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Tombs of Amascut 150 Invocation for Beginners!

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Posted 07 November 2022 - 05:49 PM #1


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Hey Alorians! If you're here you're here to try to learn some beginner 150 invocation toa on alora! 


This guide will be like my CoX beginner guide. I will type out what to do in the room, followed by a video of me doing it.

(no flame pls, ive never done toa on osrs just started doing toa when it came out on alora!!!!)



This is my setup, use better gear where possible.

2RF5dcc.png2QqwoEA.pngDds + blowpipe+ Blood fury  pretty mandatory. Switch trident with sang staff/ shadow staff. If you dont have bowfa+crystal use arma/masori + tbow. (not a big deal if you dont have bowfa or tbow usually only use them on 1 boss, tbow used on more but i dont have one) Blood fury not really mandatory but it helps ALOT. I would keep barrows gloves, dont upgrade to fero/zaryte. Brimstone ring would be good to bring over bring but i dont have one. Dont bring a boot switch not worth, just bring dboot/prims. Can bring neit jaw if you have but I like to use serp as theres a room that can poison you. Use rapier if you have it, z hasta if you dont. If you dont have either, go get one of them, wouldnt use a tent.



First we will start with what invocations I use. I don't use any time limiting ones because you can get 150 pretty easy without them and just incase you have to afk or something you wont screw yourself over by not finishing it in time and it becomes a entry mode kc instead of normal... I'm not going to write out all my invo's or my thought process behind them because lets be real here idk why i use them i looked up a guide KEKW. They are very easy though.



1st Room: Kephri


When you first walk in this room you will need to pick a starting path left or right and complete puzzles. You can do any of the puzzles, but I'm only going to cover 3 of them because I don't know how to do the pillar one and you don't need to do it, you can just do the others!.

300px-Path_of_Scabaras_-_puzzle_4.png?a1 This one is pretty simple, you just need to click the tablet, it will tell you a number in your chat box (make sure filtered is turned off!) Then you must step on tiles that add up to the number in your chat box. Each image has a different number value. I prefer to keep this open when doing the raid 



300px-Path_of_Scabaras_-_puzzle_1.png?d1This puzzle you will click the little thing right before it and they will light up in a certain order, recreate the order without stepping on wrong tiles to complete it. Very simple.


300px-Path_of_Scabaras_-_puzzle_3.png?a1 I personally don't like this puzzle but if you get unlucky with the order of puzzles you get you might have to do this one. Walk over a tile, it will turn on/off some tiles, you need all the tiles lit up to complete. (You can brute force this by using your health, if you have 1 or 2 tiles unlit but the rest are and you cant figure out how to get them all lit, you can right click the tile and press flip. It will turn it on but it will cost you 20 HP!)


300px-Path_of_Scabaras_-_puzzle_5.png?a1Last puzzle, This one is mandatory.  Click a tile, a image will pop up, you need to find the same image on the other side and click it as well. When I go into this room I like to type 1 side out in my chat box so I know where it is without actually having to remember where it is. (L Bird, M Hand, R Boot) (L=Left, M=Middle, R=Right) you can do this however you want, write it out or memorize it if you got good memory.


Now its time for the boss Kephri!




Very simple boss, every few ticks she will send out a bomb similar to how vorkath sends out a fireball. It will show as a shade under you, move a tile away to not get hit by it.

Once you get her to 1 hp she will go into 2nd phase. A shield scarab and scarab swarms will come out. Pray range, kill the scarab swarms as they will generate shield back to kephri. After she's back up and attacking you I prefer to kill the shield scarab then deplete her shield again. Phase 2 will happen again, except this time another npc will spawn Arcane Scarab. KILL THIS IMMEDIATELY THIS IS PRIO OVER SCARAB SWARMS. This mob will pack you out so quick if you don't kill it that you're gonna go get 200m fishing before you decide to come attempt toa again. Once its dead, kill the scarab swarms again, then the shield scarab if you like. Deplete her shield again, this time her shield is complete gone and wont regen again, now  you just need to kill her. 



Second Room: Baba





Walk in, take a hammer and take a potion. I just blowpipe the entire room and pray mage the entire time. When a red skull shows up over the vents you need to stand on top of the vent and press the potion, if theres a skull on the pillars click it and repair it. Kill everything (prioritize shamans100px-Baboon_Shaman.png?46a05  as they will summon more mobs). Theres 1 mob that will run at you Volatile Baboon 100px-Volatile_Baboon.png?23978it will explode on you and deal massive damage, just run a few tiles away after it gets close and starts to blow up.



Boss time! Baba:



Walk in, pray melee and attack him. When you see stuff falling above your head move a few tiles over, this will spawn a big rock on the floor. Stand next to it so when baba throws his boulder at you it will only damage you 3, and the rock will soak the big damage for you. He will also throw out a shockwave periodically, this will look like a shadow cross on the floor, run to the end of to not get damaged (you have to be pretty fast to not get hit by it, i usually get hit by it but its not a big deal) When he knocks you back take out your blowpipe and attack the ball thats cracked (it looks blueish). You will 1 hit it ALWAYS. Run towards baba and attack him with melee if you are close able to, else just hit the next cracked ball and continue inching forward.


Repeat until dead.



After you've done two rooms you now will be able to speak to the ghost in the lobby that will offer you supplies. You can choose whichever supplies you want


Ambrosia_%282%29.png?e4f02 Ambrosia - 2 dose potion that will fill your health to 124, prayer to 124, and also boost your attack/str/def/mage/range stats.


Blessed_crystal_scarab_%282%29.png?f1fde Blessed Crystal Scarab - 2 uses each, restores a small amount of prayer instantly, then continues to restore prayer over time (similar to a prayer enhance in CoX)

Liquid_adrenaline_%282%29.png?e4f02 Liquid Adrenaline - 2 dose potion, makes your special attacks cost 50% less (DDS 8 times or claw 4 times)

Nectar_%284%29.png?66c7f Nectar - This is a saradomin brew

Smelling_salts_%282%29.png?91203 Smelling Salts- 2 uses each, increases your attk/str/def/range/mage stats to 124 and will restore them over time even if you brew down (similar to overload in CoX)

Tears_of_elidinis_%284%29.png?d5f21 Tears of elidinis- This is a super restore


Its always nice to grab a liquid adrenaline+smelling salt if you can as it will help with the next bosses. But if you're still learning you may want to just opt for extra supplies.


3rd Room: Zebak

The puzzle for this boss is extremely easy. Pick up a water container off the floor, go to a waterfall, fill it, and dump it in the plant in the middle of the room. 


If you get hit while you have water in your container it will reduce the amount you have by 25 each time you get hit (you fill your container with 100 each time)

So in order to not get hit you will wait at the thing closest to you to fully extended, count 1.2. then run and you shouldnt get hit, if theres a poison cloud spawning in the same square you are, just wait until there isnt one. 



Once you've filled the plant to 200hp you're finished and you can move onto the boss.


Boss Time: Zebak!


This boss is a little complicated, not as easy as the last two but not that bad once you get the hang of it.


381px-Tombs_of_Amascut_-_Fighting_Zebak.  You will be ranging this boss. Your prayer will depend on what attack he uses. If he shoots a rock in the air you will pray range, if he shoots a clam/teapot whatever you think it is i have no clue i think it looks like a clam :P, pray mage.


2 Times per fight he will use 2 special attacks.


One you can see in the picture above. He will shoot out rocks and clams and poison stuff at the same time. You need to go behind a clam click it in the direction (the way your character is facing is the direction it will go) of a rock that has poison surrounding it. It will dispel the poison and you need to stand behind the rock to not take damage from his special attack.


The next one you can see here: 



He will send out poison and clams, dont worry about them just try to not stand in the poison. Stand in the opening of the waves so it doesnt sweep you off the map. They always have the same pattern when they come out so you can learn to get to the spots early. If you do get knocked off the side of the map theres a little platform that you need to click to climb back up.




4th Room: Akkha 


The puzzle room is pretty easy. Walk in a pick up a pickaxe from the statue (you can actually deposit your dragon pickaxe in here if you have a extra one and there will always be one available in the raid for you as long as you redeposit it after the room ends.... this is preferred to do  as  you can 1 phase the room instead of 2 if you have a dragon pickaxe)



One statue will send out a light beam, the other statue with the shield needs to get hit by it in order for you to mine the rock in the middle. 


Theres 2 different type of walls. the solid ones and cracked ones. Mine cracked ones they will usually be blocking the path for the light to get to the shielded statue.


Theres mirrors that cannot be picked up and mirrors that can be picked up. Pick up 3 mirrors place them in a certain order ( this changes every time ) to make it hit the shield statue then mine the middle rock to end the room. 


Avoid the black balls that fly around the room as they damage you. Also if the light beam hits you it will also damage you.



I will include my tile marker exports after the end of the full guide that you can import to help you do this room easier.



Boss Time! Akkha


This boss is pretty annyoing and has multiple phases.




When you first walk in he will always be praying Melee/Range. So you will start with using mage and praying melee. You can kite him around so you dont take as much damage, i usually kite him, in this video i didnt because I was just being lazy :P


Once you get him to 80% he will become immune to your attacks and 4 shadows of himself will pop up in each corner of the room. Kill one and it will make him attackable again but HE must remain in the quadrant of the shadow that you killed.


This will happen again at 60% 40% and 20% hp.


He will change prayers throughout the fight which means you will need to switch attack styles. As stated earlier at first he will be praying melee/range and you will mage him and pray melee. He will cycle to praying mage/range and you will attack with melee, praying range. He will the cycle to melee/mage prayer you will range him, while praying mage.


He has a special attack where he will disappear and icons on each quadrant will light up in a pattern than you need to follow in order to not get hit. They will light up in some random order, stand in the first one once the 3 quadrants that you're not in do their "attack" move to the next one that lit up and repeat until he appears back,


Once you get kill him he will regen health some health, and try to hide from you. He will be in one of the 4 corners like his shadows, just run up and attack him while dodging the ufo things on the ground as they will hit you for 17-20. (you have to melee him in this phase). Each time he appears you can hit him a total of 3 times before he will go to a different quadrant. Repeat till hes dead.




Once again, since you've done 2 rooms you will be able to get more supplies. Get watcha need!





Final Boss: Warden


This boss is pretty hectic and might take you a few tries to learn which kinda sucks because it may take you 30-40 mins to even get here in the first place.


Anyways, when you begin the fight you will need to go on the track on the left side and soak the energy so that it doesnt power up both wardens at the same time. Usually best to tank it until you're at about 66 hp. Make sure you're attacking the obelisk the entire time while soaking damage.(I prefer to blowpipe it as it does good dps on it, but if you have rapier it MIGHT be better im not sure I dont have a rapier.) Once you stop soaking keep attacking the obelisk  the right side warden will become powered up and it will send out Red UFO's out that will damage you if you are under them. (Theres a safespot just watch the video to see where) a few seconds after the red ufos come out yellow ones will. Just stand where a red ufo was and a yellow one will not spawn there.



Once the obelisk is dead the warden will come out. He will be praying Melee/Range when he comes out so you will start with mage. He attacks with 2 different styles Mage and Range. To know which one you will pray vs just look at his attack animation. If it looks like hes pitching a baseball at you it will be a skull and you will pray range. If it looks like you just got caught lacking at a red light and the op is shooting you with the glock 9 a red skull will come out, pray mage.  He also has 3 different special attacks with the shooting animation. A red sword = pray melee, white/blue arrow = pray range, and blue ball = pray mage.


On top of all of the above he has 3 different special attacks he will send out from time to time. 


381px-Tombs_of_Amascut_-_fighting_Elidin This one is easy to avoid, dont stand in the red lights, run through it to the other side so it just continues past you.


432px-Tombs_of_Amascut_-_obelisk_windmilThis one is also easy, just stand where I stand in the video and you wont ever get hit by this one.

432px-Tombs_of_Amascut_-_obelisk_lightniSome say this one is also easy but I absolutely hate this one and I eat damage from it EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE IT... A black shadow will go on the ground to tell you where the attack will start, you either need to stand close to it or really far from it.


Once you fill up the energy of the boss by doing enough damage he will send out his core on the floor which you will need to attack to actually damage him. Attacking this will cause increased damage on him, and if you melee (which you will be doing) you will always hit your max hit. If you have a adrenaline potion its really good to use here as you can dds a bunch of times and again, since its melee it will always max hit. 



