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Make TOB (Normal mode) easier

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Posted 29 October 2023 - 07:51 AM #1

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What is your suggestion?:


To make the TOB (Normal mode) easier, more like it used to be before the Verzik rework. Now its almost impossible to find a TOB group, and if you find one with players that don't have max gear or much TOB's done there's a high chance you wipe. If you dps is not high enough, Verzik will do unavoidable damage to you that eventually just kills you. In my opinion this makes TOB dead content because its almost impossible to do reliably.


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


I dont think so. There's however a running suggestion where there is talk about making good solo/duo scaling but that's not about the difficulty I am talking about.


How would this benefit Alora?:


Yes, greatly. Because if you look at COX and TOA for exmaple; They are both solo and duoable and they can be done with relative ease if you invest some time to learn them. Making TOB (Normal mode) easier will bring alot more new players to TOB and make it active content again.

Posted 29 October 2023 - 08:00 AM #2


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"they can be done with relative ease if you invest some time to learn them." apply this same logic to tob and problem solved


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 08:55 AM #3


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I was of the mindset that Alora private server and making it harder is not worth doing. But TOB pre-update was quite literally brain dead content that was far too easy and just not enjoyable. Now with the update that takes not long at all to learn makes it TOB somewhat enjoyable to complete. And once the new mechanics are learnt, you can basically do TOB with like 3 sharks..


And to the point of needing gamers with end game gear is just not true. Have watch on many occasions people complete TOB with welfare gear and have no issues.

Posted 29 October 2023 - 09:31 AM #4


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I don't understand why we have to keep circumventing actually learning a piece of content and resort to making it as brainless as chambers. If people are willing to learn high invo ToA I do not understand why we can't apply the same logic to this single piece of content.

My answer is not simply to "get better" rather, put in the effort to actually learn this piece of content. I understand barely anyone is willing to put in that kind of effort, but we should not be nerfing endgame content into the ground because no one wants to try. ToB is "dead content" because people make it dead content. You do not need BiS everything to complete the raid reliably; BiS will not make a bad player any better at the game. Skill > gear 100% of the time; the more skilled you are, the less gear you need.


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 10:11 AM #5

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Just learn the content


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Posted 29 October 2023 - 10:20 AM #6

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no support 


tob is already easy enough 

Posted 29 October 2023 - 11:13 AM #7


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Everyone asking "Why not learn the content?" or "why is it people will learn toa and cox but not tob"


The answer is simple on why threads like this get made. Tob is "Team" content. You need a team to learn. Cox and Toa you can practice over and over until you figure it out and get a feel for it. Tob you need players to raid with to even start attempting the raid and no one wants to run with new players or teach. So how are these players supposed to learn when no one takes learners? When's the last time the people saying "just learn it" hosted a learner raid? lol. People raid with their friends in super max gear and experienced raiders only and the rest of the server struggles to find a team.


The problem is that Alora doesn't have the player base to support team content. Nex is the same situation. Cox and Toa are enjoyable and people practice them because you're not relying on other people to allow you to do the content.

Posted 29 October 2023 - 12:25 PM #8


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I feel like we always end up in circles. The people against this type of suggestion claim "learn the mechanics it's not hard". But I have never ever seen an advert of "ToB willing to teach" from these so called vets of the raid. 


I support this or even an entry mode where it's easily solo/duo'ed so that people get the basics of alora ToB mechanics, which they can then carry forward. More people with experience in the raid = more people ready to participate.

Posted 29 October 2023 - 12:26 PM #9

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If I could practice TOB over and over like I did with COX and TOA I would'nt even have made this post. But the only difference with TOB is that it is actually TEAM content and you need to find a skilled team to beat it.


Now that is one big part of the problem, with almost no oppertunities to practies stage 2 verzik it becomes hard to learn. And also in a couple of days of yelling for TOB that hasn't been almost any people joining, the ones that do join are people who need diary or need to learn like me.


+ the people saying tob is easy enough are 99% for sure BiS gear of ofcourse it is easy if you pass the damage check.


A solution for a lot of people to learn would be to change it so it is doable solo so people can practice their asses off like with most other content in the game.


Everyone also seems to forget that I am talking about the Normal mode TOB, make the hardmode with the cosmetics are hard as you want, people can brag with that if they got the skill. But for gods sake make normal tob doable with mediocre gear so people actually have fun doing it again. 


