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How a Penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail

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Posted 13 March 2023 - 02:55 PM #1

Real Alan

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Today, while doing master clues, I got randomly jailed by the staff team (@Ivy and @To gain)

What for?

For safe spotting nex, according to staff.

What did I actually do though?
To answer that, we'll need to go back in time.

While doing the drop rate calculations for nex, I realized that you only need to do 100 damage at nex to qualify for a roll on the unique drop table.

The MVP gets a small 1.2x bonus, while everyone else (rank 2 damage to rank last damage) all have the same odds at a drop.

As a result, I devised a plan to consistently get rank last damage with minimal effort.
If the rank 2 damage gets the same reward as rank last damage, why work that hard?
Blame the system. Don't blame the player.

Anyways, how might one do that?

Simple! Zaryte crossbow spec has 75 accuracy and will always hit 110 damage if the attack lands. If I can land 1 of those, I should be all set.

I could do this at the start and launch a zaryte crossbow spec at nex; however, nex has much higher ranged defense than her 4 mages. Plus nex likes to drag aggresive players into the center.

As a result, I decided to dump my spec on one of the 4 mages.

First, I started by targeting the last of the 4 mages. However, 1 out of 4 attempts resulted in a miss and sometimes I couldn't get the minimum 100 damage in afterwards.

So, I changed the plan.

I switched to the first mage. This way if I missed, I still had sufficient time to do the bare minimum 100 damage.

Here's how the plan worked.

1. Camouflage with the icy nex environment by morphing in a penguin with the clock work suit.
This will help me blend in with the mass.

2. Stand in the first mage's quadrant. I stood 1 tile next to the first mage to maximize my distance from nex (in the center). Nex has limited attack range, so this will minimize the incoming damage.

3. Unload 1 zaryte crossbow spec the second the first mage becomes attackable. If 100+ damage, morph back into a penguin. If not, continue attacking nex until 100 damage. Then return to penguin form.

4. Wait around while the nex mass moves to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This will drag nex far away from me and allow me to eliminate incoming damage.

Now that I had a plan in place, there was only 1 thing left to do.
Confirm with the staff and administrators that this method was allowed.
Here's how our chat went.


Now fast forward 2 weeks.
I'm working on some master clues, only to be teleported straight into jail.
No discussion, whatsoever.

When attempting to discuss... this is what happens.


According to staff, I broke the safe spotting rule.

Here's the issue with that though.
I only hit nex's mage 1 time.
Nex's mage hit me back 1 time.
Then I transformed back into a penguin.
I never even hit Nex (unless I missed my spec)

Imagine getting jailed for safe spotting nex, when you don't even attack nex.
According to staff, it's because I was standing on a certain bugged tile.

I didn't trap Nex. I didn't attack Nex. I just stayed while nex ran away from me and chased the rest of the mass to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th mages. This is clearly not safe spotting.

My problem with this is... if the tile is bugged -> it's staff's responsibility to let players know not to stand on that tile (or to just block that tile off entirely)

To gain failed to mention which tiles were off limits.
There's no way a new player would know that standing next to a mage is bannable.
It's completely allowed in OSRS. How else do you melee the magers?

I'm just an innocent penguin that's playing the game in my own creative manner.
How am I supposed to know that standing next to a mage is a bugged spot?

I was aware that standing next to the 3rd mage could cause nex to bug into a wall, so I avoided that. I even tried to avoid breaking any rules by first confirming with staff before doing it.


And that boys... is how a penguin ended up in Port Sarim Jail. 



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Posted 13 March 2023 - 03:14 PM #2

beans n cake

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This was long so kinda skimmed through it but TLDR is you got jailed for safe spotting Nex? If so that's brutal. Seen staff member(s) do this and was showed this a few weeks ago for the first time in an instance with a staff member present and doing it







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Posted 13 March 2023 - 03:34 PM #3

gim crohn
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This has 4 layers of cringe and allow me to elaborate