After a few seconds the core will go back into the warden, and he will resume doing the same things as above except this time he will be praying mage/melee so you will range him. (Blowpipe SHREDS this phase)


Repeat until hes dead.



Final Phase...


He will attack by slamming the floor. Just be on the opposite side of the room that he slams. He will always slam left first, then right, then middle.



Stand on the correct tile M(middle) L(left) R(right) to avoid his attacks. Just get in a rhythm 



at 80% hp he will become unattackable. Red skulls will spawn scattered. pull out your dds and attack them all. (doesnt need to be dds but you HAVE to melee them) then go back to your right tile and continue your rhythm (once skulls come out he will ALWAYS reset his attack cycle so if his next attack was middle safe it wont be middle safe anymore it will be reset.


This happens again at 60% 40% and 20%


At 60% hp zebak will spawn and start attacking you with mage/range attacks like he did in your first fight with him, just pray accordingly and keep dodging slam attacks.


At 40% Baba will spawn and start attacking you with falling rocks like he did in your fight with him. Dodge that, pray accordingly to zebak, and continue dodging slam attacks.


At 20% hp the warden will stop attacking with floor stomps. Just stand at the nearest row in front of him, dodge falling rocks from baba, pray according to zebaks attacks,  and there will be little lightning bolts that come out peroidically. You will know where they spawn as there will be shadows on the floor. The darker the close they are to attacking.


And thats it collect purples!!










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Here is my tile markers for the mining room. To import just right click the world map icon and press import after you copy this. 

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Posted 07 November 2022 - 05:52 PM #2


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Wow, maybe the most detailed guide I've seen on here. Great work, will for sure help a lot of players.

Posted 07 November 2022 - 06:28 PM #3

Satan Spawn
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Definately will work great for people trying to get a better understanding of toa! Great work and well detailed always nice having a text guide and video guide with eachother


AKA Billy Mays


Posted 07 November 2022 - 06:47 PM #4

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wow nice guide




Posted 07 November 2022 - 06:51 PM #5

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Thank you for the guide.

Posted 07 November 2022 - 08:33 PM #6

J boogs

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Very helpful, especially for a novice Pvmer like myself. This is going to help me tremendously. 

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Posted 07 November 2022 - 11:20 PM #7


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Thanks for making this guide!


This will definitely increase the activity at ToA, which means more purples in yell :D

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Posted 08 November 2022 - 12:50 AM #8


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Very nice guide and lots of efford put into it! Sure this will help players getting into ToA :PeepoCrazy:

Posted 08 November 2022 - 12:56 AM #9

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Awesome work as usual Selenagomez ! Waiting for those suggestions to appear now :)

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Posted 08 November 2022 - 03:08 AM #10


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Looking good Selena, great work!





Posted 08 November 2022 - 08:43 AM #11


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Great well detailed guide for beginners! Thank you

Posted 08 November 2022 - 11:08 AM #12


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Great work I think this is the most detailed guide on Alora, love to see more guides like this! ;)

Posted 08 November 2022 - 12:56 PM #13

RNG Bitch
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Amazing guide thank you for this! Used you CoX guide when getting back up to speed with raids one so looking forward to learning ToA using this one!




Posted 08 November 2022 - 10:44 PM #14

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Good job on the guide ! ive been using your guide to practice and it did help me alot to learn the raid ! 


Posted 09 November 2022 - 04:32 AM #15

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Awesome guide, never seen one this detailed before.

Gonna help a lot when i will try out this minigame for the first time soon!

Posted 09 November 2022 - 05:32 AM #16


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Thanks for the guide !

Posted 09 November 2022 - 07:53 AM #17


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Awesome job on making this thorough guide for the boys and with bonus imports! Well done Selena :D

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Posted 09 November 2022 - 04:27 PM #18


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Haven't ran any ToA yet due to comp grind but I'm sure this will help a ton!

Awesome guide!

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Posted 10 November 2022 - 02:54 PM #19



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Great work on this guide! @Selenagomez

I'm sure this will be incredibly helpful to players who are unfamiliar with the raid mechanics, especially the videos.

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