Aftermath CC is an all game-modes clan that doesn't take themselves, or this game too seriously. We're here to have some fun, and not to treat this game like an Olympic sport, now if this sounds like you please feel free to apply to Alora's most popular non-helpcc at the following: Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes - Clan Recruitment - Alora RSPS | Oldschool MMORPG
Although we do have requirements to become full members, we also have a trial rank that allows you 30 days to not only complete the requirements but also to get vibe checked by the homies. Without further rambling I bring to you Alora's Finest: Aftermath.
This month we have a few changes to the Higher-Ups and are excited for what the future has to bring.
and @
to the H-U's as Captains.
@ragragrag46/@46 has resigned to pursue his dream of becoming an internationally recognized comedian.
We have added the Trial Rank as an option for newcomers and friends of existing CC members to have the ability to join without needing to immediately meet the requirements - so long as they do within 30 days of becoming a Trial Member.
We here at Aftermath will be recognizing 3 of our most important members every month with honorable awards that they can wear with pride.
Now we aren't stingy with our awards and accolades and will be recognizing 1 non-cc member every single month for their contributions to not only making Aftermath great but also Alora great!
Caution NSFW:
Trigger Warning: Threats, Homophobia, Sexism, and every other ism.
P.S: Alora staff do not punish him; we need the content
Okay, now onto some of the more "serious" parts of February, we're first going to recognize some major achievements and milestones by our humble yet great members.
P.S If your February achievements/milestones aren't listed here, please message a Higher-Up and we will add them :)
GIM Stoner
I'd like to start this section off with a little segment I'd like to call:
@black olm the pinnacle of SpoonSlaving's Legacy
Unfortunately, @
/@enslaving/@black olm was birthed with the same genetic disorder that @
has and we'd like to take a moment to thank our sponsor:
Hair Loss Treatment for Men | Keeps
Male pattern baldness is a disorder that affects almost everyone with over 2/3rds of men experiencing partial hair loss by age 35, this is a serious issue so you don't end up like a bald boy please sign up for KEEPS with the link up above and save significantly with medication delivered right to your door. No more anxiety about going to your local drug store and having to embarrassingly ask the pharmacist for Rogaine with your baseball hat on while the entire lineup of smoking hot women realize what's going on underneath that cap. Keeps makes it easy, with everything available to you for one low cost, save your self esteem, your marriage, and your mental health. Sign up for KEEPS today!
Okay now that that's out of the way it's time to recognize how Saradomin himself has rewarded @black olm with some luck in exchange for his debilitating hair loss:
(crohn being a hater left out his tbow)
The Spooning Don't Stop There!
Our incredibly strength doesn't just stop at the wilderness line. After our raging years long war with @
that left many sets lying on the ground, countless mutes being laid down, some hurt feelings, and even some switching sides only one clan is left standing: Aftermath. Whether it be our sheer determination, our cutthroat tactics, our unmatched teamwork and comradery or more likely: the 500+ standardized rags sets we each keep banked: Paragon has unfortunately been renamed ParaGONE.
We quietly await their return from touching grass, killing PvMers in OSRS Rev Caves, or doing whatever it is they do in their Discord "Movie Night".
In the meantime our local demons have managed to victimize many of Alora's Finest PKers. Chief among us this month is @
/ @
Claiming Alora's 2nd shortest staff member's set and killstreak:
Now, if you're a little angry or upset by this point I'd like to remind you that this is just a ripoff of a 00's clicker game and none of this is serious. We'd like to conclude this volume with some funny moments from behind the scenes from this month. In the end, this game would suck ass if it wasn't for the people in it and the fun we have together.
Congratulations for making it all the way though this post. We're going to end these newsletters with some history lessons on major Aftermath events, people, misfortunates, etc.
Today we're going to learn about the infamous
Ultimate Mystery Box Merch
One day long ago there was a legendary Higher-Up member who shall not be named. The clan bank was looking bare and with our mortgages and debts coming due along with major events coming up a decision was made by this higher-up to utilize the trading post to Merch Ultimate Mystery Boxes. This Higher-up purchased many a box, and on stream much to everyone's surprise began "merching" these boxes to such significant success he made MANY hundreds of millions of GP!!! It's too bad that the many he made rich - was not the Aftermath clan or it's members. It was from these actions that resulted in the Great Aftermath Depression that followed shortly after.
Want to know more? ::topic 74217
A Huge Shoutout goes out to the many people that make these newsletters possible most notably:
tae iron
gim crohn
's mom