  1. Cringe from Player Staff Team in general, as this was likely voted on and I PERSONALLY know multiple of you who've used this safespot specifically in instances with your mates. Yes, Alan may be viewed as a dislikable person for many reasons but the hypocrisy is wild. Also muting him for being annoying (which yes you probably were being annoying Alan) to staff is just pathetic. Police shouldn't have the right in a game or in real life to just use their powers to circumvent or punish someone for someone being annoying or rude to them - that's their job. 
  2. Cringe from Developers for having multiple updates pass and not fixing this. I'm certain this has been reported and if it hasn't as it's breaking game rules and is punishable staff should be responsible for reporting and seeing to it getting fixed not the players who are liable to be punished for using it because then it becomes a game of "oh I was just testing it to get video/photo evidence to post the bug report" and no staff member could prove otherwise. 
  3. Cringe from @To gain for specifically allowing it then punishing him for doing it without so much as a warning (now this one is tentative because it's possible he warned him and Alan is leaving this out.)
  4. Cringe from @Real Alan for having so much goddamn free time that he's able to make this long of a post about a penguin in jail (and muted) for using a safepot. Personally I would have just laughed and said what I always do - Fuck this game and log out. 


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Posted 13 March 2023 - 03:48 PM #4

Real Alan

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Fuck this game and log out.  Ty GLHF.


I will certainly take your advice and log out.

The difference between you and me is... I like to make my issues know first before leaving.


Also, addressing point #3, To gain never warned me (and I am not leaving that out).

This issue could have been handled with a simple warning, but staff feel a need to flex their pp size for some reason.



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Posted 13 March 2023 - 04:18 PM #5



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this is probably in the top 10 records of the penguins extinctions.

penguins need ice and cold place to live, they dont deserve getting jailed.

we should  leave the animals in their wildlife.

also i dont understand why one day its allowed and the next one it is not anymore ( btw from the same staff) without any warning.

+ you get muted 

i mean, if you are doing something wrong you get punished, but why days after? if they are aware of the situation


 cant wait to see it explained by the higher ups

in the mean time, free the penguins!!!


Posted 13 March 2023 - 05:46 PM #6


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Seems like a waste of time to me. While doing the drop calculations for nex you figured out the basic damage you had to do to receive a drop from the boss. You then took this information and devised a method on how to do the least amount of damage to nex in the shortest most simplistic way without having to actually play the game. All while im sure you had another Realism account going either pking or some other form of skilling. You put alot of effort into forming a way so that you could do the damage and still receive the loot no matter if you were there or not and then you abused this to your advantage. I see nothing wrong with what the staff did.  Hopefully you will learn from this experience and it will make you a better person. 

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Posted 13 March 2023 - 05:54 PM #7

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There is NOTHING that justifies you doing this in a Mass, with boosted drop rates activated! It's a jerk move...! You are clearly taking advantage of EVERYONE who works hard to participate in the Nex events. Imagine, if all of us were to execute your elaborate selfish method for ourselves? Nex would never get done, only by a few people who would NEVER stoop to that sort of low just to get easy kill counts and item drops worth 300m-1.7b. How and why is it justified for YOU to do that, but not anybody else??? Just STOP doing it, please! I'm practically begging you....!! It's not fair, and it looks incredibly uncordial and inconsiderate of you. And for you to do it multiple times, and seeing others bothered by it, you would think that maybe you are doing something that is not okay? Everyone is putting forth their effort to get big drops! So why can't you? Because you claim you are "smarter" than everyone else??? It's incredible that others are even defending you on this!
You have better gear than me, and far more gp I'd assume too. There should be no excuses for this behavior. You are MORE than capable. You need to be more considerate of others! :( This genuinely hurts my heart. I wish you would just see that.. </3 Instead of trolling me continuously because you don't like me for unknown and unexplained reasons. I've never done anything wrong to you!! I've only ever defended myself against you.. Anyways, I'm unblocking you. You can talk to me. I do care about you and wish you well. But I have the communities best interest in mind. And what you did was rather disrespectful to all of us in that Nex room. Please, we are ALL in this together. It's not just you... So stop taking advantage of us and the situation. It would make me feel better to see you actually participating with us in the way that was intended!

Posted 13 March 2023 - 06:02 PM #8


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If you're not attacking the boss and the boss isn't attacking you, it shouldn't be considered a safespot? Just my two cents. With that being said, I can see how leeching could be considered a gray area, and why that would lead to making this method off limits. If it's suddenly determined that it's against the rules, I think you should've been warned prior to being jailed. Especially if staff was also using this spot as stated above. The staff members that used it are just as culpable. Everyone deserves to be treated equally.





Posted 13 March 2023 - 06:13 PM #9

Real Alan

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I see nothing wrong with what the staff did. 



Staff jailed me for safe spotting. 

How can you safe spot nex if you never even attack nex?

Explain that to me.

