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Remove or Rework Bounty Hunter on alora.

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Posted 02 January 2023 - 05:14 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?: Remove/rework bounty hunter

Is this in OSRS?:Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No idea

How would this benefit Alora?:


  1. It would stop current killstreak/emblem farming: At the moment there is almost no risk as most ironmen pking legit just step 1 tile in wildy. If they get a pker as target, they’ll just relog for a new one, if they get them again, they’ll try again later.
  2. It would balance pvm/pvper time used: I personally have no problem dealing with people teleporting on me 10-15x in a row. As most of them tp on you with ancients and then you just teleport out. And if you’re not afk they’re not most likely not gonna catch you, and after a while you know who pks and who doesn’t. So you know when you’re “safe”. But A lot of people don’t even go to wildy because as soon as you step in singles and you don’t have a target to begin with, you can be pretty sure 2-3 min later you’ll have one of the edge ditch afkers check for a target and teleport on you. And once they know you’re in wildy, they’ll just keep teleporting on you until you either leave or they run out of accounts to killstreak on. In most cases if you survive once, you’ll get teleported on before you even return to what you were doing in wildy. Reason wildy works on osrs is because people can escape/Hop to another world/do something else. On alora there is only a few people in wildy.
  3. Wildy would become a lot more active cus people would actually go to revs and sit there. And pkers who actually check the caves would actually get people to kill.
  4. Constant bounty hunter just creates a completely unsustainable wilderness, and in my opinion its one of the reasons wilderness is this dead which honestly is a shame.
  5. Bounty hunter was intended for people who want to fight to find eachother, on alora we got yell to call eachother out. There is no need for a pker to need to spend 5 seconds walking 1 tile in ditch/type easts to check a target. And pvmers needing a lot longer to even get where they want to hide/do pvm.
  6. Would actually force people that pk to risk running into a pker, because now they’ll just teleport on a target, tb, kill, and teleport out before anyone even knows they’re there. While in reality risk should be rewarded, and current bounty hunter system benefits the hunter tremendiously and results in a completely dead eco system.


  1. Possible rework would be, completely remove the value estimate/level aswell as the warning wether they teleport on you in multi/singles. That way the risk teleporting on a group in multi. If pvmers risk being jumped by someone in max gear the moment they step in singles, its only fair pkers have the same risk.




Tl:dr If you want a healthy wilderness you gotta make sure that pvmers atleast have the ability to hide/outrun pkers. Imagine a steppe were the lions don’t even need to look for gazelle, they can just think about it and be on them instantly.


Tl:dr2 No this isn’t a cry post, I’ve spend more time in wilderness than most people on this server but at this point, wildy is too dead to make it this hard for pvmers to go there, while making it this easy/rewarding for pkers to afk ditch.

Posted 02 January 2023 - 05:44 PM #2

RNG Bitch
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Tele to target sucks hard, pre de ironing when I was hunting for a d pick it was just constant max pkers teleporting to me and killing me (who had one item)

Rarely ever see actual pkers fighting each other in the wilderness.

Anything to make this better I’ll support.




Posted 03 January 2023 - 06:12 AM #3



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I’ll support a rework, nobody seems to really enjoy wildy these days.

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Posted 03 January 2023 - 10:02 AM #4

gim crohn
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There's a tough balance here, people who PK on private servers are accustomed to logging in and finding fights within minutes especially NHers who in OSRS often fight deep wildy where there can be a lot of hunting around to find someone who isn't bait for a clan. 


I do agree that the risk/reward for pvmers vs pkers is slanted more towards pkers, I think entirely removing the teleport system would significantly shift that risk/reward ratio in favor of pvmers as not many people who pk here will spend an hour scouring through the wilderness to find someone that can teleport as soon as you're on the minimap. 


I think HEAVILY reworking the entirely unused hotspot system to benefit both pkers/pvmers, the potential wilderness boss rework, and also @ Realmungard suggestion to remove the risk and multi warning before teleporting are all good ideas to help boost this.


At the end of the day though for this wilderness to be active we need to incentivize pvmers and other NEW pkers to diversity the skill gap in the pking scene and overall increase the number of people in the wilderness not just for pet/item hunting but to fight is essential. Fixing and popularizing LMS, skill capped pking events, and other ways to have people pitted against people around their own skill level could help with this but end of the day most servers are split between PvM and PvP very rarely are the two integrated well.



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