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Buff Nightmare & TOB drop rates

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Posted 26 January 2023 - 04:57 PM #1

Real Alan

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OSRS drop rate -> Alora boost -> Alora drop rate






I suggest boosting the drop rates for Nightmare & TOB




Base rate for TOB:  11%  -  1/9.1 to land on purple




Apply an Alora boost to that 1/9.1 rate.

Because based on my experience, the TOB unique rate is no where near the intended 1/9.1 

Personally, I'm at 14 purples in 600 completions -> roughly 1/43

What about everyone else?  Feel free to share your purple rates.


Currently, I strongly believe we need more TOB drops to enter through legitimate gameplay, rather than through opening boxes paid with real life cash.  

That's what keeps the game fun and exciting for players.  



As for nightmare, the base rate needs to be increased again.  (similar to the nex base rate increase)


Every kill each player on the team has a chance to spin on 2 different wheels 
1/97 chance to spin on the gear table (used to be 1/120)
1/487 chance to spin on the orb table (used to be 1/600)



1/162 chance to spin on gear table (used to be 1/200)
1/813 chance to spin on orb table (used to be 1/1000)
1/162 chance for parasitic egg (used to be 1/200)
1/1,626 chance for jar (used to be 1/2,000)
1/1,138 chance for pet (used to be 1/4,000)
Currently, it...
1. is very difficult to find a team for regular nightmare.
2. takes too much time for each drop (~19 hours to kill 162 phosani for 1 expected gear table drop)
3. drops very niche (borderline useless items) 
Why are nightmare items borderline useless?
Reason 1
Want more crush accuracy than bandos? -> ok try inquisitor -> we'll give you crush accuracy but nerf your defense to like adamant 
Problem here?  Might as well just use Torva for more str bonus, higher hits, and better defense than bandos.  
Reason 2
Nightmare staves aren't very useful
Eldritch staff -> special restores prayer points like SGS (no hp heal) -> not useful in inferno here & no combat/pvm achievements
Volatile staff -> special hits like magic-based mage AGS -> about to get replaced with voidwaker melee-based  mage AGS
Harmonized orb -> faster attack speed -> outclassed in pvm by sang with it's healing perk, also can't autocast ancients 
Reason 3
Crush isn't good in TOA.  The increased crush accuracy and level 80 tier crush weapon doesn't have a place to shine.  Crush might be good on bugs like spiders, but the reduced defense makes using inquisitor at sarachnis unfeasible.  Using inquisitor's mace at venenatis is pointless with viggora's in the game.  Plus, risking inquisitor pieces in the wild is equivalent to risking 19 hours of game time per piece.  Not worth. 
Since nightmare items are so niche, why not increase accessibility to them? 
It balances out the combat triangle in the wilderness (AGS-melee / Ballista-ranged / Volatile-mage)
It balances out the slash/stab/crush tier 80 weapons (blade of saeldor / ghrazi rapier / inquisitor's mace)
It balances out the DPS of normal spellbook compared with ancients by speeding up attack speed
What are your thoughts?  Please share.  



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 05:19 PM #2


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For TOB loot def needs to be increased considering it just became alot harder than it was prior.


Nightmare however we have tried increasing it once in past, and what happend? It becomes a huge problem for every rank with a % increase. And if nightmare really is to be slightly increased. It should only be regular nightmare cus than people atleast grind it together and it would be a benefit for community aspect to go troll/meme around at a boss together and not phosani.

As phosani on alora is way to easy with its accuracy, and cant really increase the accuracy cus of the melee hit speed, on alora you gotta camp melee pray into mage pray to be in time for melee prays, hence with its current accuracy you dont even gotta pray flick on alora(Was changed in past as i remember getting hit way harder before, and being able to pray mage => melee instead of having to camp melee). Phosani is legit just as afk as regular nm right now but you dont even need a team can just go afk kill some phosani. 


I really dont understand how people are trying to get more items in the game while it clearly shows that alora is already struggling with the amount of items that come in through boosters/Donor ranks + Ironman community. And I think Nightmare log is one of the few actually logs that need some mental strenght to complete.