Also, leeching nex allows me to focus on IRL studies that make me a better person. 

I also confirmed with staff that leeching is ok. 

Don't like leeching?  Take that up with staff.




There is NOTHING that justifies you doing this in a Mass



Leeching in a mass is not the same as safe spotting.

Don't like leeching?  Go into an instance.


Don't like how leeching affects the team's drop rate?

Blame the system.  Don't blame the player.


Also, don't accuse players of breaking rules when no rule was broken.

I already confirmed with @To gain, 2 weeks prior, that leeching in a Nex mass is allowed.

If it's allowed, go blame staff for allowing it.


Don't spin leeching into safe spotting.  It's not the same thing.

Just because I have more gear than you... does not mean I can't play the game the way that I want to.


If I wanna do minimal damage on Nex and use the rest of the time to study, I'm allowed to do that.  


If you're not attacking the boss and the boss isn't attacking you, it shouldn't be considered a safespot? Just my two cents. With that being said, I can see how leeching could be considered a gray area, and why that would lead to making this method off limits. If it's suddenly determined that it's against the rules, I think you should've been warned prior to being jailed. Especially if staff was also using this spot as stated above. The staff members that used it are just as culpable. Everyone deserves to be treated equally.


I absolutely agree with you.  Everyone deserved to be treated equally under the alora rules.

Leeching is not the same as using a safe spot.

If you have a problem with leeching (as do I), blame staff for allowing it.

If staff are going to allow it, players are going to take advantage.


Don't want that?  Go petition staff to change the rules.

If staff are going to change the rules to ban leeching, I deserve a warning from staff first.


Should GIM selling banks be jailed too?  Like leeching, it's frowned upon by the community, but it's not against the rules.

Don't like it?  Then don't do it.  

Will other people do it?  Hell yes.

Do they deserved to be banned/jailed for breaking rules?  Hell no.

So who should you take up your problem with?  The staff team for allowing it.

Hate the system.  Don't hate the player.



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Posted 13 March 2023 - 06:15 PM #10

The Inferno
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There is NOTHING that justifies you doing this in a Mass, with boosted drop rates activated! It's a jerk move...! You are clearly taking advantage of EVERYONE who works hard to participate in the Nex events. Imagine, if all of us were to execute your elaborate selfish method for ourselves? Nex would never get done, only by a few people who would NEVER stoop to that sort of low just to get easy kill counts and item drops worth 300m-1.7b. How and why is it justified for YOU to do that, but not anybody else??? Just STOP doing it, please! I'm practically begging you....!! It's not fair, and it looks incredibly uncordial and inconsiderate of you. And for you to do it multiple times, and seeing others bothered by it, you would think that maybe you are doing something that is not okay? Everyone is putting forth their effort to get big drops! So why can't you? Because you claim you are "smarter" than everyone else??? It's incredible that others are even defending you on this!
You have better gear than me, and far more gp I'd assume too. There should be no excuses for this behavior. You are MORE than capable. You need to be more considerate of others! :( This genuinely hurts my heart. I wish you would just see that.. </3 Instead of trolling me continuously because you don't like me for unknown and unexplained reasons. I've never done anything wrong to you!! I've only ever defended myself against you.. Anyways, I'm unblocking you. You can talk to me. I do care about you and wish you well. But I have the communities best interest in mind. And what you did was rather disrespectful to all of us in that Nex room. Please, we are ALL in this together. It's not just you... So stop taking advantage of us and the situation. It would make me feel better to see you actually participating with us in the way that was intended!


1. Leeching isn't against the rules

2. You must be new to nex masses since most people that aren't contending for MVP just leech/afk there after they do their 100 damage. We're not even gonna mention all the people that join on ice phase and dip right after. If you're serious about trying to get a drop you should not join masses and do instances during boost events 

Posted 13 March 2023 - 07:02 PM #11


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How can you safe spot nex if you never even attack nex?
It's in the question you asked how can i safespot nex without attacking nex. You damage the minion to avoid Nex(the boss) so he doesn't attack you. Though i don't know what tests you did while discovering your findings, im sure you found out that if you attack nex at all he has the possibility for the duration of the fight to attack you again which is why you put your focus on his minions as you sort of acknowledge here, 

I could do this at the start and launch a zaryte crossbow spec at nex; however, nex has much higher ranged defense than her 4 mages. Plus nex likes to drag aggresive players into the center.

Which is why you came up with this way of avoiding the actual boss fight by doing a portion of damage to the minion and when said minion died the agro would die with it making you safe for the rest of the fight. Now idk how much you talked with staff about what was ok or not or what all was discussed, but you knew you were walking a thin line here by screenshotting what you and Gain talked about just in case you were in the wrong you could clarify your actions. From the way gain was talking, he didn't know that by not attacking nex you were still able to receive the loot as he states you wont get the loot if you dont hit it anyway, which implies that you didn't tell him your plan of only attacking the minions and not nex for your damage. Realistically you should have gone into greater detail with staff about your plan and for them to give you a full ok, which im sure you didn't. And this is all just from your screenshots. Im sure if you had more in depth screenshots with your full conversation alot of this would be cleared and that you did not go into full detail with your plan. 

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Posted 13 March 2023 - 07:17 PM #12

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You are so selfish! WHY??? Everything you say is ABOUT YOUUU!! This is unbelievable!!! I'm done. I've made my case. PLEASE STOP. For the sake of everyone who participates and is bothered by you doing this!

Posted 13 March 2023 - 07:18 PM #13

Real Alan

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you knew you were walking a thin line here by screenshotting what you and Gain talked about just in case you were in the wrong you could clarify your actions


-I knew that people like Evanescence would cry about this

-which is why I confirmed and sceenshotted my conversation with Admin @To gain

-if you're going to take something away from that conversation -> it's that leeching drops in a mass is not against the rules

-I tried to get staff to do something about leeching, and when they refused, I started doing it myself

-why?  1. to prove a point that something needs to be done

-and 2. because I got tired of carrying the mass, when other teammates can't even bring a crush weapon to break me out of ice prison

-can't beat them?  join them!


he didn't know that by not attacking nex you were still able to receive the loot as he states you wont get the loot if you dont hit it anyway, which implies that you didn't tell him your plan of only attacking the minions and not nex for your damage.

Realistically you should have gone into greater detail with staff about your plan and for them to give you a full ok, which im sure you didn't

-Once again, leeching is not against the rules (regardless of where you get your 100 damage... minion or nex)

-You seem to be stuck on the concept that leeching is a punishable offense

-When @To gain blatantly said, "who cared if u leech[?]  dont see anyhing about that in the rules do you?"

-Also, you seem to say "I'm sure" a lot when you're making assumptions... like 'im sure you were playing on an alt at the same time', which I was not doing... or 'I'm sure you didn't'

-How are you so sure?  Are you going to admit it if I prove your sureness wrong? 


-To answer your question Mr. Gain... people like @A BJ and @Evanescence care

-So rather than punish me... why don't you do your job and change the rules on leeching first.



You are so selfish! WHY??? Everything you say is ABOUT YOUUU!! This is unbelievable!!! I'm done. I've made my case. PLEASE STOP. For the sake of everyone who participates and is bothered by you doing this!

Why am I selfishly concerned about myself?  Because I'm the only one being punished.

People come into public nex last minute all the time, get their 100 damage in, get drops, and receive 0 punishment.

By making this issue public, I'm actually doing much more good for the community by starting a discussion.

Previously, the leeching issue was just ignored by staff.  If you want proof, I can provide it.  


This is how staff previously responded to leeching at nex.  Except when Alan does it... it's some how against the rules...



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Posted 13 March 2023 - 07:41 PM #14

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"I tried to get staff to do something about leeching, and when they refused, I started doing it myself" 


You sound like your own worst enemy here..  :( That is what is called GREIVING. Which IS against the rules.. You just explained that you know that it IS wrong, and doesn't/didn't make you feel okay when others do/did it..! So you decided to side with evil instead of continuing to stand against it? Come on... Thank you for showing us and reacting on this in the ways that you are. This speaks volumes about yourself. I understand the mods shouldnt have done what they did, how they did.. but they did. They are in charge of this beautiful game, NOT you. Why aren't you humble enough to know when you are in the wrong, and won't even admit it? I'm not even speaking for myself. I'm speaking for the majority of those we were Nexing with, including myself! I wish nothing but the best for you, AND others. I don't want you banned, I don't want you muted! I'm not trying to fight you on this!! I just want you to realize how you unknowingly make others feel, and that it's not okay to do what you are doing, especially when others are not okay with it! Have some decency and be mindful of OTHERS! :( </3 No one deserves to get away with doing something like this.. and no one does this but you! I wonder why?

