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Posted 18 October 2023 - 04:34 PM #21

Formula One

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I’m not well versed nor familiar with pking, all I know is how to plank with my 280+ ping, so I’ll stay away from those suggestions.

However I do support on the rev loot and Ironman keys.

Increase in rev loot may incentivize more people to venture out, my opinion of revs is an easy quick cash grab/supplies for Normie or irons with the added risk of potentially being PK’d. So the additional high value loot would be a welcome.

Ironman keys would be a nice QoL. I know there are a lot of Ironmen that PK which would be a welcoming addition for them. But also on the flip side as said by Monster Iron - it is a nice item sink.

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Posted 18 October 2023 - 07:48 PM #22

Sassa fras

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Support for adding the big boi drops to regular revs table, and for ironman keys.


No support for removing the delay after Tele-to-Target. On a server with only one world where you can't opt out, it's already overpowered as is.

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Posted 18 October 2023 - 08:14 PM #23


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Entangle re-freeze is still broken originally fixed back in 2017, never actually fixed. Players still run through a freeze if clicked on the minimap, same with barrage i believe.

Sounds like a bug, so would be nice to get it fixed. Perhaps provide a gif so people understand what you mean.



Casting of a spell & or attack, when tele-ing to target there is about a 2-tick delay causing 90% of targets to instantly teleport if they are paying attention, this needs fixing.


The delay is there for a reason. Alora is hosted on 1 world so it shouldn't be too hard to find players, especially when you're told what level they're at and if its single or multi. A direct teleport to the player is pretty OP in my eyes.



Ironman PvP, when killing a player it completely removes the loot from the game, the items should drop to the floor and appear if loot keys are not turned on.


100%. Ironmen should get loot keys and if they open them, the only option should be the "delete items" option in the interface to match OSRS. Ironmen should be able to die to their main accounts to get the key on the mains to get the rewards too.




Revenants; Why have 1,2 & 4m only emblems from them? This is meant to be HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARD please add a full drop table to them not only would it increase wilderness activity but would give a potential draw to other eco-pvp players to join the game, currently the wilderness is a terrible source of "hourly" gp gain, please please please add the full emblems to revenants, and add PvP weapons/armour to Maledictus.



Personally not a fan of the higher tier emblems being only dropped by the Revenant Maledictus, so it would be nice to see them added to the normal Revenant drop table. 

Unrelated, but you're wrong about the wildy being a terrible source of hourly gp gain. Wilderness bosses and Revenants are pretty much the best content to do for money.





Posted 20 October 2023 - 12:03 PM #24

osrs is hard

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Entangle re-freeze is still broken originally fixed back in 2017, never actually fixed. Players still run through a freeze if clicked on the minimap, same with barrage i believe.


- I can support this. Assuming their isn't a refreeze times on OSRS, i've escaped a few times by breaking through a re-freeze.



I believe what @George is trying to say is that if a player clicks to run to a certain tile on the minimap, and my freeze hit is successful mid run, they will continue to run to that point and only be frozen AFTER they get there even though they were frozen many tiles before.

Posted 20 October 2023 - 06:38 PM #25

Monster Iron
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I believe what @George is trying to say is that if a player clicks to run to a certain tile on the minimap, and my freeze hit is successful mid run, they will continue to run to that point and only be frozen AFTER they get there even though they were frozen many tiles before.

Yes, thank you.

I just know I’ve broken through a few which didn’t seem right at all. (What you said.)

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