Yes to tob slight increase to justify it's dificulty increase

Neutral to a slight increase to regular nm table (Encourage group bossing)

Hard no to phosani loot increase (Past has shown that its too broken there)

Posted 26 January 2023 - 05:55 PM #3

Real Alan

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Nightmare however we have tried increasing it once in past, and what happend? It becomes a huge problem for every rank with a % increase.



Wasn't that big of a problem.  You probably see it as a bigger problem because nightmare was your cash cow. 

You even went so far as to get the nightmare drop rate nerfed to keep nightmare item prices high (proof). 

It's been a year now, and it's time to move on, revive content, and stop using maintenance of TP prices as reason to keep drop rates low.


Personally, I think it's Alora, a RSPS, so drops are expected to be more common.




Phosani is legit just as afk as regular nm right now but you dont even need a team can just go afk kill some phosani. 



Nightmare is not an AFK activity.  It is not afk like woodcutting or afk like hard slayer.

There is no 'away from keyboard' at nightmare or at phosani.  


If you think nightmare is AFK, which bosses are not AFK? 

My point here is: I think you're stretching AFK a bit to the extreme.  



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Posted 26 January 2023 - 09:23 PM #4


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100% Agree that tob drop rates need to be looked at.





I'm at almost a 1/40 droprate for the most common rare while most of my  runs are done on drop boosters and ALL runs were done at eternal donor rank. 

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Posted 26 January 2023 - 10:08 PM #5


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@Real Alan

Firstly, Yes i pointed out it needed a nerf cus it was broken. Omicron didn't think i was right about nerfing it, yet little over a month later even he accepted it, as there clearly were way to many drops comming in the game.


Secondly in that same thread you can see elsa kill phosani without even prayer flicking, thats still possible. If you actually gotta pray flick and try hard phosani, ye maybe you could increase loot with like 26% like they did with nex. But it is no point increasing loot if it stays as easy as it is, cus people will dhins it with justiciar like they did back then on 2 accounts at same time.


Thirdly, there is only 3 reasons nobody does nightmare atm.

1. The items are not bis anymore and have only a few niche uses (Cus of alora accuracy buff) 

2. The items have almost no value (Which would only become worse)

3. People dont like doing the boss (And increasing the droprate isnt changing that, its one of those bosses you either love/enjoy or completely despise)


Neither of those get fixed with increased loot rates, only thing it'll do is fuck the rewarding part of the boss up for the few people that actually enjoy doing the boss, by completely tanking its items even more. 

I personally occaisionally do a few because i really want to get the flex of completing an extremely hard log to complete. 


Its not because items arent really usefull they should just become easy to complete collection log slots. Not every boss has to be super convenient to grind. As I said in my first post, i'm not against better loot. But if it doesnt add anything to alora it has no point making it easier to complete. Increased regular nightmare drops would maybe result in people actually playing together and grind some nightmare like they do with nex. And if you want to make phosani drop more, it has to become drastically more work to kill it, so people willing to actually learn its mechanics get rewarded(As with tob, if it gets harder to learn, it should become easier to get rewarded, which could be done by making it hits ALOT more accurate so you actually HAVE to prayer flick)


At end of day reason I and many others started alora is because it actually takes some time to get items compared to other rsps, so it has to maintain a certain balance. (Its marketed as a economy based rsps, not a spawn server and easy scape server)

Posted 26 January 2023 - 10:42 PM #6


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I can really appreciate the method by which you presented your suggestions and reasons as to why you think they should be implemented. I agree with almost everything you said. Since coming back to alora, I've yet to see someone attempt to put together a team for nightmare and can count the amount of times someone has advertised TOB teams on yell in one hand (twice). Support.







Posted 27 January 2023 - 12:25 AM #7

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Strong agree to both, I'm not typing an essay but both need strong buffs.


Nightmare drops are for the large part useless, they don't deserve drop rates this utterly atrocious. 


(TOB 1/9 loc) 

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Posted 27 January 2023 - 02:06 AM #8


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100% Support on both. The TOB droprate sucks. I rarely see someone go to nightmare aswell and getting a drop there. Both are death content for those reasons. 

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Posted 27 January 2023 - 03:03 AM #9


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The 1/9 drop rate for ToB is for the team. So if you're doing trios, your individual drop rate would be 1/27. Agree with your suggestions though.

Posted 27 January 2023 - 07:51 AM #10



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100% support on both.

i dont feel wasting hours at nightmare for items that are useless now.

tob is very fun to do with a team but its death content and i cant remember when was my last purple.


really hope that it become more active like b4 with decent droprate.

Posted 27 January 2023 - 09:28 AM #11


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I forgot to add in my earlier post that It's getting increasingly harder to obtain vials of blood for my scythe as an iron because of the lack of tob being done. I'm going to run out soon enough.





Posted 27 January 2023 - 10:18 AM #12

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100% agree on both suggestions, tob is very common to go 300-400 dry for a single weapon let alone the weapons you need which kills the player count on doing tob cause it's not rewarding at all. Not everyone plays the server as their irl job or for a 100% mimic of osrs and want things a little bit faster. And for nightmare, the only people who I see disagreeing here are people who abused the boss to get their cash and got log and after went on forums and got it nerfed, nightmare items are useless except for a very few things, and on the topic on keeping the item values: NOBODY buys nightmare items heck I've people undercutting each other on inquisitor for 4 weeks straight untill the price of 400m for a full set which says enough, same for goes for scythe.



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Posted 27 January 2023 - 04:04 PM #13

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I strongly agree on buffing the Tob drop rate,i've done 1400 combined tobs myself,seems to me that the drops are rarer than osrs. Before the update I would say no, but now it's way harder, not to mention it's very hard for new people to find a team. I understand that this is a rsps with respectable drop rates, not to make it too easy for everyone, but cmon.. Let people enjoy the content, its dead already it seems. I personally dont care about the prices, most of the people choose iron man mode anyway. Just expressing my opininon. Doesn't seem likely that it will get buffed anyway, this discussion has been around for ages.

Posted 28 January 2023 - 01:55 PM #14

Real Alan

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Doesn't seem likely that it will get buffed anyway, this discussion has been around for ages.


Let's do something about it then.  Share this topic and gather community support on improving Nightmare and TOB drop rates.


We play.  We pay.  So, we should get a say.  That okay? 



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Posted 28 January 2023 - 01:59 PM #15


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I can support both of these.

ToB: The amount of people I've talked to about being way over the drop rate is crazy.

Nightmare: Content that I've been avoiding given how rare the drops are. The only real time to do it is on nightmare bonus, but even then how many drops do we actually see?

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Posted 28 January 2023 - 06:32 PM #16

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Yes, YES! Please, these reeeeally need to be fixed!!  :( Even my sibling doesn't care to play with me much now because he complains about the drop rates on here being no different from osrs. So he would rather play that, and that is becoming frustrating to me on a personal level.. (trying to show him how awesome this game is but both of us feel rather disappointed in it)


Including CoX imo... Ive done 110 CoX = 0 purples, but only an ancestral ornament kit.. and so with that; I have NO motivation to waste any more of my time there, even with server boosts active... I now clearly see why the Youtuber EIM Bonk doesn't care play anymore..  </3  Drop rates on Alora can be pretty unforgiving and sometimes not worth it trying.. Depending on who you are.


Phosani Nightmare I am getting VERY VERY bored with.... Server boost have NEVER helped me get a drop from her even with the many additional wasted drop boosters; and has been very unrewarding with my horrible luck on top.  :angry: Regular Nightmare it seems no one cares to fight anymore.. = dead content 


ToB, I have never completed one in my life.. so I cant speak on that one.. but I'm sure it needs to be reworked too! 



