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Let's talk about Realism.

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Poll: Merging Realism. (101 member(s) have cast votes)

Should we merge Realism with the rest of the eco?

  1. Yes (43 votes [42.57%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 42.57%

  2. No (50 votes [49.50%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 49.50%

  3. I don't care either way (8 votes [7.92%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 7.92%


Posted 01 December 2022 - 05:45 AM #61

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Forgot who posted and cant find anymore but I agree if had more options to choose Game mode and XP rate from start of account this could be easily avoided (ex: Hc, 40x, 8x, 6x, 4x, 2x), or as Dumb said if shops get reworked. IMO realism does feel like an iron, which should not be the point of the mode its supposed to be Normie with slow rates (idk why that's hard to understand), and I know you will get handouts/help if in the realism discord/talk to people, BUT no one should have to feel forced to do that, not everyone prefers that which also goes for whoever had said "Should feel like an iron grind in beginning anyways) that's also an opinion, everyone plays their own way If i have money on an alt why wouldn't I use it to help my account that's supposed to be a Normie, if don't have money you grind... that's how its always been on a Normie which is what we're talking about in this post, realism is not an iron. Lastly, for the people who said "go play classic if want that", well i mean with that mindset can't we say that you could have played EIM/GIM since like to "grind" like an iron when the mode is supposed to be normie but slow (should be anyways).


Overalls thoughts, id prefer if can choose game mode/xp rate before start account so everyone will be happy in end, don't really care if merges or not though.

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 06:05 AM #62

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@ Dumb I like the suggestion of a ;;shop rework so normie skilling could actually make money.



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Posted 01 December 2022 - 01:10 PM #63

Real Fatal

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I'm just a casual player and I really enjoy the realism mode. The separate economy is actually one of the main reasons I like it. Whenever you get a drop, it actually feels rewarding. Sometimes it's difficult to find an item on the trading post or it takes a while to sell but for me that's in line with the game mode where you have to work for your gains and I wouldn't want it any different.

Voting to combine the economy because some people are making money on potions just seems spiteful to me. If you read the comments here anyone who actually plays the mode is against it. It's rich that all of the complaints about realism are made by people who do not play it and/or are not affected by it.

Posted 01 December 2022 - 02:57 PM #64

Real Alan

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Forgot who posted and cant find anymore but I agree if had more options to choose Game mode and XP rate from start of account this could be easily avoided (ex: Hc, 40x, 8x, 6x, 4x, 2x), or as Dumb said if shops get reworked. IMO realism does feel like an iron, which should not be the point of the mode its supposed to be Normie with slow rates (idk why that's hard to understand), and I know you will get handouts/help if in the realism discord/talk to people, BUT no one should have to feel forced to do that, not everyone prefers that which also goes for whoever had said "Should feel like an iron grind in beginning anyways) that's also an opinion, everyone plays their own way If i have money on an alt why wouldn't I use it to help my account that's supposed to be a Normie, if don't have money you grind... that's how its always been on a Normie which is what we're talking about in this post, realism is not an iron. Lastly, for the people who said "go play classic if want that", well i mean with that mindset can't we say that you could have played EIM/GIM since like to "grind" like an iron when the mode is supposed to be normie but slow (should be anyways).   Overalls thoughts, id prefer if can choose game mode/xp rate before start account so everyone will be happy in end, don't really care if merges or not though.

@ Miq @ Krest @ H


When you say Realism should be like Normie instead of like iron, what does even that mean? 


You should be able to buy things on Realism for the same price as normie? 

If you just copy & paste normie prices on Realism, then your prices aren't based on supply & demand.

Having prices based on supply and demand is the whole concept of an economy.

Making everything cheap like normie, so it's easier for new players, absolutely does not improve your economy.

It just makes things worse. 

If things don't sell fast, perhaps your prices are too high.  Perhaps, you're selling a product people don't need.

Don't blame slow sales on bad eco, when you just haven't put in the work to get shit done.  

Like... Just because you can't buy the items you want for normie prices, absolutely doesn't mean the Realism eco is bad.

Also... Just because the items you're looking for aren't listed (or there aren't many offers)... that doesn't mean the Realism eco is bad either.

It just means there's a smaller playerbase and no one has (or few have) a surplus of that item for sale... (potential profitable activity)


Think about the normie economy for a second.  You've got all ironmen game modes cashing out their dupes on the market.

Say you buy a lightbearer ring.  As more and more dupes enter the market, prices will surely fall. 

Suppliers will try to compete for the lowest price, so their lightbearer rings sell first -> further pushing prices down

Are there enough buyers that want these dupes?  If not, prices will continue to fall -> meaning suppliers are getting less and less gp compensation for their time.

When you don't get enough gp compensation for doing something, activities become not worth doing, as you're better off doing something else.


