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TOB scaling

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Posted 27 October 2023 - 01:24 PM #41

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lmaoo Mack on a personal mission right here to fuck 98% of the Alora players, why should we cater to the wishes off one individual. If u want to sweat and 2 tick TOB by all means go play OS.

Posted 27 October 2023 - 01:32 PM #42

The Inferno
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TOB isn't the hardest content in the game, PvP is


Also the people saying no to this suggestion don't even do duos lmao, they do 4-5 man raids with boosting service, so I don't see what the issue is here? We're not asking 3-5 man TOB to be easier

Posted 27 October 2023 - 01:35 PM #43

gim crohn
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@ Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause players to have to redo speedruns

@ Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause other than make players to have to redo speedruns

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Posted 27 October 2023 - 01:56 PM #44


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Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most usef
@ Mack Incorrect, you're making personal attacks I'm questioning the motivating factors behind someone's opinion. We're all self interested that's not a personal attack, it's just a logical analysis of the situation and the parties within.

Again, you're the one missing the point. Making the scaling more friendly at NM WILL increase overall completions statistically speaking it's impossible for a lower barrier to complete to result in less completions directly.

You previously opposed ToB drop rate changes, are largely responsible for the major overhaul of ToB and created a discord group to profit off the difficulty people have in completing ToB (for diaries), ToB achievements, etc.

You fail to offer any recourse for new and less experienced players other than an entry mode that has highly reduced if not entirely eliminated drop rates.

I question what is it about new players, or those less skilled or with less gear being able to duo ToB that hurts the game overall to such a degree that it outweighs the sad sad state that ToB is in now?

Scythes dropped in price by 2x and no change to ToB activity caused that, most items in TP don't sell anyways bc of a lack of demand (less new players, and people doing ToB where those items are most useful).

What harm does it cause players to have to redo speedruns

Yet again nothing you say has to do with duo and solo ToB having HP reduced by 10% per few player, which is what this suggestion is about.

I’d suggest creating your own topic as the points you’re attempting to raise are irrelevant.

Posted 27 October 2023 - 02:04 PM #45

gim crohn
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Nah at this point you're strawmanning I've literally explained it multiple times how lower hp (AKA SCALING CHANGES) lowers the barrier of completion for new, less skilled, or less equipped players making it easier to have more people learn as they require less players in their party to do attempts and potential completions allowing progress to be made towards closing the wide skill(and network) gap.

Your issue clearly is with me personally and I suggest you use the PM system to tell me about your issues with me. I won't read or reply but feel free to use it.

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Posted 27 October 2023 - 02:27 PM #46

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Personally i feel like TOB should scale for duo parties (NOT solo), scaling the hp changes nothing to the difficulty of the raid overall, since less players = less dps, making it no different then 3-4-5 man raids.

To get a tob party going and keep it going at the moment (needing 3-5) ppl is next to impossible most of the times.

It doesnt hurt the game, it doesnt change any of the mechanics , all that would happen is scale the hp down by a little and hopefully make tob more active.

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Posted 27 October 2023 - 02:31 PM #47

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Support this suggestion. Below are my reasons and personal opinions before I get slated by some has been.

I don’t see any negative effect on the server by making this change. The player base is 80-90% ironman category based and there’s no real economy to damage by making ToB more achievable with new players. Raids are grinded by the majority of players on this sever for account progression over obtaining items to sell.

All players that have been here for some time should relish and support the suggestions that are made to increase potential new players rather than sit there and watch the daily player count drop.

Posted 27 October 2023 - 03:11 PM #48

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I also feel like that with the increased difficulty of Verzik it makes it even harder. To make TOB not dead content please scale it so its doable and learnable for most solo players like COX and TOA, cuz those are great examples.

Posted 28 October 2023 - 01:39 AM #49

GIM Goharu
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+1 support "Get good" is a horrible argument. Waiting around for weeks to find some people in my time zone to get a group of people together to do my 5 runs for diaries was hard enough, finding groups for grinding it after was even worse. We can solo/duo the other 2 raids, why not this one? More people would be running it if you only had to find one person, instead of 3-4. I get certain individuals are proud of their accomplishments on a PS, but many of us come on to have fun without grinding as hard as OSRS.

Posted 28 October 2023 - 05:32 AM #50

beans n cake

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Support for sure! Great idea, maybe the best I've seen in years.







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Posted 30 October 2023 - 02:37 PM #51


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Crazy to think that changing hp scaling would make the raid more completable. 10 or even 25% hp scaling wouldn't be enough to make up for not knowing mechanics or not playing correctly. 


No support.

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Posted 01 November 2023 - 06:38 AM #52

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+1 support. Also scale for solo pls

Posted 14 November 2023 - 04:03 AM #53

Jeff is Hard

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Hey all,


I would love something to change about the TOB problem. For me personal i am now waiting for 3 weeks orso to get a team just to finish the dairys. Maby a change on the dairy/ remove tob diary would help me and a lot of other people. Or scale it like COX? so its easy to solo it. 


hope we can work something out <3



Posted 21 November 2023 - 02:41 PM #54

GIM Moose
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Support for Duo/Solo scaling.


The scaling should be representative of the DPS loss of going from 3 -> 2 or 2 -> 1 player(s), similar to how ToA and CoX work. In general, having more players just makes the raid easier for each individual because it lowers the burden per person anyway. Screwing up in a solo is much more punishing than in a party, and you can easily just be carried by your party.


Artificially inflating the difficulty by enforcing a minimum scaling gatekeeps players who may not have the time to find a group, players who are in the wrong time zone to reliably find a group, or those who may have no desire to run/find a group. This would be a big help for players that want to engage with ToB but are unable to due to their circumstance. There is a reason that the overwhelming majority of new content in OSRS is designed to support solo play as well as group scaling, especially in PvM.

Posted 22 November 2023 - 11:45 AM #55

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i support this

i support this


Posted 23 November 2023 - 01:17 PM #56

Elite Umbra
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Duo scaling definitely makes sense with a smaller playerbase so i definitely support that. I however dont think it should be made easier to solo.


Since i came back to alora finding a 3rd for ToB off-event seems to be the biggest complaint i've seen people have.

Posted 11 January 2024 - 01:45 PM #57


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Your suggestion has been accepted.





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