One last note, I am not talking about the other rooms and phase 1 verzik, those are all fine. The only place I got stuck personally with a 3/4 man party is last phase verzik where we just couldn't do enough damage to kill her before out supplies ran out. 

Posted 29 October 2023 - 02:45 PM #10

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I don’t think this suggestion is the solution we need.

ToB is a big issue in this server. It’s amazing content but it’s locked behind finding a team of 3-5 people and having someone teach you.

I have a decent understanding on the mechanics and near-BiS gear.
However I struggle immensely to find anyone to tob with, especially when they find out I’ve only done 3kc (failed 4-5 times on verzik with teams) - no one ever wants to team up. The only people that do are learners like myself and we can never get far into the raid due to leading the system still.

Now with that, I’m not trying to say ‘make it easier because I suck’- I would just like to see some form of scaling system to make it more accessible ( as suggested here https://www.alora.io...41-tob-scaling/ )

Scorn nailed it on the head. So many people are just not willing to teach people or take the time to run new people through ToB. Out of all the adverts I’ve yelled for ToB, when I’m online, I’ve only had four people actually willing to help. Two of the were staff… the other two - taught me the mechanics and they had a good knowledge, but had to bring someone who was immensely competent for us to actually complete the raid.

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Posted 29 October 2023 - 04:09 PM #11

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No support. Even coming from a bankstander with 5kc, I don’t think it’s impossible. Difficult, yes, but not impossible.

A lot of great points here and I probably won’t elaborate because I’d just be echoing what’s already been said.

That said, pm me if anyone wants to TOB. I have very limited knowledge of TOB but willing to teach/share what I know (if you have vc)








Posted 29 October 2023 - 05:04 PM #12

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100% support, i get redcar complaining too many times about the difficulty of the raid in my pms, either support this or perma mute @redcar, tho i'd personally prefer the 2nd option :)

Posted 29 October 2023 - 06:10 PM #13


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support! tob has been extremely hard for me. (big spider deals alot of damage..) also increase dust drop rate.


@saeed can you come back and teach me again how to do raids?

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Posted 01 November 2023 - 06:36 AM #14

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Full support.


As being a relatively new member of Alora, one of the first grinds I set out for was a Completionist Monkey. By far the hardest part of this was getting 5 TOB runs. Next to no one is doing TOB and like others have said, most of the time its other learners trying to do it. There is no easy way to try and learn and no one really cares to teach it. I am not really a fan of making content easier to make it more accessible, but I do feel like there needs to be an easier way to learn the content. To learn TOA I just reset raid after raid making it harder and harder until I felt comfortable, not worrying about wasting others time because I was just using my own time in Solos. In TOB its not just your time spent learning, but all your teammates and most people don't want to waste hours teaching people for no reward/payout.

Posted 04 November 2023 - 09:35 AM #15


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I was of the mindset that Alora private server and making it harder is not worth doing. But TOB pre-update was quite literally brain dead content that was far too easy and just not enjoyable. Now with the update that takes not long at all to learn makes it TOB somewhat enjoyable to complete. And once the new mechanics are learnt, you can basically do TOB with like 3 sharks..


And to the point of needing gamers with end game gear is just not true. Have watch on many occasions people complete TOB with welfare gear and have no issues.



And to further my point I just did a raid with randoms (shocking since I don't raid anymore) And this is how it went....


I had someone go afk and leave mid raid. First attack on bloat people did 2-3 hits and ran instead of attacking it the full cycle before he wakes up. Had someone people paint all of Xarpus room so melee become a pain. Had 3 out of 4 people ranging Verzik.. using DWH on Verzik. This just goes to show that people are not even willing to take the time to read the updates let alone learn TOB. 


All goes to say people should maybe learn the raid first or at the very least read the updates before coming to complain about the gamers with max gear who don't wanna raid with the randoms.

Posted 15 November 2023 - 05:37 PM #16

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I think the issue is not making it easier, but having a way to properly learn it.


In CoX you can die as many times as you want, and eventually you'll learn.

In ToA you can reduce invocations and up death limit, and eventually you'll learn.


In ToB you just die, now for all rooms up until Verzik you can at least risk dying to learn something as the team can carry you. 

At Verzik you just hope to live and do some damage, because if you die the team might not have enough DPS and you wipe. That's why a lot of people don't even know how to do p1, dying there puts whole team at risk.


So, No Support to making Normal mode easier. Support to create Entry mode to do the learning

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