What's my point?  Don't go around using 'make it like normie' to justify 'fixing a bad realism eco'

Dropping prices to match normie is going to hurt new players in the long run, because when these new players start selling their hard earned dupes (on 2x xp game mode) they won't be getting compensated for their time.

Imagine, busting your ass doing hundreds of slayer tasks to get to 90 slayer to unlock cerberus and finally getting a dupe pegasian crystal drop.  Now, you'll want to sell that item to get compensation for your time.

That crystal took you 5 hours of slaying cerberus and days of slayer prep.  Had you spent those 5 hours pickpocking elves, you would have easily made 20m (for instance). 

As a result, you expect whoever's buying from you to compensate your time with at least 20m gp.  After all, money is currency for time to help balance the work people do for each other.


Now, if you merge Realism with Normie, you suddenly have increased supply of pegasian crystals. The requirement to becoming a supplier is drastically reduced.

Normie mode players that got 90 slayer in a few hours can suddenly do the work that you busted your ass doing hundreds of slayer tasks to prepare for.

Futhermore, Ironmen that have extra dupes can now become suppliers too... further driving prices down... to the point where you could make more money spending 30 seconds voting for a vote book, than slaying cerberus for an hour.  

This is not the solution.  You're only making the problem worse.  When you go to a new place, you respect the new places rules.  Trying to squeeze a left shoe on a right foot isn't going to fix the problem.

It's just going to cause a lot of pain and piss a lot of people off.



"I know you will get handouts/help if in the realism discord/talk to people, BUT no one should have to feel forced to do that"

Is it the realism community fault that someone-who-doesn't-play-our-game-mode feels "forced to ask for help" and "forced to join a discord" to play?

If you get PKed in the wild... are you going to blame clans for making you feel forced to join them and their discord?

You signed up for player versus player activity when you stepped into the wild the exact same way you signed up to be apart of a 2x xp game mode when you decided to play on realism.  

It's your choice if you want to team up and get shit done more efficiently.  Don't go around blaming the team for making solo players feel forced to join.


We aren't forcing anyone.  We built a community to help players up.  No one is forcing anyone to discord and stopping players from playing by themselves.

Meanwhile... a whole bunch of you guys are trying to force the Normie eco onto the existing Realism community for some reason... to those people.... FK OFF!



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Posted 01 December 2022 - 04:41 PM #65

Real Danger

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Right my attention has been bought to this. When I first joined Alora, I played normie, maxed it and got bored. I thought about Realism, but didnt think of it too much. Real Alan and Smackingthat both challenged me to Realism, of which I have taken that challenge. I have now played Realism for a solid 8-12months now. The whole point of realism is to be somewhat realistic to what OSRS is but not as painful. Realism is a way that you can sorta experience OSRS with just 2x xp rate instead of 5x xp rate that Classic gives. Realism has a base already set up, and has a strong group of other realism players helping newer realism players to understand what the economy is like and different to the regular Alora experience. I personally like playing Realism as there it doesnt get boring. If I dont have an item, and my group doesnt have it, then looks like im either gonna grind for it, which I have done or put it off and grind for it again. Im personally voting against merging the economy, otherwise if the merge happens, you will most likely kill off the Realism playerbase of Alora.


TLDR: Voting No.

Posted 01 December 2022 - 08:03 PM #66


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I wasn't planning on replying to this topic.


What was meant to be a suggestion, has now turned into a ton of salt. 


Let me first say. The comment "Anyone who doesn't play realism shouldn't get to have a vote on this" is absolutely absurd.

1: This is the "Alora" community forums, not a realism discord. 

2: Don't you also think this would have an impact on the regular economy in some way, shape or form? It's only fair EVERYONE gets a say in this.


I've seen quite a few awesome idea's from members of our beautiful Alora community including endgame realisms, that could actually bypass this topic of a realism merge. That's what happens when members come together and throw different ideas around the table. 


I've even seen on this thread itself an amazing idea that could easily bypass and deescalate this situation.. Such as @ Real Killer suggested that maybe instead of a merge, a new game mode with an experience rate of x2 gets added into the regular economy. This way the ones who would like a regular economy or no longer want to join the realism community can play. But by the looks of things that's been overlooked and it just seems to me that this topic will continue to go around and around in circles. Don't you think that this would stop the realism merge from even being a thought?

With a suggestion like this. A discussion is healthy. But I've rarely seen any happening (Except a couple of people). I think we all know by now that @ Real Alan likes to dictate a lot of what the realism community votes on. Because after all he did say to me that "It's his game mode". Funny that I thought it was a Alora game mode. When you try to have a discussion with one of the realism members who has a big influence on its community, you don't get really far. When one tries to express one view, and the other isn't open to a conversation to float ideas around on how to avoid this. This is the reply you might expect to get.





