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Let's talk about Realism.

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Poll: Merging Realism. (101 member(s) have cast votes)

Should we merge Realism with the rest of the eco?

  1. Yes (43 votes [42.57%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.57%

  2. No (50 votes [49.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 49.50%

  3. I don't care either way (8 votes [7.92%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.92%


Posted 30 November 2022 - 04:52 PM #41


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Support, let realism suffer like the old classics suffered  ;)  B)

Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:02 PM #42


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@Real Alan

"I played classic mode when it was released and it had its own economy and it later got merged. That was a very beneficial change in my opinion and I think Realism would benefit too."


Alan - How was it a beneficial change?  Please do justify your opinion with concrete evidence.  Because a big reason Realism players did not play classic... is because of the merge.

If you want to force the merge on all current realism players, please do justify how it would benefit us.  


H - Like I said before, the Realism community is very small. As a new player it's very hard to progress any where because you have to grind half of the items yourself (hence why people call it realism ironman mode). I'm not sure what "evidence" you want me to provide. When Classic was around and I played it, it started to fall apart, similar to what is happening right now, but right now its at a lower scale. 

It wouldn't benefit you, it would benefit many others that want to play the game mode. 


"That's the point of this thread... People that want to play a slower experience mode shouldn't have to spend 300 hours to have access to some potions, or gear. It's a ridiculous argument if we're being honest. At the end of the day, we're playing a PRIVATE SERVER."


Alan - So what do you want me to do?  Not list my potions for 100k?  It's a free market so I can put in whatever price I want.  If my TP was empty, would that make you feel better?  

Which new player had to spend 300 hours to make potion?  Tf are you saying? 

If you want to buy something, you need to compensate the person who is selling you the item for the time it took them to make it.  It's that easy.

It's a private server.  Quite being lazy and blaming your inability to buy your way through on the people that came before you. 

If you were part of the realism community, you'd know how everyone works together to help build each other up.


H - The point I'm trying to make is, there shouldn't be one or two sources of potions in the entire game mode lol. Perhaps we have two different views on how Realism mode should be run. I prefer a very slow experience rate while also having access to a wide variety of items and it seems you prefer a close-knit community & economy. 


"We shouldn't be begging people to choose realism as their game mode. People should want to play the game mode. The whole point of this thread is to see if people want a normal eco and realism eco merge to make the game mode accessible. No one is advertising Ironman or Elite Iron modes to people. You didn't see me beg people to make an UIM. People thought it was fun, and joined those game modes. Perhaps this would be the same if realism eco wasn't so bad. 


Alan - We don't beg people to play realism.  People make that decision themselves.  Where's your evidence that the realism eco is bad?

Lack of offers?  That doesnt mean the eco is bad. It just means there's a smaller player base.  The reason the playerbase is smaller is because the server hasnt been hosting anything on realism.


H - I couldn't disagree more. The reason the player base is small is because nobody wants to play it. Nobody is advertising the other older game modes and you still see people make accounts to this day. If we need to non stop advertise the game mode and create benefits for people to play it, that's a problem. 


Also, the reason other modes are being pushed is because they're new lol. Realism game mode had a $1,500 tournament on release. HCGIM was recently released so obviously it will get the spotlight for a bit. "


Alan - Exactly.  I aint begging anyone to come to realism.  You do that on your own free will.  Perhaps the real reason Realism isn't as popular is because we haven't had another server sponsored competition since.... release.... 

That's staff fault.  Don't blame this on the 'bad realism eco'

If you're going to say the realism eco is bad, provide some concrete evidence on what makes it bad.  Because having super restores available for 10k each, doesn't make your economy good. 

It makes it bad.  It means players that farm the herbs, gather the secondaries, and put the product together aren't getting compensated for their time.  It much easier to click pickpocket 2 times than to put a potion together from scratch.


