Nex Guide
I. Information
Nex is one of Zaros' most powerful followers. She is imprisoned in the Ancient Prison, sealed away beneath the God Wars Dungeon.
Nex's Ancient Prison is locked behind the frozen door in the southern part of the God Wars Dungeon and can only be opened by having at least 1 KC at each of the other God Wars Dungeon bosses. (General Graardor, K'ril Tsutsaroth, Commander Zilyana, and Kree'arra)
This in turn requires a base level of 70 Hitpoints, Ranged, Strength, and Agility in order to reach Nex, none of which can be boosted.
Dying at Nex is a dangerous death. Your items can be reclaimed from the chest in the Nex lobby area or in the room behind the frozen door for 250K.
Nex's chamber can only be entered when she is not being fought, and up to 60 players can fight Nex per encounter.
II. Combat Stats
Combat Level: 1001
HP: 3,400
Max Hit: 33 (Magic) 60 (Ranged) 30 (Melee)
Specials: 50 (Smoke Dash), 50 (Shadow Smash), 80 (Blood Sacrifice), 60 (Containment), 75 (Ice Prison)
Attack Speed: 4 ticks (2.4 seconds)
Attack Range: 10 tiles
III. Gear Hierarchy & Inventory Setups
Gear Hierarchy
Helm Slot:
Masori mask >
Armadyl helmet >
Crystal helm >
D'hide coif
Necklace Slot:
Necklace of anguish >
Amulet of fury
Cape Slot:
Completionist cape/monkey >
Ava's assembler
Chest Slot:
Masori body >
Armadyl chestplate >
Crystal body >
D'hide body
Leg Slot:
Masori chaps >
Armadyl chainskirt >
Crystal chaps >
D'hide chaps
Weapon Slot:
Twisted bow >
Zaryte crossbow >
Armadyl crossbow >
Bow of faerdhinen
Special Attack Weapon(s):
Zaryte crossbow >
Zamorak godsword >
Dragon warhammer >
Bandos godsword
Shield Slot:
Twisted buckler >
Dragonfire ward >
Odium ward >
Book of law
Ammo Slot:
Ruby dragon bolts (e) >
Ruby bolts (e)
Dragon arrows >
Amethyst arrows
Glove Slot:
Zaryte vambraces >
Barrows gloves
Boot Slot:
Pegasian boots >
D'hide boots
Ring Slot:
Lightbearer >
Archers ring (i)
Inventory Setups
Combo Food
Saradomin Brews
Super Restores/Sanfew Serums
Bastion/Ranging Potions
Antidote/Anti-poison - To cure poison if you don't wish to use Sanfews
Rune Pouch - Bring runes for Thralls & Death Charge (Fire, Cosmic, Blood, Death, Soul)
Zamorak godsword - Can be used to freeze Nex during the encounter as well as free players from the Ice Prison when on the crush attack style
Toxic blowpipe - For minions and Blood reavers if you are main-handing a crossbow
Max Setup Example:
Mid-tier Setup Example:
Budget Setup Example:
IV. Getting There
Nex can be reached by using the God Wars Dungeon boss teleport at the Teleport Wizard. Once there, run south and enter the frozen door. An ancient item must be worn or monsters within the ancient area will be aggressive.
Teleport Wizard > Boss Teleports > God Wars Dungeon > Run south to the Frozen Door
Players with the Elite tier Combat Achievements completed will be able to use the Ancient Prison teleport on the Ghommal's hilt to teleport them right outside the Nex lobby.
V. Fight Mechanics & Overview
Nex can run at the same speed as players and can jump to her target if they are out of her attack distance for more than 8 ticks. (Two attacks)
Smoke Phase
The first phase begins when Nex shouts Fill my soul with smoke!
During this phase, Nex will use Smoke Rush against players, which can inflict poison.
Use Protect from Magic to reduce damage from her auto attacks.
Special Attacks:
Choke - Nex will shout Let the virus flow through you! A random player will be targeted and *Cough* will display over their head. The choke attack drains the player's stat with highest attack bonus. The virus will also spread between adjacent players, so it is best to remain at least 1 tile away from other players during this phase.
A slayer helmet can be worn to reduce the duration of the Choke attack.
Drag - Nex will drag a random player towards her, stunning them and deactivating their protection prayer.
Smoke Dash - Nex will shout There is... NO ESCAPE! and dart down one of the four aisles in the chamber. This attack can deal up to 50 damage to players caught in her selected aisle. Nex will look in the direction she intends to dash down prior to the attack giving you ample time to move to safety. Avoid standing in the middle of the aisles so this attack can be dodged easily. Stand near the center or outside of the room.
After Nex reaches 80% health (2720 HP), she will shout Fumus, don't fail me! Now, Fumus will become vulnerable and must be killed to proceed to the next phase. Cast Death Charge before killing the minion and if you deal the killing blow, you will restore 15% special attack.
