What is your suggestion?:
200m Skilling/Master capes
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
Not to my knowledge.
How would this benefit Alora?:
Personally i think it would be a good benifit to Alora due to the Grind on harder game modes working towards a 200m skill achieving it feels good upon completion, a player would be able to show off the cape once achieving the 200m skill cape with a Slight small perk to go along side it. Ideas i have are as follows.
The capes could personally be Slight customizes version of Max Cape with the Skill Added onto the rear corresponding the colour of the skill (i think the owner/developers would find this fairly easy to add).
Slight perks to be added to capes to help players thrive and want to achieve such capes could be
- Agility - Automatically Loots any Marks of Grace dropped while doing Agility courses.
- Herblore - While training Herblore 10% chance (additional 2% per donator rank) to recieve a second potion.
- Theiving - 10% chance (additional 2% per donator rank) chance to recieve double loot while Pickpocketing/Theiving stalls.
- Crafting - While training this skill a possible chance to save Onyx/Zenyte Jewelery
- Fletching - Double darts/arrows recieved upon creation.
- Runecrafting - 25% chance to make Double runes/Double points given every GOTR Game.
- Construction - 50% Cost reduction of making things inside your PoH.
- Hunter - 25% chance to recieve Double loot while Catching Any Imp around Alora.
- Mining - 15% chance to Automatically Replenish a Rock once Depleted.
- Smithing - 50% reduction cost while making bars outside of Blast furnace for Mithril-Rune.
- Fishing - 10% chance to Give Noted fish instead of Unnoted in inventory.
- Cooking - 15% chance to Give 2x Fish cooked.
- Firemaking - When opening a Wintertodt Crate you will recieve a Extra 4x rolls on the Drop table.
- Woodcutting - 15% chance to give Noted Logs while woodcutting and 5% chance to Give a clue bird nest.
- Farming - 20% more Yield when farming Herbs around Alora.
Any ideas added below/changes to my suggestions i can add/edit if needed, feel free to leave Feedback.