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boosted accuracy on alora

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Poll: Aloras boosted accuracy (29 member(s) have cast votes)

Would you like Alora's boosted accuracy to be lowered or removed?

  1. Yes (5 votes [17.24%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 17.24%

  2. No (21 votes [72.41%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 72.41%

  3. Don't care (3 votes [10.34%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 10.34%


Posted 21 November 2023 - 11:21 PM #1

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If you don't know, Alora has a boosted accuracy of 25% which is a lot, while I understand why its boosted since its a private server it seems like it only hurts the weapons for example; the fang is definitely not as good as OSRS which I feel cannot be argued against, its just simply not as good and I believe its because how unique the weapon is/works causing the boosted accuracy to ruin the special mechanics of how the fang functions. The fang is only the tip of the ice berg so I'm just curious how many people would want it reduced or even completed removed to allow Alora to become more fun to pvm on and allowing players to use the proper weapons for the respectable content, another example is using the lance at olm, its completely pointless because how well the tent whip performs which is due to Alora's boosted accuracy. Looking forward to hear your thoughts!

Posted 22 November 2023 - 02:41 AM #2

To gain

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I think a simple solution to make the fang more viable (considering this is the most effected by this) is to either buff its stats and/or make it a 4 tick to match the g rapier.

Removing the buff all together would be a no go imo, i'd rather buff the hell out of certain weapons personaly (scythe / fang / tbow / shadow).

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Posted 22 November 2023 - 02:45 AM #3

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@To gain Im pretty sure the fang has been buffed before and it barely did anything, that was just simply an example of one of the items affected. Making it 4 tick would probably be too much of a buff which would also make the rapier pointless

Posted 22 November 2023 - 07:43 AM #4

gim crohn
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Remove the accuracy buff, there's no reason to have it other than copium.

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Posted 22 November 2023 - 10:35 AM #5

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I'm obviously biased but the global accuracy buff allows for strange playstyles like single style only (definitely not the best still but at least viable) and that's a good part of what I like about Alora. This would essentially be a blanket nerf to everything in order to buff a specific few weapons that most people still don't have. It would be more ideal to buff these few specific examples to allow them to hold their place in the meta without nerfing literally everything else to do so. If the previous buff was no good then simply buff them again in order to give them a distinct advantage in situations they would have mirroring OSRS would be the solution I would aim for.

Posted 22 November 2023 - 10:51 AM #6

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I'm obviously biased but the global accuracy buff allows for strange playstyles like single style only (definitely not the best still but at least viable) and that's a good part of what I like about Alora. This would essentially be a blanket nerf to everything in order to buff a specific few weapons that most people still don't have. It would be more ideal to buff these few specific examples to allow them to hold their place in the meta without nerfing literally everything else to do so. If the previous buff was no good then simply buff them again in order to give them a distinct advantage in situations they would have mirroring OSRS would be the solution I would aim for.

wouldn't exactly be a nerf to weapons, it just would mean if you are using the proper weapons for the content they are best on then you will benefit more than now since all weapons with very unique mechanics would properly work. I dont specifically want the fang buffed, I just used it as an example. a different example is using the tent whip almost everywhere melee is used is actually viable, its barely different than BIS weapons like using the tent whip at phosani nightmare is actually not bad, so there's no point in using hasta, bludgeon or even inquisitor mace since tent whip is actually good at nightmare.

Posted 22 November 2023 - 12:36 PM #7

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I don't agree with removing accuracy boost entirely as that means rebalancing a lot of content. Do you remove accuracy and add boosted drop rate? On Alora accuracy is better, but drops (at least not raids) are not 1/1 with OSRS.

Slightly reducing accuracy of some items might be a way, making bosses slightly more weaker to their intended counters is another. 

Posted 22 November 2023 - 04:50 PM #8

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I think a simple solution to make the fang more viable (considering this is the most effected by this) is to either buff its stats and/or make it a 4 tick to match the g rapier.

Removing the buff all together would be a no go imo, i'd rather buff the hell out of certain weapons personaly (scythe / fang / tbow / shadow).

I agree with this 100%.


I would rather these be end game items like they are intended to be and have them buffed instead. It just makes PvM a bit more exciting, for instance dragon claws are generally fun to use because of the damage drop IMO.

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Posted 23 November 2023 - 05:19 PM #9



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i dont play osrs so i couldnt say how it is there but i like how it work on alora.


i dont think it need to be changed, this will just bring more bugs again and make some wep really op at some random place and useless at other


place like it already happenned when they tried to (fix) accuracy or boost some weapons.


just leave it that way b4 it ends up in chaos with broken weapons for weeks....


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