Posted 13 March 2023 - 07:58 PM #15

Real Alan

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No one deserves to get away with doing something like this.. and no one does this but you! I wonder why?



Listen to @The Inferno 

Lots of people leech.

You're just a penguin racist.  You ignore all the other people that come in last minute to leech and only focus on the penguin in the room.

It's pretty clear that you were the one who made the report and sent me to jail for 'safe spotting nex'

You even admit "I understand the mods shouldnt have done what they did"

Yet you still have a problem with people leeching. 

Sounds like you need to go petition the staff team to do something about leeching, rather than cry/beg players to not leech.

Why don't you go make that into a game suggestion, Mr. Selfless?  Do something for the community.


No one deserves to get away with doing something like this

Okay, tell me which rule I broke then... because so far... your main complaint is against leeching, which once again... is not against the game rules



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Posted 13 March 2023 - 08:09 PM #16

6 Iron

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Holy shit what is going on here

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Posted 13 March 2023 - 08:50 PM #17


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A fun time @6 Iron

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Posted 13 March 2023 - 10:27 PM #18

The Inferno
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"I tried to get staff to do something about leeching, and when they refused, I started doing it myself" 


You sound like your own worst enemy here..  :( That is what is called GREIVING. Which IS against the rules.. You just explained that you know that it IS wrong, and doesn't/didn't make you feel okay when others do/did it..! So you decided to side with evil instead of continuing to stand against it? Come on... Thank you for showing us and reacting on this in the ways that you are. This speaks volumes about yourself. I understand the mods shouldnt have done what they did, how they did.. but they did. They are in charge of this beautiful game, NOT you. Why aren't you humble enough to know when you are in the wrong, and won't even admit it? I'm not even speaking for myself. I'm speaking for the majority of those we were Nexing with, including myself! I wish nothing but the best for you, AND others. I don't want you banned, I don't want you muted! I'm not trying to fight you on this!! I just want you to realize how you unknowingly make others feel, and that it's not okay to do what you are doing, especially when others are not okay with it! Have some decency and be mindful of OTHERS! :( </3 No one deserves to get away with doing something like this.. and no one does this but you! I wonder why?

Just because what Alan did hurt your feelings doesn't make it against the rules. There's nothing wrong with leeching, staff said it themselves, Private instances exist for a reason.

This is NOT griefing, do not misinterpret the rules and make false accusations.

I can see how you don't like Alan, but please bring forth valid arguments and refrain from making personal attacks on the integrity of other players on the public forums.

Posted 14 March 2023 - 06:03 AM #19

Real Alan

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Posting this here to show how biased the staff treats appeals




I don't admit to using any bug.  I admit to leeching.  I do not admit to any safe-spotting.

The tile I was standing on is perfectly fine. 

If the tile is bugged, it's staff's responsibility to let all players know you cannot stand adjacent to any of Nex's mages.

You might as well take the issue up with @Omicron and have him block off the bugged tile. 

Also, if staff is going to argue that the tile is bugged, they should first explain what unfair advantage that tile gives over any other tile.

If I can prove that I didn't gain an unfair advantage from the tile, then your reasoning is completely invalid.

Just because you say it's bugged, doesn't mean I should believe you.  Prove that it's bugged and providing unfair advantage first.

You going to punish every player that melees Nex's minions for being on a bugged tile?  That logic makes 0 sense. 


Also, prove that I accused staff of being racist on yell.  Show me what I said on yell that's deserving of a mute.

I'm not breaking any rules by yelling on a different not-muted account.

If you're going to jail me, I have every right to throw a party at port sarim jail.  




As players, we play the game.  We don't make the game.


Quit blaming players for problems with game mechanics.


Take that shit up with Omicron.


I hit Nex's 1st mage 1 time.  Why tf does it matter which tile I send my zaryte crossbow special from?


How tf is bolting 1 time from melee-range bug abuse? 



Community Awards







Topic 89500 - My Problem with Staff

Topic 89503 - My Problem with Staff II

Topic 89512 - My Problem with Staff III

Topic 91561 - My Problem with Staff IV








Game Suggestions


Pet Timeline



Posted 14 March 2023 - 06:53 AM #20


Group Ironman

Posts: 55
Likes: 48

  •  Member since:
    21 Apr 2020

    • Time spent:
      23d 18h 18m 42s

  •  Previous username:
    GIM Beans

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found

If this is jailable for safespotting, why isn't this one? Where is the consistency?



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