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1 rank transfer for Legendary at a cost

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Posted 15 July 2023 - 12:11 PM #1



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What is your suggestion?: I know we've recently had the benefit of allowing 1 free transfer for the $10k rank etc, but I feel it would be awesome to allow 1 transfer for legendary at a cost, it could be 1 transfer but you lose $100 per rank OR you're bumped down a rank as the "fee". So say legendary wants to transfer, they are bumped down to extreme, or you lose $100 from the rank total.


Is this in OSRS?: No, this would be a QoL strictly for Alora.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.


How would this benefit Alora?: I know the whole rank transfer is a feature based on your amount donated, but a lot of players make new accounts and then the account with that rank collects dust, and while yes this is the players doing and their "fault" if someone makes an ironman for example then has a non iron account with legendary/super whatever, they're required to donate all over again. Again while this is the player's fault and the transfer is a feature, that would be the whole point of the $100 loss "fee" or the rank bump down. (legendary to super)

Posted 15 July 2023 - 12:19 PM #2

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@ Pickpocketed Extreme donor+ already has 1 free rank transfer, uber 2 , immortal 3 , eternal free every 90 days.

After someone has used their transfers there is a 150$ fee to transfer any of the ranks again.

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Posted 15 July 2023 - 12:22 PM #3



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@ Pickpocketed Extreme donor+ already has 1 free rank transfer, uber 2 , immortal 3 , eternal free every 90 days.

After someone has used their transfers there is a 150$ fee to transfer any of the ranks again.

I know, that's the point. Legendary should at least get 2, uber 3 so on so forth, uber is already a high rank $ wise. And paying $150 for a transfer that you can get with $100 custom donation is a bit much.

Posted 15 July 2023 - 12:39 PM #4

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 I know we've recently had the benefit of allowing 1 free transfer for the $10k rank etc



I went based of this, i understood it wrong :Thumbsup:

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Posted 15 July 2023 - 02:02 PM #5

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Ehh i mean I feel you but idk if would get changed anyways because the amount of players that have had to pay that $150 already and multiple times as well, for the 10k rank I can see why didn't really matter if changed now cause not that many have it anyways and having same amount of xfers as the lower rank just didn't make sense


ill stay neutral though XD

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Posted 15 July 2023 - 04:06 PM #6



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Ehh i mean I feel you but idk if would get changed anyways because the amount of players that have had to pay that $150 already and multiple times as well, for the 10k rank I can see why didn't really matter if changed now cause not that many have it anyways and having same amount of xfers as the lower rank just didn't make sense
ill stay neutral though XD

Yeah I get what you’re saying. I just feel that it should be 2 transfers for legendary then so on so forth.

Posted 18 July 2023 - 11:46 AM #7



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