A so called leader, not willing to have a discussion on how this could be potentially avoided. But no, he'd rather avoid that conversation all together. 

Just on a side note also. Staff also play as members of the communtity. We too put countless hours into this game that we all play and love. And believe it or not, majority of us have realisms or have attempted a realism. Just because someone is a staff member, it doesn't mean that it will influence the votes. Just look at them, take away the multiple votes on alternate accounts, I'd say it's pretty damn even. While we're on the subject of expressing facts, "A meme that's actually been turned into a suggestion", While at times some of them would have been memes, some of them weren't and this topic is proof of that. It's time to start accepting that people are actually serious and that staff do actually play the game.


While I've probably put one of the realism bounties on my head now. Good luck on catching me, I'm a fast boy btw.

I am no longer going to be commenting on this thread until this has either closed or an alternative solution has been agreed upon. 


If you want to discuss this further, you'll find me on the "Give UIM banks" Suggestion. See @ Real Alan that is what you consider a meme.... Unless.

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 09:10 PM #67

The Inferno
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No support.


Personally, I have less than 10h of gameplay on realism. However, looking at the comment thread so far, it seems that nobody in the actual realism community is supporting the merge. Don't see why people that don't play the game mode should have a say on this. Just make a new game mode with open eco and realism XP rate if that's what new players are looking for.

Posted 01 December 2022 - 10:03 PM #68


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This will probably be my last post on this topic unless i read something else that sparks a thought for me.


I don't even play realism and I can understand that merging the eco's will destroy the game mode.


Ivy   "2: Don't you also think this would have an impact on the regular economy in some way, shape or form? It's only fair EVERYONE gets a say in this."


No I don't think EVERYONE gets a say in this. Normie eco will be barely impacted as probably 1-2 days worth of end game drops will enter the economy. Meanwhile realism will perma be crashed items that once had value will now cost 5gp each 


Just add a new game mode with normie eco and small xp. Which I doubt he will do because well guess what, nobody wants to play low xp! The economy is not what is holding you back!! 


If he will add a new game mode it will be dead within the first week (maybe even dead on release if he doesnt release a cash tournament with it, and if he does im gonna omegaKEK when you have to ironman it for the tourny)

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Posted 01 December 2022 - 11:53 PM #69

EIM Bust
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Posted 02 December 2022 - 01:32 AM #70

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Reading the reasoning and why you think a merge is needed is giving me a rash. This question has been oribiting throughout Alora for a very longtime and undoubtedly has been a HOT topic for many of the wealthy elite players who come over from regular and the classic game mode.

I DO NOT SUPPORT this house pocus abra cadabra nonsense and most DEFINATEKY DO NOT SUPPORT the reasoning behind the Subject matter.

Regardless of this, you have a voice and opinion and glad to be hearing it, since this has been a long standing issue of yours for sometime now.

I have been playing Alora since the start of the first pandemic almost 2-3 years now. Phanny phart (first account ever made and played) has seen people come and go like grease /dirt under the fingernails.

I have also seen people stay, grow and have many 100s of hours "INVESTING TIME" into playing game mode. I imagine this is also the case for you @ Lunchy not only just your regular account qccomplishing 4.6B total but your accounts combined.

I see this post from someone who has already invested qlot of time and effort into playing the game, coming over to realism playing a lower experience rate and unable to throw everything at ::shops to speed and make everything easier.

This mode isn't supposed to be easy but most definitely time consuming. If you dont have the time, the dont play it.

Once again NO SUPPORT.

Posted 02 December 2022 - 04:35 AM #71

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I’d post my statement of reason for my decision but allegedly my 40x exp rate does not qualify me for anything #gatekeeing.

I just want to see my boy Phanny phart get 4.6b before any merge.

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Posted 02 December 2022 - 02:59 PM #72

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I agree with @ EIM Bust

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Posted 02 December 2022 - 03:06 PM #73

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This is no longer beeing used to give actual constructive feedback / looking for ways to improve the realism game mode for new / older players that want to play the gamemode.

But at this point its just going back and forth with accusations / and close to flaming language therefor i will be locking this post.

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Posted 02 December 2022 - 03:33 PM #74



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Realism was never meant to have open access to trading with regular players. The whole point of the game mode was for it to have a more realistic economy/experience rate game mode where loot/items were harder to come by than normal, since players needed to spend a lot more time grinding to get to that point. Merging the economies would completely defeat the point of the game mode. We realize that realism is a more niche game mode, though that was expected, since it's quite challenging with the low experience rates, and reduced gp. That being said, Dan and I were discussing allowing realism players to change their account status to classic mode, should they choose to not want to be realism players anymore. This makes sense, since classic and realism are quite similar, the main difference being that classic players have higher experience rates, and the ability to trade with normal players.

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