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Donator zone revamp - Rough proposal

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Posted 12 May 2023 - 02:25 PM #1

RNG Bitch
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What is your suggestion?: Revamp the donator zone

Is this in OSRS?: N/A

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: Add way more benefit to the donator zone for players, incentivise donators which help support the server.


I feel like the donator zone is only really beneficial to early/mid game players and has the ability to be expanded due to the donator tiers we have here on Alora, I have created an EXTREMELY rough proposal, it would obviously need work and much tweaking, but I think a donator zone rework is needed, we should then close ;;dz2.


All other areas of the current donator zone that are not marked out on the map would stay as they currently are. Line colours obviosuly related to the proposed donator rank required to access.






Posted 12 May 2023 - 09:56 PM #2


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While I do think that a donator zone rework has been long overdue, I also think that it will be hard to find a balance between buffing the donator zone and making it too worthwhile. If too many things get added, players could potentially be inclined to do all of their stuff in one area, making the rest of alora feel desolate. If I recall correctly, this is why the teleport wizard doesn't get added to the donator zones. I think this is a good start though and I would like to hear what ideas other players propose.





Posted 13 May 2023 - 01:20 AM #3

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Support the main topic of this suggestion defintely needs re-work, tbh i cant even remember the last time ive even used ::dz for anything after passed early/mid-game & ::dz2 basically is only used for fishing

I like in your proposal you have certain stuff can unlock if higher dono rank, even if its not the same stuff added you suggested the idea itself isnt bad so that way higher donos can atleast get a lil more benefits from the DZ as well

Support, but I still think so much other content defintely needs to be worked on and added before worry about this
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Posted 13 May 2023 - 02:14 AM #4

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The core idea of having everything in the ;;dz just doesn't  make any sense to the current way Alora has taken... We're trying to stay as close as possible to be 1:1 with osrs.


Clearly what you're suggesting is just way too much, we can just add add tele wiz, contract master and redwood batch and that's it. The rest of the game is not needed.


We're still a couple updates behind osrs now, we still have Wildy rework and Muspha.. I would like to see the dev time being spent there rather than make the ;;dz all game content area.


The only thing I would say that can be maybe good is, add Duradel and make him has a higher chance of assigning boss tasks than regular slayer master, other than that I don't see the reason for any of the edits to be mad to the current ;;dz or ;;dz2

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Wow stuff, just wow.



Posted 13 May 2023 - 02:19 AM #5

RNG Bitch
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Support the main topic of this suggestion defintely needs re-work, tbh i cant even remember the last time ive even used ::dz for anything after passed early/mid-game & ::dz2 basically is only used for fishing

I like in your proposal you have certain stuff can unlock if higher dono rank, even if its not the same stuff added you suggested the idea itself isnt bad so that way higher donos can atleast get a lil more benefits from the DZ as well

Support, but I still think so much other content defintely needs to be worked on and added before worry about this

Yeah the donator zone is pretty much “dead” content once you pass early/mid game.

- Varrock is better for smithing
- WC Guild is better for woodcutting
- Myths guild is better for cooking

Only real benefit of the donator zone is the mining area and maybe fishing spots, other than that, there’s no use for the donator zone really. Only time I use it now is ;;dz2 for fairy ring when doing clues.

The core idea of having everything in the ;;dz just doesn't  make any sense to the current way Alora has taken... We're trying to stay as close as possible to be 1:1 with osrs.
Clearly what you're suggesting is just way too much, we can just add add tele wiz, contract master and redwood batch and that's it. The rest of the game is not needed.
We're still a couple updates behind osrs now, we still have Wildy rework and Muspha.. I would like to see the dev time being spent there rather than make the ;;dz all game content area.
The only thing I would say that can be maybe good is, add Duradel and make him has a higher chance of assigning boss tasks than regular slayer master, other than that I don't see the reason for any of the edits to be mad to the current ;;dz or ;;dz2

Yeah as I said, extremely rough proposal I just dotted ideas on the map, obviously no need to include everything there.

At a minimum i think donators, especially higher tier ones should have access to additional farming spots and a better slayer master. Donator zone as it stands at the minute, is pretty shit, especially when you are have passed mid game.




Posted 13 May 2023 - 08:21 AM #6


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Feels like dzone is pretty dead.

Posted 13 May 2023 - 11:29 AM #7


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As I do feel like the donor zone needs some rework. I'm on board with what's been said thus far. I think with just adding some small perks to the donor zone would be a plus, like new Slayer Master, maybe even some "bonuses" to what's already there as an insentive for donating. But definitely do think other pending updates should take priority over this.

Posted 13 May 2023 - 12:02 PM #8

RNG Bitch
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As I do feel like the donor zone needs some rework. I'm on board with what's been said thus far. I think with just adding some small perks to the donor zone would be a plus, like new Slayer Master, maybe even some "bonuses" to what's already there as an insentive for donating. But definitely do think other pending updates should take priority over this.

Oh yeah I agree 100% other updates should take priority over this - It's just something that probably should be considered for times when there are no major updates to be working on.

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