Players will now path to it properly when interacting with from the east/west side of the object.
    • Ghommal's avernic defender 5/6 will now work for the warrior's guild emote clue scroll step.
    • Players can no longer add image tags to their clan names.
    • Dharok's attack speed is now 1 game tick slower.
    • Fixed a bug where the vanilla item overlays would draw over fixed inventory/chatbox.
    • Fixed a bug where the spellbook swap spell would sometimes not revert back to the lunar spellbook if the player was using a powered stave.
    • Rats now have a max hit of 0 instead of 1.
    • Fixed a bug with the boss/monster kill log interface being improperly sized.
    • The noted dust battlestaff is now stackable.
    • Corrected a minor typo when claiming vote book bonuses.
    • Fixed a bug where the slayer helm's bonus would be incorrectly applied if the salve amulet effect was also applied.
    • Fixed dead clicks on quick prayer button in resizable mode.
    • The Slayer's staff (e) now works properly when auto-casting Magic dart.
    • Fixed a bug where the portal nexus was not properly showing the cost of unlocking teleports.
    • The chinchompa distance accuracy adjustments will now work correctly.
      • Previously the distance from the primary target would fully decide the player’s accuracy, leading to a lot more missed attacks.
        • The accuracy adjustments based on distance will now be applied to the player’s ranged attack bonus, leading to less missed attacks.
    • Fixed a bug where some slayer tasks would incorrectly add an “s” to the end of the task name.
      • Venenatis is an example of this, where the task would be described as “You have to kill X venenatiss in the wilderness”.
        • This should also fix an issue with the slayer plugin not being able to show the icon for tasks like venenatis properly.
    • Fixed a bug where killing Spindel's spiderlings would count towards the Venenatis wilderness slayer task.
    • Fixed a bug where some boss attack sounds were very quiet.
    • Fixed a bug where not all Sulliuscep mushrooms were accessible and choppable.
    • Fixed a bug where realism/eim/gim players could sometimes not put gp into the well of goodwill.
      • They would receive an error stating that they did not have enough gp in their inventory.
    • Fixed a bug where demon ashes could not be withdrawn from the bank as notes.
    • Fixed a bug where the dragon spear would path players through walls in some specific edge cases.
    • Fixed a bug where standing under jad would make it not attack you at all.
    • Players will no longer be able to remove cave worms from the Chambers of Xeric.
    • The Ring of Life now functions properly in raids/fight caves.
    • Fixed a bug where the damage used to determine if the Statius Warhammer special attack would reduce defence was different from the actual damage roll.
      • This would sometimes cause the special attack to register damage, but not apply the defence reduction effect.
    • Fixed a bug where completing monkey madness with a full inventory on an ironman would cause the player not to receive the dragon scimitar/greegree.
    • Removed the oil lantern from the glassblowing options.
    • Fortified masori equipment now requires 80 defence to equip rather than 30.
    • Fixed a bug where the Dagannoth king respawn timers would not work properly.
    • The ancient mace now works on NPC's, and can properly overheal players prayer points up to their current prayer level + the damage dealt (or the prayer points drained if their target is a player).
    • Fixed a bug where Xarpus would never face the North-west corner on normal mode when below 25% hitpoints.
    • NPC's will now properly target their attackers again after being stunned by a dragon spear.
    • Corrected a typo when attaching 2 crystal key halves.
    • The jungle demon's max hit is now 32 rather than 62.
    • Fixed a bug where the chatbox would not close after receiving your starter pack during registration.
    • Fixed a bug where the loot tracker plugin would not track theatre of blood, chambers of xeric, and barrows rewards.
    • The vyrewatch sentinel respawn time has been decreased from 40 ticks to 25 ticks.
    • X-logging or disconnecting during a gamble will now be a bit safer and keep you online long enough to plant your flowers.
    • Fixed a bug where some untradable items that were lost on death when killed a player would show as safe in the items kept on death interface.
  • Quality of Life:
    • The Lumbridge sheep pen stile can now be climbed over. (No Agility level requirement)
    • Godwars killcount will now increase while in instances.
      • The overlay displaying the killcount will also be shown while in an instance.
    • Added a placeholder for Bob the cat slippers.
    • Players can now store all dragon pickaxe variants in eligible STASH units.
    • The Regath's wares shop now sells soul runes.
    • The settings interface now has an option to hide prayer tooltips when hovering over prayers.
      • This option will be disabled by default, so players will need to toggle it to hide prayer tooltips.
    • Fixed a bug where marking ground tiles in some areas (for example the Akkha room) wouldn’t mark the correct tile.
    • Entering/exiting the gauntlet area, and the gauntlet itself will now use a more aesthetically pleasing/well timed teleport interface.
    • The loot tracker will now track the font of consumption.
    • Finding an uncut onyx while mining will now announce over yell.
    • The minimap will now be black during fading teleports, and while in barrows’ crypts.
    • Ket-Zek's magic attacks will now check if the player's prayer is enabled 3 ticks after the projectile is sent (when it lands) instead of at the beginning of the attack.
    • Players will now be notified of all the missing requirements to enter Darkmeyer when attempted to teleport there.
    • Added the following shops available for ironman:
      • Harry’s Fishing Shop
      • Fremmenik Fish Monger
      • Etceteria Fish
      • Frankie’s Fishing Emporium
    • The Baby Mimic pet drop rate has been significantly reduced from 1/910 to 1/81.
      • Given the infrequency at which players fight this boss, we decided on a more reasonable rate.p 
    • Morrigan's Coif can now be obtained from all pvp armour sources.
    • Players can now store up to 524m in their LMS coffer, rather than 100m.
    • Added Muphin to the “All pets” collection log section.
    • Added the Smith’s outfit to the “Skilling outfits” collection log section.
    • Players can now access the Phoenix necklace jingle plugin through the plugin hub.




Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas!
Omicron & Alora Staff Team

Posted 23 December 2023 - 12:11 AM #2

Liams Idea
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Awesome update! thank you! Merry xmas

Posted 23 December 2023 - 12:13 AM #3

Formula One


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Thanks for the awesome updates as usual Dan & the team!

Might actually have to go and get Comp Cape now with ToB Scale

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Posted 23 December 2023 - 12:15 AM #4

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Unbelievable amount of work and dedication. You guys truly are the best Christmas gift one could ask for! Happy holidays!  <3


Posted 23 December 2023 - 12:21 AM #5


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Cheers for the update Omicron, happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! Can't wait till the next one. :Poggers:







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Posted 23 December 2023 - 01:07 AM #6

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Awesome update bossman !


Posted 23 December 2023 - 01:19 AM #7


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ToB scaling, I can't believe my eyes! Myself and many many other active gamers are really thankful for the return of it

Posted 23 December 2023 - 01:21 AM #8

Satan Smash

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Looking forward to the cox QOLS.   MERRY CHRISTMAS LADIES AND GENTS





Posted 23 December 2023 - 01:36 AM #9

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Happy Holidays & awesome update!

Posted 23 December 2023 - 02:33 AM #10

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Beautiful updates my man, Nice QOL <3 Ty



Wow stuff, just wow.





Posted 23 December 2023 - 04:37 AM #11

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Thank you for the nice updates!

Posted 23 December 2023 - 06:02 AM #12

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Huge updates omi!! Thank you for the wonderful updates <3 


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Posted 23 December 2023 - 06:15 AM #13

Elite Umbra
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Happy holidays! Excited for these QoL updates

Posted 23 December 2023 - 06:48 AM #14


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Happy holidays and thank you for the updates!

Posted 23 December 2023 - 07:15 AM #15



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awesome updates! thx alot for everything and merry xmas !

Posted 23 December 2023 - 11:00 AM #16

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Season's greetings! This is a game-changer. The spotlight on the regular TOB raiders is going to provide some entertaining moments, but it also creates opportunities for solo players or those without established teams to get in on the action.


Posted 23 December 2023 - 01:59 PM #17

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OMG! I am sooo excited for these new changes!!!!!  :D  <3  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to everyone at Alora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wub:

Posted 23 December 2023 - 03:34 PM #18

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Merry Christmas & Happy holidays, gamers!!! Thanks for the update dads <3

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Posted 24 December 2023 - 08:03 AM #19

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Awesome updates and fixes. Happy grinding and happy holidays to all!

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Posted 24 December 2023 - 08:57 AM #20


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Great updates and bug fixes. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all.

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