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Small krakens

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Posted 16 July 2023 - 05:11 AM #1


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What is your suggestion?: Change the trident drop rate 


In alora the droprate of trident of the seas from small cave krakens is 1/974 ish and u kill like 80 an hour or less which is pretty ridiculous that u need to kill 13h to hit the drop rate.

Since in osrs the drop rate for it is 1/200, not sure if it was a typo but 5x higher seem's quite extreme , since everything else ive checked seems to be a bit lower than in osrs

so as i will assume it was supposed to be 174 not 974.

Future ironmen will thank you for this change.


Is this in OSRS?: 1/200 drop rate in osrs

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no

How would this benefit Alora?: Ironmen  don't have to camp small krakens for 15h+ for the droprate

Posted 16 July 2023 - 05:49 AM #2


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I’ve played a couple different accounts now and never had trouble getting a trident. I think it’s fine how it is

Posted 16 July 2023 - 06:07 AM #3

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Ehh I mean if the rate is different then should be yeah ill support usually stuff on here is more common than OSRS not more rare lol and im the opposite of @Krest on 3 diff modes each time took me over 1k kc for trident lol so I feel ya but at end of day its RNG. 

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Posted 16 July 2023 - 06:37 AM #4


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When people throw the it's always rng arguement it just makes no sense , in that logic u can make it 1/100000

there are certain drop rates for items and this case it is clearly a small mistake made or a typo , im sure it wasn't ment to be added as 5x higher drop rate chance than in osrs.

Ofcourse people who already got it will be against it since they had to do it but future ironmen wouldn't have to do 13h small kraken grind to hit the droprate.


Since many players go 2-4x the droprate, so basicly not supporting this means ironmen should grind up to 50h for an uncharged trident which is ridiculous .


It is simple update to make and ive went through all the drop rates and nothing is higher than in osrs by this margin.


Clearly if u read the suggestion u understand that it wasn't ment to be 1/974


it's like making a whip drop rate 1/2500. It just doesn't make any sense.

and there is no downside to fixing it.


i wont be personally affected because i will get my trident probably today but rest of the irons wont have to suffer.

And it's about the drop rate not the individual experience of the person since some people can get lucky but some get very unlucky.


So just imagine going 4x drop rate , it means u would have to kill small krakens for 50hours.

Posted 16 July 2023 - 07:11 AM #5

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@bot0183 Im not sure how good you can read but clearly stated if its not the drop rate should be then I support, and point still stands as well about RNG lol you either get it before the drop rate or go dry if passed the drop rate.. but go off XD

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Posted 16 July 2023 - 07:53 AM #6


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I've played maybe 10 accounts or so since 2016 and this just isn't a necessary change. You have to think how detrimental the trident is to early/mid game for irons and if the drop rate went down to 1/200 it just would be no challenge. Alora has so much QoL that a 15h grind that may or may not be isn't actually that bad. That 15h grind would be 6 months to a year+ for most avg players on OS so as I stated I think it's fine how it is, especially for how major of an upgrade it is.


Posted 16 July 2023 - 08:01 AM #7


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Not sure why u jump over the fact that it is obviously a mistake in the first place and that no other drop rate is higher , but that droprate is 5x higher.

But as i predicted , the ones who got the trident will not want the update eventho there is no downside to it. It's just human nature.

Posted 16 July 2023 - 08:17 AM #8

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Since many players go 2-4x the droprate, so basicly not supporting this means ironmen should grind up to 50h for an uncharged trident which is ridiculous:


- So considering the trident on Alora doesn't use any runes what so ever, basicly a freeby damage train when it comes to magic which doesn't cost anything but scales to maintain and something you'll use for the rest of your ironman grind untill tumekens or sanguinesti. No support, the grind is justified for the gain you get from it.



But as i predicted , the ones who got the trident will not want the update eventho there is no downside to it. It's just human nature.:


- This has nothing to do with us not wanting you to get a trident which is ridiculous to suggest even but just with keeping things real and not making everything a freeby trident is like what ? 5-6m on the TP right now doesn't seem to rare to me with a price like that.


PS: Don't camp small krakens do the boss.


No support.



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Posted 16 July 2023 - 08:25 AM #9


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i had no idea it's no cast trident. That is the 1st arguement that actually has merit .

But with that in mind that means it should be higher drop rate from boss also.

but thank you for being the first one who adress the drop rate.



killing smalls is alot faster , u kill 3 smalls and use no supplies in same time with atleast budget gear.

And as for the price , that is very obvious.

Prices are supply and demand .

Posted 17 July 2023 - 07:23 PM #10

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I don’t think this needs to be changed.

Posted 18 July 2023 - 12:07 AM #11


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No support for me

Posted 18 July 2023 - 11:46 AM #12



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