Hey Guys It's been a pretty long time and I thought I was due for a progression dump for the past 2 months. If you haven't seen my other progression dumps and are interested here are the links
1. https://www.alora.io...et/#entry435549
2. https://www.alora.io...rp/#entry436806
3. https://www.alora.io...go/#entry440094
There are a bunch of different bosses that I have been grinding but I have mainly been grinding nex/tob/phosani, and even toa.
Here are the main bosses from the loot tracker from the past 2 months.
For some reason Nex rares were not tracked, but I managed to get Vambs and Torva platebody!
I mainly did sire because I wanted bludgeon for my phosani grind but I gave up on that after being 600 dry for an unsired while I had immortal donor status. Ended up using hasta for my Phosani grind.
Now that Toa is out I'm going to be mostly doing Toa until I have all if not most of the items from Toa log. Right now I'm about 33 solo experts dry for purple