What is your suggestion?:
Add the ability to put in buy offers to change the tp to an actual grand exchange like in osrs
Is this in OSRS?: yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no
How would this benefit Alora?:
Brings us closer to being like osrs, your buy offers can be completed at your rate, the eco moves faster when theres buy and sell offers, healthier economy due to it moving faster which makes prices stabilize rather than constant bidding wars for sell offers, and I'm for anything to make the normie eco healthier since imo it can be the best game mode if we had a healthy economy that doesnt take 3-5 days to sell simple items and typically 30% less than your original price due to bidding wars.
EDIT: I 100% do not expect this to come before CA's, wilderness update, and muspah. If approved I understand and expect it to come only AFTER these updates.