Overall, things seem nerfed rather than buffed. And right now I am having a very poor time on the game with how I'm experiencing the drop rates + bad luck.. And it's very... very demotivating...  :( Considering The Nightmare is one of my favorite monsters to fight against. It makes me sad when I go to attempt her more, and more, and more; only to usually get nothing or bare minimum. Not to mention having to always solo her because everyone's disinterested in grouping together to fight the regular one. Plus I heard is broken/doesn't work? Me and redcar recently duod her both got no drops? What's up with that???


I understand how RNG works, and understand that things can be pretty unfortunate.. But a certain dryness can make one abandon the game entirely, and I've witnessed it first hand with others in the game. Being as a PS, imo; I feel that NO drop rate for ANY monster should resemble OSRS.. And seeing that Phosani's Nightmare is tremendously worse on here, and now knowing that; I don't know how much longer I want to keep this up for. 


I hope my feedback can be considered on this topic. I know my voice is small.. but I have to try. Thank you for reading!!  :wub:

Posted 28 January 2023 - 06:32 PM #17


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Support for TOB drop rates, i am 1/115 on tob so this def needs a fix. So like Ivy said, about 90% of alora players seems to go insanely dry on tob, and its happening too often to be "rng"/coincidence.

Though for Nightmare, now it serves next to no purpose, so right now its just a major flex for ironmen, should stay that way until there's more an actual use for Inquisitors, Mace and the Staff with orbs. Once Inq and other NM items gets more uses then hell yeah, NM is aids. 

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Posted 28 January 2023 - 07:03 PM #18


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Support for both.


Tob is dead content now. I don't really see people forming teams or doing it all anymore especially since the update due to it being harder. A lot of people can't even run 5 for the achievements. 5 raids are unable to be completed due to how dead it is and this is something that's a problem for a lot of newer players looking to comp or do achievements. Even on bonus there's usually 1 or 2 teams running leaving out people who can't form a 2nd or 3rd team. The content is just not really accessible any time of day. Shame because it's fun content. Another thing to look at is the items themselves. A lot of people want to keep the price up which I can respect but the items are less useful than they were years ago when released. Tumeken's Shadow is much better than the sang staff making it no longer bis and the Fang is on par with the ghrazi but much easier to get. Scythe is pretty much useless outside of tob (Which is dead thus making it more useless) and a few select bosses/rooms in CoX also it is incredibly expensive to use and justiciar has pretty much no use at all lol. I lost my loot tracker but I've had 4 drops in about 180 raids doing many on bonus and probably about 20 duos. Something needs to be done for TOB otherwise the content will just be left dead.. I won't post my log as ToB has been buffed a bit, my change in donor ranks and the addition of hardmode since I had about 1150 kc ( now about 1.3k) but its awful haha. I personally don't really run it anymore unless a friend needs a +1 as it's bad gp and going about 40 kc between each item just isn't worth it.


As for Nightmare I don't have as much KC as I do at Tob so I can't weigh in as much but I will say due to the drop rate and the use of items I haven't bothered grinding it. Fun boss but just seems to be a waste of time since it takes a long time to get a drop. The items are completely useless at this point other than just to collect or for their extremely niche uses. They aren't high value due to their use in game so even though they're very rare they just aren't worth a lot. I don't know that people even bother with it on bonus tbh.


Would like to see both of these activities active as it's end game content and imo both are enjoyable. Also reviving ToB is good for alora as it encourages newer players to stay instead of discouraging them. Hopefully a solution is met to make everyone happy lol.

Posted 29 January 2023 - 04:59 AM #19

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Buffing Tob droprates 100% support.
On nightmare though, unless phosani gets made a challenge and slap you on the wrong prayer no support as you can pretty much afk it with the right gear.

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Posted 29 January 2023 - 05:11 AM #20

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TOB drop rates either need to be buffed or TOB needs to be needed so it can be ran solo.

You hardly even see teams run CoX now days but it doesn’t really matter as it can be ran solo, same with TOA, TOB is dead because of the shit drop rates and it can’t be done solo, which also locks players out of completing the diary.




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