H - UIM hasn't had a sponsored competition since release (I think), neither has EIM, or GIM. But those game modes are very active. Realism on the other hand...

I don't know why you want me to provide evidence for everything. I'm just repeating everything at this point. Make Realism acc. Need prayer potions. Prayer potions are overpriced or just not available. Have to make them myself. AKA Ironman mode on Realism. 


Just to give my own thoughts, I'd like to see a realism economy merge with normal economy. Perhaps it would entice me to play realism. I don't like the idea of having to join private discords and trading that way to get supplies. Some stuff being WAY overpriced because of hoarding is really lame too IMO. 


Alan - Why do you want a realism merge?  H's response... it would entice me to play realism.  

still 0 evidence for why a merge would be beneficial to the game.  You're still a frog in a well, making assumptions about the sea.  

If you want your opinion to carry some actual weight, play realism first before you start pushing your realism opinions up other peps asshos 

Oh you don't like the idea of joining private discords?  Grow tf up.  Paragon has a discord.  Ice has a discord.  Discord is just a way for players to connect without being logged in game.

You can trade any way you want for supplies in a free economy.  


H - I should have clarified. It was beneficial for me. I enjoyed having access to more items and supplies rather than everything being hoarded. 

As for the private discord comment; I don't have to join any of those discords to enjoy the game. I can't enjoy realism because I have to get most of the items myself unless I join the discord and start asking that I want to buy stuff. 



I'm going to refrain from commenting in this thread any further because it's starting to turn into a repetitive rage-fest rather than a civil discussion. 

Personal insults and flame bait and voting on many different accounts to influence the poll is just getting weird at this point. I gave my opinion so I'll leave it at that. 





Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:29 PM #43


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why on earth would i, a realism, want to join economy with normies, the staff ruins the economy enough as it is dont ruin the game for the rest of us

Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:39 PM #44

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I would have ‘never’ expected that the eco holders of Realism mode are strictly against the merge just because they’re afraid of losing their money printer. I do not see why you are supposed to play Realism basically as an Ironman up until the point where you are able to pay 100k per potion. Fucking 100k to buy a singular brew just because you are lacking the Herblore level.

Most of the people that play Private Servers are trying to ‘escape’ the grind that the actual game has to offer you, some of them still prefer playing the lower XP rate gamemodes but they’re basically being pushed out of it by the ‘Realism Hierarchy’.

Never really understood the reason to split the economy.

Big support, great post @Lunchy
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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:48 PM #45

Real Alan

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What money printer?   I give away more potions than I sell.  


It's 100k in the TP so the stock never runs out and players can always purchase supplies in emergency situations.


Like just private message any old realism player and they'll gladly help you out.


Go collect the ingredients and most players will make you the potions for free.


We are not, however, going to be listing all of our saradomin brews for 10k each like on normie.  


10k is like 2 pickpockets.  It's not worth your time to make brews and then sell it at normie price on realism.  



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Posted 30 November 2022 - 05:59 PM #46

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You’re just proving my point

‘10k is like 2 pickpockets. It's not worth your time to make brews and then sell it at normie price on realism.’

On a game mode where trading is not restriced most of the potions are made purely for the xp, not the money.

‘ It's 100k in the TP so the stock never runs out and players can always purchase supplies in emergency situations.’

Doesn’t change the point, emergency or not, you’re not supposed to pay 100k for a brew.
The whole Realism market is fucked just because of people like you.

‘ Go collect the ingredients and most players will make you the potions for free.’

Really? That’s almost the definition of Ironman mode excluding the other player part. I don’t know if you really haven’t noticed(I highly doubt it) but you’re pushing people out of game mode by running a business.
I know many people that never touched the game mode just because of the ridiculous supply prices.
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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:00 PM #47


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i agree with alan, if you just want to be lazy you could ask for stuff 90% of any realism player would help you with what they can also if you're even that lazy don't play realism, you want a freebie economy and hand me outs play normal staff gives out 1b daily just about we don't want that shit touching realism

Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:07 PM #48

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You don’t understand, do you?
Most of the higher tier Realism players treat the game mode as an Ironman which should not be the case.

‘ if you just want to be lazy you could ask for stuff 90% of any realism player would help you with what they can also if you're even that lazy don't play realism ‘

What? It would be much easier to just play Ironman (which most people already do) if you’re not the lazy type of person. Realism is supposed to have a similiar market with normies, where you’re able to buy supplies for under 100k rather than go and collect them for some reason?
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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:09 PM #49

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Coming from a ezscape classic account who played realism for about a week I will agree those who play realism are the nicest most humble players on this server always willing to help newcomers, shout out to @Phanny phart


It seems like this whole gripe is not wanting to pay so much for most essential items. Why not add a shop with lower tier food, gear, and supplies we can even match what osrs already provides new players in their shops such as some rune armour, pickaxes, etc but also throw in things like cooked lobsters/swordfish, regular attack and str pots (not super), anti poison, low tier runes such as elementals and up to chaos runes, and whatever else low leveled gamers would need to start their quest. 


Also on the lack of items in TP it's possibly because it's a small community, duh, if more players joined then more would boss to then sell off their items. If there's some huge scheme to make bank off of 100k super restore pots then I'd be interested in joining, but I HIGHLY doubt it's that deep. Like Alan said why would it be worth his time to sell any of his pots if he isnt making more doing it over other methods. 


Also there's no gate keeping over items that I've seen, I've had several offers to buy realisim items at 2x normie rate I could buy almost every end game item I wanted at 2x normie rate if every offer I was given is true, if you don't want to pay with normie gp cuz it's weird to you then dont lol your feelings shouldnt effect others game play, swapping has always been a thing on alora and osrs.


I think having server competitions on realism accounts is a great idea on getting players to get their feet wet with the game mode and possibly enjoying it enough to stick to it. If there was a recent "first to x achievement" competition and players dedicated a few 10's of possibly hundreds of hours to win they might be in deep enough to stay (because they enjoyed it).


Stop punching air because you don't want to grind, be a part of the solution not the problem, start the grind and sell items you want for a reasonable price so others come and do the same. Path the way for the next generation, and please for the love of Omi give us ezmode classics full vote and well bonus xp boosts.





Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:15 PM #50

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Being one of the f2p players here in Alora (sorry Omi, I vote a lot), I see nothing bad about the economy of the Realism mode. Yes, things are expensive in TP and not always you can find something you need, but that's exactly what makes this game mode authentic, it's not like you stole once from the thieving stall and you can suddenly buy whatever you want from both regular shops or TP. You actually have to put some effort in to get something better and that's the reason why it feels more rewarding to play this mode for people like me, who likes more challenging (or should I say more grind involved) gameplay. Not to mention, that the slower grind for xp, gp and supplies makes you explore way more content that is provided by the Alora than you actually would see if you could just camp thieving stalls and buy anything you want. The beauty of the Realism is that money isn't everything and most of the times the things that money can't buy are the best ones.


Saying that merge would benefit the newcomers is just absurd, because how many of those newcomers would actually start with x2 xp rates coming to RSPS? This would only kill the awesome community we have now for the sake of letting some spoiled kids to jump to this mode for 1 week and then most likely quit for either xp rates being too low or just lack of accomplishment and burn out of buying all the supplies and standing at your bank whole day just to check a mark that you reached 99 in some skills on Realism mode. If the newcomer was of similar mindset and game style as the current Realism players and actually would go for the x2 xp to challange himself/herself, he/she would enjoy this gameplay now as it is. The community is lovely and will help you anytime with both supplies (which aren't always on TP) and knowledge. 


I can guarantee that there would be more people quitting this gamemode than actually new ones sustaining it after merge. So might as well not "fix it" if it's not broken.


