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Posted 16 April 2023 - 10:41 AM #21

Donkey asser

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I have like 400ish KC on my accounts, username has like 1.4k, everyone on this thread pretty much has TOB kc?


Have you tried to run a public group rather than a group of people in your discord with absolute max since the most recent change?


Not to mention, there isn't one specific individual complaining about it, it's pretty much whole server, no one runs groups outside of bonus, there are people on this thread 'complaining' that know the mechanics, but adding mechanics isn't helping to make it more active, rather it's been doing the opposite.


There's no reason to stomp TOB content into the ground because only a handful of people can run it and you think it's a skill issue, it obviously needs to get scaled down from what it's at right now.




I'd say this is the most accurate take right now, making barely active content harder to complete for players is / was the wrong move. This just makes the handful of people with already max gear control the price on TOB items like people trying to sell avernic, the most common drop, for ~600m - 900m.


Drop rate increases aren't the thing it needs to become active, I would scale down the difficulty of it and/or remove some mechanics.

username got his kc WELL before any changes to tob... and im assuming you got yours when it was changed a few times and no why would I do an end game raid with people that dont have good gear? its end game for a reason lol. TOB has always had issues with popularity, thats because even when tob was very easy people still didnt want to take the time to learn it. some of the people complaining havent done tob in months and have less than 100 kc, which means they havent done tob recently so the fact that they cry about new mechanics is laughable.

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Posted 16 April 2023 - 12:46 PM #22

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As Yautja said before , get used to the new mechanics, if you want BIS gear, face end game content, complaining that its to hard is not gonna solve anything nor do i think lowering verzik her stats is the solution.

Also as Mack mentioned verzik was bugged (defensive stats] ever since release which is now fixed to what it should have been years ago.

Melee hits by verzik are very simple to avoid if you just learn how to do it.

Long story short , leave it at is it.

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Posted 16 April 2023 - 03:12 PM #23

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Players come to learn Raids on our server & Veteran players like to see better end content, however I would like to point out the new changes have been a turn off to a majority of players. It also has caused no one to take new players to raids, and learners just wipe and don't have people to raid with or learn with. Which is the only reason I have been in support with the comments being posted. There should be a middle ground for the gamers in our community already which I am sure Omicron will figure out boys.

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Posted 16 April 2023 - 09:05 PM #24


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I can say that I partially agree with you on this.


To be honest I like the fact that they made Verzic phase more of a challenge and similar to osrs, however I would like to see a change in the defence aspect as I believe that as mentioned by other people here is in fact way to high and the fact that u cant hammer it makes it so much worse. Right now you can't range verzik at all because the dps is horrible. So the mechanics should stay the same but they should tweek the stats a little bit.

Posted 16 April 2023 - 11:26 PM #25



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I can say that I partially agree with you on this.


To be honest I like the fact that they made Verzic phase more of a challenge and similar to osrs, however I would like to see a change in the defence aspect as I believe that as mentioned by other people here is in fact way to high and the fact that u cant hammer it makes it so much worse. Right now you can't range verzik at all because the dps is horrible. So the mechanics should stay the same but they should tweek the stats a little bit.


Tob is meant to be a melee raid (excluding maiden and nylos), the proposed changes that Mack suggested will probably make the content more appealing to do again for learners but it wont change the fact people will always find something to complain about in general. Normal mode could use some tweaks to help people get into the raid a bit more/casually run it but i think hmt should remain the same.


Posted 17 April 2023 - 01:12 AM #26


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Good solution would be to keep the mechanics but decrease their difficulty/lower the def of bosses (possibly only in normal mode?). I don't see how making the mechanics more similar to those of OSRS is a bad thing, but there is definitely an accessibility issue, and it makes no sense to further kill the content by making it harder. Obviously a small % of players don't agree, but a small minority shouldn't get to decide.


Also the KC argument doesn't really hold up. If you have high KC/a lot of the log completed already, it's not as much of an issue for you since you were able to do that when the raid was easier.


The fact that ToB items are so much easier to obtain from mystery boxes also needs to be looked at. 10% increase to the unique drop table wasn't enough, the rewards are not good enough for the effort/time required as Tauri and Viverz mentioned.

Posted 17 April 2023 - 02:03 AM #27

GIM Johno
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I think the main point to raise is.. why are core updates happening without community input? Yet we're still waiting 3 weeks past the last update for combat achievements. The update focus is completely wrong and it is just keeps happening.


Fine improve content for the good of the server and the community, but we don't need content changes randomly that only make the playability (in terms of getting a team, enjoyment and/or reward vs time/effort/risk) worse without getting the majority opinion of the many.


I've only ever done TOB on here post the easy mode, where everyone has gotten the majority of their KC, so I think it's fair to express feedback regarding recent changes as I've been through all the bugs, random changes and haven't had the pleasure of getting 1k+ on easy mode. 

Posted 17 April 2023 - 02:15 AM #28

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In the end, its not about the difficulty, its rather the rewards which is the reason why people do not wanna tob. You get better upgrades from other raids/nex then from tob, making more sense to invest your time into other content.



Is why i haven't tobbed since i got an avernic and when i do it's maybe once every couple of months.
There is absolutely nothing to gain from there apart from the avernic, and scythe which is irrelevant for 99% of end game content, i have access to one and the most use it got is to kill Sarachnis. Which is also dead once the log is complete as its faster to collect red eggs from the floor in Forthos dungeon. This also applies to Nightmare, it's not rocket science as to why its also dead content, the items from there are completely irrelevant for end game. The orbs are useless compared to the shadow, and inquisitors biggest contribution to endgame content as of now is some increased accuracy for DWH specs. How about buffing these items to make them worth while grinding.
I suggested a points system to purchase resources or other helpful items, but i think the topic needs further input than that.


Posted 17 April 2023 - 02:22 AM #29


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I think the main point to raise is.. why are core updates happening without community input? Yet we're still waiting 3 weeks past the last update for combat achievements. The update focus is completely wrong and it is just keeps happening.


Fine improve content for the good of the server and the community, but we don't need content changes randomly that only make the playability (in terms of getting a team, enjoyment and/or reward vs time/effort/risk) worse without getting the majority opinion of the many.


I've only ever done TOB on here post the easy mode, where everyone has gotten the majority of their KC, so I think it's fair to express feedback regarding recent changes as I've been through all the bugs, random changes and haven't had the pleasure of getting 1k+ on easy mode. 

I don't think this is true, at least in this case. This update was suggested and had overwhelming support, so was implemented. Search handled suggestions.

Posted 17 April 2023 - 03:08 AM #30

GIM Johno
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I don't think this is true, at least in this case. This update was suggested and had overwhelming support, so was implemented. Search handled suggestions.


Perhaps I have looked at the wrong accepted suggestion (https://www.alora.io...lood/?hl=verzik) but I don't think that is suggested the latest round of updates but happy to be corrected if I am wrong.


The above suggestion which was accepted and was posted in May 22 pretty much covers ToB up to the version before last which was fine. I am unable to find any suggestion with high support for the latest changes.


I also think suggestions with 'support' isn't the way content should be polled, a dev blog of numerous potential changes should be made with voting of which they have to pass a % to be accepted in to the game. Going off a nearly 1 year old suggestion post isn't really cutting it as many things have changed since then.

Posted 17 April 2023 - 09:25 PM #31

Steel Nogan

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I do understand the frustration of a lot of the players and why people dont like the new changes but lets be fair, the mechanics arent really that hard to learn. I know that the main issue is new players not wanting to try TOB because of its current difficulty but isnt TOB supposed to be end game, its clearly not made for new players? I feel like TOB is the only chance to make enjoyable content for the veteran players and players who want to spend time learning the game. Why are people so eager to take it from them? In my opinion letting a veteran player have fun at least in 1 of the end game content is way more important than making it easier so new players can do it more. (At the end of the day the drops arent that useful as Tauri said, which means people arent being let out of potential other content because of not having a TOB unique, so if someone doesnt want to grind them… just simply dont)

Also seen a few comments going after people that raid with experienced players with max gear, spoiler alert: i dont have max gear but i have never been told no when i asked to raid. And why is that you might ask. Its because im willing to learn mechanics and play the game as intended.
(To be fair i havent been that active lately because of irl, but cmon, learn a few mechanics and let the veterans enjoy something especially after everything else in the game is WAY easier than in osrs)

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Posted 19 April 2023 - 01:49 PM #32


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I do understand the frustration of a lot of the players and why people dont like the new changes but lets be fair, the mechanics arent really that hard to learn. I know that the main issue is new players not wanting to try TOB because of its current difficulty but isnt TOB supposed to be end game, its clearly not made for new players? I feel like TOB is the only chance to make enjoyable content for the veteran players and players who want to spend time learning the game. Why are people so eager to take it from them? In my opinion letting a veteran player have fun at least in 1 of the end game content is way more important than making it easier so new players can do it more. (At the end of the day the drops arent that useful as Tauri said, which means people arent being let out of potential other content because of not having a TOB unique, so if someone doesnt want to grind them… just simply dont)

Also seen a few comments going after people that raid with experienced players with max gear, spoiler alert: i dont have max gear but i have never been told no when i asked to raid. And why is that you might ask. Its because im willing to learn mechanics and play the game as intended.
(To be fair i havent been that active lately because of irl, but cmon, learn a few mechanics and let the veterans enjoy something especially after everything else in the game is WAY easier than in osrs)

Respectfully I disagree with this. One of the things that draws players to rsps is the fact that content is fairly accessible. With this mentality because 5-8 veteran players enjoy and do Tob on the regular after the latest update then the feedback of the other 350+ players is irrelevant and they're out of luck. Really all I see is newer players being excluded from the content more and more. If these updates were to better tob and the content why are so few people running it/ enjoying it now?


Also no one is saying change the mechanics. Prior to this update people were mostly willing to learn them and tob was finally starting to be ran a bit more after the mechanic update (albeit still not very often and the feed back was mostly 50/50 on the new mechanics, I personally don't mind them). They're referring to the latest update which buffed verziks defence.


 If you prefer to melee verzik as that's the proper mechanic you're completely able to do that and it's bis with scythe (as it should). If you don't want to raid with people who use blowpipe/tbow/bowfa or whatever other weapon on verzik you have the option not to. But what does it matter if newer players are able to use those methods to complete the raid? It doesn't impact anyone else, so I'm not sure why we keep getting these updates to make tob less accessible. No one is coming to Alora and saying "Tob is bad because it isn't 1:1 to osrs" it's usually along the lines of "tob is dead content" because they can't find a team and now complaints that it's unenjoyable.


+ I've done 100+kc post new mechanics and maybe 15-20 post verzik buff so not all my kc is old. I've done a fair amount on every version of tob just throwing that out there.

Posted 20 April 2023 - 03:21 AM #33

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The boss rework poll failed for a reason. This an rsps, not a training grounds for osrs players. 

Posted 21 April 2023 - 09:55 AM #34

RNG Bitch
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The boss rework poll failed for a reason. This an rsps, not a training grounds for osrs players. 

This. An RSPS by its very nature, should be a bit more accessible than OSRS.




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