Shadow Phase
Nex's second phase starts when she shouts Darken my shadow!
During this phase, Nex will shoot shadow spells which are considered as ranged attacks. Players will take more damage from the shadow spells the closer they are to Nex, so it is advised to keep your distance.
Use Protect from Missiles to reduce damage from her auto attacks.
Special Attacks:
Shadow Smash - Nex will shout Fear the shadow! Shadows will appear under every player. You have 3 ticks to move out of their way before they erupt and deal up to 50 damage.
Embrace Darkness - Nex will shout Embrace Darkness! The chamber will be darkened, the closer to Nex the darker the room will be. If players are stood next to Nex they will take constant damage from the pure shadow. It is best to freeze Nex with a Zamorak Godsword special attack before or at the start of this special, so she does not chase players and deal high shadow damage.
After Nex reaches 60% health (2040 HP), she will shout Umbra, don't fail me! Now, Umbra will become vulnerable and must be killed to proceed to the next phase. Cast Death Charge before killing the minion and if you deal the killing blow, you will restore 15% special attack.
Blood Phase
Nex's third phase starts when she shouts Flood my lungs with blood!
During this phase, Nex will use Blood barrage against players which heals her a percentage of the damage dealt. This attack will only target one person at a time, although it is a 3x3 AOE.
Use Protect from Magic to reduce damage from her auto attacks.
Special Attacks:
Blood Siphon - Nex will shout A siphon will solve this! Nex will summon several Blood reavers and kneel down for about 8 ticks. During this time all damage she receives will heal her instead. Nex will do this at the start of each Blood Phase, so it is best to not attack Nex for 8-10 ticks after the end of the Shadow Phase.
Blood Sacrifice - Nex will shout I demand a blood sacrifice! A single player will be marked for sacrifice and glow red/orange. The marked player has roughly 4 seconds to move at least 7 tiles away from Nex otherwise they will be dealt up to 50 damage through Protect from Magic. Nex will heal for 1/3 of the damage dealt.
After Nex reaches 40% health (1360 HP), she will shout Cruor, don't fail me! Now, Cruor will become vulnerable and must be killed to proceed to the next phase. Cast Death Charge before killing the minion and if you deal the killing blow, you will restore 15% special attack.
Ice Phase
Nex's fourth phase starts when she shouts Infuse me with the power of ice!
During this phase, Nex will use Ice Barrage against players, which will freeze them if they are not praying Protect from Magic.
Use Protect from Magic to reduce damage from her auto attacks.
Special Attacks:
Containment - Nex will shout Contain this! Nex will smash the floor and icicles will appear in a 5x5 area around her. Getting caught in this can deal up to 60 damage. Praying Protect from Missiles will reduce the damage by half of its original amount.
Ice Prison - Nex will shout Die now, in a prison of ice! She will freeze one targeted player using an ice stalagmite attack, surrounding them within a 3x3 AOE. She will face the targeted player as she casts the attack. Players next to the targeted player will be shoved aside for no damage. Any player on the same tile as the targeted player will also be stuck inside the Ice Prison. 4 seconds after forming the prison will shatter, dealing up to 75 damage to everyone inside if one of the stalagmites were not destroyed. To destroy a stalagmite, attack it with a weapon on the crush attack style.
If you are inside the Ice Prison and nobody frees you pray Protect from Missiles to reduce some of the damage.
After Nex reaches 20% health (680 HP), she will shout Glacies, don't fail me! Now, Glacies will become vulnerable and must be killed to proceed to the next phase. Cast Death Charge before killing the minion and if you deal the killing blow, you will restore 15% special attack.
Zaros Phase
Nex's fifth and final phase starts when she shouts NOW, THE POWER OF ZAROS!
During this phase Nex will call on Zaros' power, healing for 500 hitpoints and will only use her normal magic and melee attacks.
Use Protect from Magic to reduce damage from her auto attacks.
Nex will use several Ruinous Powers, which are Zarosian prayers during the final phase of the fight.
Turmoil - Lasting until the end of the fight, Nex's magic and melee attacks are now far more accurate and powerful, hitting high damage even through prayer. It can also drain the player's melee, range and magic stats, transferring the drained stats to her own.
Soul Split - An overhead prayer in which Nex will heal a small percentage of her health for every successful hit she inflicts on up to 3 players. She will use this as soon as the phase begins.
Deflect Melee - An overhead prayer similar to Protect from Melee that deflects the damage the player would have dealt to her with melee.
Wrath - An overhead prayer in which Nex shouts Taste my wrath! This is a stronger version of Retribution and deals up to 50 damage to players within a 5x5 radius of Nex upon her death.
Nex will change overhead prayers every 5 attacks and repeat the cycle until she is defeated.
Use the altar on the eastern side of the room to teleport out after each kill and replenish your inventory. The altar can also restore your hitpoints, prayer and special attack once every 10 minutes if you are wearing an Ancient/Zarosian item.
Example kills: