Aftermath CC is an all game-modes clan that doesn't take themselves, or this game too seriously. We're here to have some fun, and not to treat this game like an Olympic sport, now if this sounds like you please feel free to apply to Alora's most popular non-helpcc at the following: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes - Clan Recruitment - Alora RSPS | Oldschool MMORPG
Although we do have requirements to become full members, we also have a trial rank that allows you 30 days to not only complete the requirements but also to get vibe checked by the homies. Without further rambling I bring to you Alora's Finest: Aftermath.
This month we have a few changes to the Higher-Ups and are excited for what the future has to bring.
We congratulate @
We welcome back @ St8 as Captain from his brief hiatus to touch grass and lift weights.
None - Congrats guys.
We have officially met with @
We here at Aftermath will be recognizing 3 of our most important members every month with honorable awards that they can wear with pride.
Now we aren't stingy with our awards and accolades and will be recognizing 1 non-cc member every single month for their contributions to not only making Aftermath great but also Alora great!
@ redcar aka Dedcar has a long history of donating HUGE amounts to Aftermath even when he was among our ranks. Unfortunately he's not as quick with his logout in the wilderness as he is while gambling clan members.
Listen Up, we're more than just our sense of humor. Behind the jokes and the banter we're some of the most dedicated and impressive gamers Alora has to offer. We may be humble but we are not to be mistaken for chumps. Lets take a few minutes to appreciate some achievements made by AFM members!
I'd like to start this section off by stating something we all are thinking: what the ACTUAL fuck @ Omicron how is this possible.
Unfortunately somehow we LOST pictures of shadow drops from @
The Spooning Don't Stop There!
I'm glad you've made it this far. Unfortunately not all players in Alora that witness Aftermath's greatness live as long as you, many perish at the hands of our beloved demons in the wilderness. Unfortunately PARAGONE has been MIA apart from @
Somehow our PvMers turned NH Cosplayers have claimed many sets recently, although we don't claim to be a PvP focused clan we aren't afraid of throwing ourselves in the ring. Our impeccable teamwork, and team morale that's higher than @ Moe and @it_happened on a weekend make us a formidable threat to all in Alora's Wilderness.
We wanna give an honorable mention to the Wannabe Disney star, former AFM members, and "PKers" who lose their streaks to HCIM: Alora may not be 1:1 with osrs but we can still turn your bones to peaches in our hearts.
Now, if you're a little angry or upset by this point I'd like to remind you that this is just a ripoff of a 00's clicker game and none of this is serious. We'd like to conclude this volume with some funny moments from behind the scenes from this month. In the end, this game would suck ass if it wasn't for the people in it and the fun we have together.
Congratulations for making it all the way though this post. We're going to end these newsletters with some history lessons on major Aftermath events, people, misfortunates, etc.
Today we're going to learn about the infamous
Super Restore Fiasco of 2023
Legal Disclaimer:
In late 2022/early 2023 Alora's amazing development team implemented one of the most beloved changes in history; They made super restores heal almost 50HP in addition to their regular effects. It wasn't long before players (and staff) began to take note, a new meta was forming for ALL content in the game. Anglers and manta rays were left in the bank and players across all our 1 world began using super restores instead; especially prominent AFM members.
After this became known to staff conflicting reports came out about what you were, and weren't allowed to do. You couldn't use them, you could only use them bursting, you could only have a maximum of 3 in your inventory, the rules kept coming and so did the seemingly arbitrary punishments.
Unfortunately Aftermath is not known for a reserved nature, and instead some of our prominent members took it upon themselves to "bug test" the super restores to explore the details of this new Alora "feature" to determine how best to file bug reports and help our development team out. Unfortunately the staff didn't see this the way many of us did; and swiftly handed out jails and punishments to the many members accused of "abusing" this new feature.
Here are some of the greatest moments from this time:
Want to know more? ::topic 74217
A Huge Shoutout goes out to the many people that make these newsletters possible most notably:
@ gim crohn
St8's Sister