It is the gamemode for which I came back after huge break and fell in love with, therefore if the merge happens - it's a quit from me. 



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Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:22 PM #51


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Merge it -- gatekeeping of a game mode by the top 1% is not sustainable. 





Posted 30 November 2022 - 06:50 PM #52


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Maybe its not known, but all of the things you put there are already ingame in a store on realism (Rasolo at ::shops) Which sells armor up to addy, and weapons up to rune scim(check next part), basic pots (I would've added prayer pots so people can all endgame pvm on alora apart from lategame brew/restore gameplay which is fine, Maybe even add anti fire so they dont get gatekept behidn super antis for yung vorkath quest) All range gear up to blue dragon is in shop, So is rune crossbow/magic shortbow and all according ammo(At lowe, ::shops)  .


(Next part) There is a realism rapier in a shop (Paul) thats better than dragon scimitar and bit worse than whip. 


Im hard against a merge because it will legit devaluate every pvm drop you'd get ingame(Im still pogging if I get molten glass at thermy cus thats some molten glass i can give away/progresses my account). As I said prior. I have nothing against opening more options to people. But proposing a merge and open the game mode to every single most meta skilling way through the use of shops. Or the millions of random skilling supplies in normie econ that're now sitting in some normie banks that got like a 100m stack of magic logs as a weird flex. Would only mean that there is alot less purpose to pvm/play the game, as the sole purpose would be grind gp to buy exp. Reason why realism is a grind is because of the lower amount of skilling supplies comming in the game aswell as people need more for themselfs to max opposed to other game modes. 


As I said, the way realism econ is now is really good for people who dont mind grinding bosses and like pvming, cus on alora as soon as you got a whip and rune xbow you can pretty much do anything in game. The only thing that isnt accesable from the moment you login in realism is a prayer potion. And thats legit all i hear people complain about in here. And if thats legit the only reason you want a merge over. It's pretty sad. And you wouldnt even last halfway into getting ardy course unlocked and would burn out probably somewhere around unlocking falador course. You'd might be able to rc chaos runes also. But you'd burn out either way.


Tl:dr; If people wanted to play a 2x exp rate they will, If you cant handle playing 2-3h ironman to bypass the prayer pot unlock. I highly doubt they'd stick around in the mode. Which I think is a fair assumption to make. Long story short. If you'd make a post "lets fix realism entry by adding prayer potions to the store so people can actually get into pvm" You'd now have 35+ yes and maybe 5 No's, But instead as a staff member you decided to go nuclear and come up with a very very ignorant solution. And than act suprised that you get ignorant responses. 


As I said, I played a shitton of alora, won both a pvm league and the twisted leagues, so im a real sweatlord when it comes to playing this game. I personally have no problem with realism as it is now. But I do understand that being able to have acces to prayer pots is pretty much the only unlock you need. (And I legit gave you a decent chunk of them as you started which you didnt have to ask, cus i know thats legit the only hard part about starting realism. Realism rapier on 50 attack slaps bandos with piety, and I know it does cus i legit used 2 normie tank accounts and farmed my bandos when i got 50-65 defence there xD)





I fkd up to quote @VARlANT above   EKSDEE


Posted 30 November 2022 - 07:01 PM #53

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Maybe its not known, but all of the things you put there are already ingame in a store on realism (Rasolo at ::shops) Which sells armor up to addy, and weapons up to rune scim(check next part), basic pots (I would've added prayer pots so people can all endgame pvm on alora apart from lategame brew/restore gameplay which is fine, Maybe even add anti fire so they dont get gatekept behidn super antis for yung vorkath quest) All range gear up to blue dragon is in shop, So is rune crossbow/magic shortbow and all according ammo(At lowe, ::shops)  .


(Next part) There is a realism rapier in a shop (Paul) thats better than dragon scimitar and bit worse than whip. 


