Hi there! Returning player after about 5 years! I've been playing OSRS basically the whole time on my break and all the content updates since my absence are nothing short of amazing! Fantastic work! I've been running a little bit of ToA and noticed that P3 wardens is definitely a little off compared to live game, you have to wait just a couple of extra ticks longer to move to the next safe tile when he throws the tiles up, (gotta kinda watch the wave disappear before you can even run) has definitely planked me a few times and I can't break the muscle memory of actual live game. I have quite a few KC live game, so I don't think I'm tripping balls.
Also, less of an issue, but still a little rough and definitely not 1:1 with live game is the projectile getting thrown down at you once the second entity spawns. It's thrown way faster than normal. Even with Overlocked 2 on, I still have to move a tile forward or backward to avoid the projectile before I'm safe to move to the next safe spot. Literally the whole point of Overclocked 2 is to prevent getting hit from those bad bois. D: So my suggestion is to make it to where we can safely run to our next set of tiles a tick after seeing the wave start (like live game) and slowing down the falling projectiles, (haven't tested on anything other than overclocked 2, but they fall I'm pretty sure at the speed of insanity) Hope this wasn't too hard to follow, thank you!
Side note : I'm aware that I could simply just wait a few extra ticks, but the issue is 1. Muscle memory LOL and 2. you gotta pay extra attention to the falling boulders from the second entity and literally what's even the point of overlocked 2 at that point.
Second side note: apparently I've only been absent like 4 years, not 5. hahahaha noticed after I posted this.