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Trading Clue Scrols on GIM/EIM etc

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Posted 01 July 2023 - 08:39 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?: 

I would really love if gamemodes like GIM / EIM could trade clue scrolls between eachother. I don't see any harm with it and we all got that one friend that loves doing clues and the ones who just let them sit in the bank. There are other items that could be tradeable too but I didn't think em through it and  just clues alone would be a lot of fun to give to your team mates.  :D 


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


I dont think so


How would this benefit Alora?:


In the end its just something that would create more interactions with these specific gamemodes, and they will complete more clues overall, it would be just fun and convinient since not all group members enjoy clues as much as that guy.

KP | One | Horus



Posted 01 July 2023 - 09:26 PM #2


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Can't see any harm in this and it's great to add some more inclusivity within the game between partner modes. If you can stack them and store them, you might as well be able to trade them to partners or at the very least store them in the group bank.



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Posted 01 July 2023 - 09:36 PM #3


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Can't see any harm in this and it's great to add some more inclusivity within the game between partner modes. If you can stack them and store them, you might as well be able to trade them to partners or at the very least store them in the group bank.



Thank you, appreciate the feedback!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 01 July 2023 - 11:55 PM #4

Dinosaur Boy

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I can see no negative impact for this being added. Huge support.
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Posted 02 July 2023 - 12:33 AM #5



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As much as i love to do clues, I feel like this would take away a big part of the long term grinds such as gauntlet, raids, nex (main pvm source for clues) in the game modes where mostly everything else is shareable already. so no support.


Posted 02 July 2023 - 03:27 AM #6

large beef
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Definitely support, should have been added on osrs gim release. Can't think of a single valid reason this shouldn't be added.
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Posted 02 July 2023 - 03:40 AM #7

Hard Dance

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If this would get added, i would like to see this for all gamemodes. I myself spent hundreds hours chasing clue scrolls on my main and it feels like big achievement finally completeing for example 1,000 elite clues. Trading clues kinda seems like a cheat way to make more money/complete the collection log faster and it would kinda devalue the grinds of other people who go for high clue scroll kc's. Not a bad idea but yea, this is my point.

Im gonna stay neutral on this one








Posted 02 July 2023 - 04:24 AM #8

It Happened

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Wouldn't upset me lol, support 

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Posted 02 July 2023 - 04:40 AM #9


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As much as i love to do clues, I feel like this would take away a big part of the long term grinds such as gauntlet, raids, nex (main pvm source for clues) in the game modes where mostly everything else is shareable already. so no support.

Appreciate the feedback, as for taking away a big part of the long term grinds, you can simply just not accept the trade like you would with any item. I can get clues from birds nest and things along those lines, I never got a torva platebody from a birds nest. It would be completely optional since it would involve a trade. I understand your concerns tho, thank you for voicing your opinion.

If this would get added, i would like to see this for all gamemodes. I myself spent hundreds hours chasing clue scrolls on my main and it feels like big achievement finally completeing for example 1,000 elite clues. Trading clues kinda seems like a cheat way to make more money/complete the collection log faster and it would kinda devalue the grinds of other people who go for high clue scroll kc's. Not a bad idea but yea, this is my point.

Im gonna stay neutral on this one

Thats a very good point, appreciate your feedback hard dance, missed you lots too!



Lets not forget that a lot of people green log stuff from puro puro aswell, not clues

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Posted 02 July 2023 - 06:32 AM #10



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No support.


Clues are not tradeable in any capacity on OSRS and shouldn't be on Alora.


Grinding the clue section for collection log slots is one of the few grinds that still has merit. That would be entirely devalued if they were made buyable. Clues are already stackable so there is no need to make them easier to obtain. 


Players might do Puro puro for a lot of easy and medium slots, but it is not a viable option for hard, elite or master clues.


Like Hard Dance mentioned, if they are made tradeable on one game mode other game modes will want to be able to as well and it would be a terrible update to game integrity for clues to be tradeable.


Even if it was to only be allowed for groups, someone could purchase hundreds or a thousand clue scrolls on a group ironman and then deiron to a normal account and have a massive advantage toward obtaining collection logs over other accounts. 

Posted 02 July 2023 - 10:54 AM #11

large beef
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Clues are not tradeable in any capacity on OSRS and shouldn't be on Alora.


This is pretty disingenuous, we both know you can buy clues on OSRS. I can send a screenshot of my OSRS grand exchange history if need be.

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Posted 02 July 2023 - 02:05 PM #12



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This is pretty disingenuous, we both know you can buy clues on OSRS. I can send a screenshot of my OSRS grand exchange history if need be.





Would love to see your offer for a hard clue scroll or casket. Buying an impling that has a rare chance of dropping a clue scroll is far from the same thing as outright buying stackable clues. If you want to catch and trade implings within your group on Alora that is already possible.


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Posted 02 July 2023 - 08:15 PM #13



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No support. I feel like players would join groups and have 1 person collect a huge amount of high-tier clue scrolls in order to speed run the clue scroll collection log, thus putting them at a huge advantage over other game modes such as ironman and normie.

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Posted 03 July 2023 - 05:28 AM #14


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Players get funneled into rushing all kinds of activities in groups all the time, I dont think clues would be the most severe one ._.

As far as integrity goes, would it be ok if when you trade a clue, you won't procc into its hiscores/stats ?

I legitimatelly suggested this for the sole purpose of having fun with the process of doing clues and the fun in it, trading them just for the sake of the person that enjoys doing them can have more clues to do. I don't want it to harm any form of integrity or competitive clue scrolling my friends, it aint for any that shit


I am ok with any outcome too, its what the section is for!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 03 July 2023 - 01:32 PM #15



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