Im hard against a merge because it will legit devaluate every pvm drop you'd get ingame(Im still pogging if I get molten glass at thermy cus thats some molten glass i can give away/progresses my account). As I said prior. I have nothing against opening more options to people. But proposing a merge and open the game mode to every single most meta skilling way through the use of shops. Or the millions of random skilling supplies in normie econ that're now sitting in some normie banks that got like a 100m stack of magic logs as a weird flex. Would only mean that there is alot less purpose to pvm/play the game, as the sole purpose would be grind gp to buy exp. Reason why realism is a grind is because of the lower amount of skilling supplies comming in the game aswell as people need more for themselfs to max opposed to other game modes. 


As I said, the way realism econ is now is really good for people who dont mind grinding bosses and like pvming, cus on alora as soon as you got a whip and rune xbow you can pretty much do anything in game. The only thing that isnt accesable from the moment you login in realism is a prayer potion. And thats legit all i hear people complain about in here. And if thats legit the only reason you want a merge over. It's pretty sad. And you wouldnt even last halfway into getting ardy course unlocked and would burn out probably somewhere around unlocking falador course. You'd might be able to rc chaos runes also. But you'd burn out either way.


Tl:dr; If people wanted to play a 2x exp rate they will, If you cant handle playing 2-3h ironman to bypass the prayer pot unlock. I highly doubt they'd stick around in the mode. Which I think is a fair assumption to make. Long story short. If you'd make a post "lets fix realism entry by adding prayer potions to the store so people can actually get into pvm" You'd now have 35+ yes and maybe 5 No's, But instead as a staff member you decided to go nuclear and come up with a very very ignorant solution. And than act suprised that you get ignorant responses. 


As I said, I played a shitton of alora, won both a pvm league and the twisted leagues, so im a real sweatlord when it comes to playing this game. I personally have no problem with realism as it is now. But I do understand that being able to have acces to prayer pots is pretty much the only unlock you need. (And I legit gave you a decent chunk of them as you started which you didnt have to ask, cus i know thats legit the only hard part about starting realism. Realism rapier on 50 attack slaps bandos with piety, and I know it does cus i legit used 2 normie tank accounts and farmed my bandos when i got 50-65 defence there xD)





I fkd up to quote @VARlANT above   EKSDEE



Winning Alora leages and being a champ in realism, EZ, quoting on forums, HARD lol


and no I didn't know those were available tbh, but as mentioned before I was given plenty of starting gear and no one knew who I was (as to not influence them by thinking I'd give them GP) and this was even before I had GP lol. The reason I stopped realism is because 2x xp rate for me is a GRIND and I find achievement in getting 200m's so I know it would be even more unheathly for me, I respect anyone willing to do it, and I don't believe there's any gatekeeping going on since I was given plenty of "please buy my x realism items" several times ofc for 2x normie because swap rates exist and are normal. If there's only 10 players who are willing to get far enough to obtain an item but 30 other players want that item then the supply is low but the demand is high it's basic economics that the price would seem inflated, be a part of the solution, join realism and help increase supply so prices can become more reasonable.





Posted 30 November 2022 - 07:04 PM #54

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Exactly whan @Realmungard said. you CAN buy supplies in the ::Shops, BUT, for some reason, this whole conversation revolves around POTIONS..

like fr? is this game all about potions ? LMAO.


The main reason people don't want to play Realism is purely because it's a very GRINDY game mode, not because of the lack of "super restores" LMAO once more.

You have so many other things to do and prepare before even remotely thinking about super restores and brews ! 


AGAIN, if you were inside the realism world, discord, community etc you'll then find that everything you've said so far (all of it being invalidated by the fact that you purely started this shebang because of "not enjoying pvming and wanting to skill on a low xp rate game" is just surreal to me l0l


I have been a part of the realism community for a very long time and there ain't no %1 of the realism population "hoarding" all the supplies,gear. 

