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My Path to 4.6b. December Update

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Posted 14 December 2022 - 10:45 PM #1



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Not sure what happened, but my old post got locked so I am doing this update as a new post. 


December 14, 2022 Update: 

Well I hit 200m xp in herblore today.  I am not sure why I waited so long on this one.  If you don't mind spending the gp, you can get everything for Sara Brews from Kaqemeex at ;;shops.  


Next I will be focusing on Smithing.  I am at 128m xp today, so it will be a few days in the Blast Furnace to get this one done.  


November 9, 2022 Update

I got 200m in Thieving today.  Pickpocketed Elves for most of it.  I will be focusing on Herblore next.  I am still grinding away on Slayer and dreading the thought of doing Runecrafting.  It will be interesting to see which of these two are my last 200m.  


Original Post:

Hello all,  I have been playing on an off for the last couple of years and I thought it was time to post my goals.  I have my original normie account that I have been driving towards a full 4.6b in xp.  So far I have maxed ten of the skills and I am chipping away at the rest.  I find I get bored pretty fast, so I need to be working on multiple things at once.  I will update this post as things progress.  Right now I am focused on getting to 200m in thieving and herblore, while also grinding away at slayer. 


200m Complete

I have finished 12 of the 22 skills.  They are shown below in the order that I achieved them.  I learned a few things along the way and I will share those insights below. 



Farming was my first 200m.  I had experience getting to lvl99 in OSRS so I just applied that process here.  Tree runs and herb runs every day, as often as possible.  Easy peasy…


Woodcutting and Firemaking:

These two went together in an obvious way.  You can light fires up on the redwood trees, so cut and inventory of redwoods and then burn them.  Boring, but easy to semi-afk while I was working. 



Ok, I am not completely proud of this one, but I splashed my way to 200m at night and when I was away from the computer completely. 


Fishing and Cooking: 

These two went together quite nicely.  I used the manta fishing spots in the donator zone and made a bunch of trips, cooking each load of fish. Again a long boring grind, but I was able to do it semi-afk while I worked. In hindsight, I should have played the Aerial Fishing and Tempross minigames for some of my fishing xp. Now, I want to finish those collection logs and I am missing out on the xp. 



I didn’t think I would get this one so soon, but I was taking a long road trip and figured out how to afk this while driving.  Over the course of three days, I was able to mine a ton of amethyst and got to the 200m mark.  Mining amethyst in the mining guild is definitely the way to go here.



I think I got carpel tunnel doing this one.  I mostly did amethyst darts.  It’s a fast one if you have the raw materials, but lots of clicks. 



Cutting diamonds all the way.  Pretty afk.  It was a grind for sure. 



I did most of my xp with dragon bones on my own POH altar.  You can get more xp/hr at the chaos temple, but for me the POH altar was best.  I couldn’t handle looking over my shoulder for pkers all the time. 



They are starting to much more grindy...  Pickpocketed Elves all the way for this one.  There is an elf called Linder in a house just west of the center of Prifiddness.  He never moves, so he is a great spot for this grind.  



I could have done this one sooner.  In the end I bought the ingredients for Sara Brews from Kaqemeex at ;;shops and ground it out.  


Posted 15 December 2022 - 03:12 AM #2


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4.6b Total expereince is a long journey even for a main, I remember doing this some time ago and I didn't think I would enjoy all that skilling and all of those inferno runs for slayer experience but here we are! I kind of miss those days honestly  :FeelsGoodMan: 


Best of luck on your journey and hope you make it last, because you're gonna feel like a part of you is missing when it's over  :lol: 



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Posted 15 December 2022 - 02:07 PM #3


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You're well on your way! I like these types of posts. Looking forward to seeing the progress. :)


Posted 15 December 2022 - 04:35 PM #4


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Good luck! It's a really satisfying achievement to get.

Posted 15 December 2022 - 06:28 PM #5



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keep working hard! you are getting closer everyday :)

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