Whatever we all have we've either achieved by playing the game or been helped out by the more wealthy realism players. Countless of times where i've loaned and lent out bills worth of gear/supplies.


REALISM is a very sweaty game mode and, most people joining alora, they do so because it's a PRIVATE server that doesn't require sweatmanmode.


Grow up, enjoy the game for god's sake!



Posted 30 November 2022 - 09:03 PM #55

Real Killer

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How about instead of making changes to a game mode that many play and enjoy, just add a realism xp rate to the regular eco to make all those that dont like the realism eco?  You are basically saying because you want low xp, all those on that eco should lose 1/2 their bank value to to accomodate you. Do not support.

Posted 30 November 2022 - 09:40 PM #56


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How about instead of making changes to a game mode that many play and enjoy, just add a realism xp rate to the regular eco to make all those that dont like the realism eco?

Now this suggestion, I can 100% support.


One way to make both communities happy. This wouldn't have a negative effect on the realism community (Not that I could think of at least) and it would also allow people to choose between the two communities. Wether that would deter people from playing realism mode/eco who knows. 




Well done.

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Posted 30 November 2022 - 09:51 PM #57


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I would have ‘never’ expected that the eco holders of Realism mode are strictly against the merge just because they’re afraid of losing their money printer. I do not see why you are supposed to play Realism basically as an Ironman up until the point where you are able to pay 100k per potion. Fucking 100k to buy a singular brew just because you are lacking the Herblore level.

Most of the people that play Private Servers are trying to ‘escape’ the grind that the actual game has to offer you, some of them still prefer playing the lower XP rate gamemodes but they’re basically being pushed out of it by the ‘Realism Hierarchy’.

Never really understood the reason to split the economy.

Big support, great post @Lunchy

"Most of the people that play Private Servers are trying to ‘escape’ the grind that the actual game has to offer you, some of them still prefer playing the lower XP rate gamemodes but they’re basically being pushed out of it by the ‘Realism Hierarchy"  Man you don't make no sense, 2x is still a grind so joining a rsps to get a way from the grind and then choosing the grindiest gamemode there is, isnt really escaping the grind if anything its more of a grind because its basically starting over. 


"I would have ‘never’ expected that the eco holders of Realism mode are strictly against the merge just because they’re afraid of losing their money printer. I do not see why you are supposed to play Realism basically as an Ironman up until the point where you are able to pay 100k per potion. Fucking 100k to buy a singular brew just because you are lacking the Herblore level." IF Osrs wasn't running off bots supplying the GE the main games supply prices would also go up like it was ,before the GE was a thing. If you didn't play back then I guess youd not understand that back then anyone sets a price because they worked to make it and you couldn't buy potions like brews or anything from the store you had to find someone in varrock anvils or falador gardens spamming things for sell all different prices. Most things that are in tp that are high priced arent meant to sell more or less a placeholder not actually for someone to buy unless someone is a fool and wants to pay ridiculous amounts for something.

Posted 30 November 2022 - 11:46 PM #58


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How about just release ANOTHER game mode with same or lower xp rates that has the normie eco on it? Why do we have to mess up a current game mode because 10 new people want to try the game mode and quit before they get 1k total level? 

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 12:35 AM #59


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All Players at the start of account creation get the option to chose between xp rates.

Realism is by no means "forced" onto ANYONE. it was a choice.

Yes, the eco is inflated compared to Normie, Which should be expected when It takes much longer to acquire items. 

Just because you don't enjoy the grind. Doesn't mean it should be removed from the game.

Please offer a valid point of view of why Realism Should be removed besides "It being grindy". 

Because all of us realism signed up for the grind.  Sorry My modes Don't profit your Economy.

Pls don't bully I'm Fragile 

Posted 01 December 2022 - 12:45 AM #60


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Do not support. If merging the eco is such a success, why hasn't classic grown exponentially? I don't really play anymore, and could care less either way. If you want suggest anything, try suggesting a shop rework.

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