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Changes to the Vote Ranking Giveaway Events

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Posted 05 October 2022 - 12:15 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?:Change the rewards for the vote ranking giveaway events

Is this in OSRS?:..No

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:No

How would this benefit Alora?: Currently, the vote ranking giveaway events are basically raffles that anyone including those who aren't even playing/voting can enter. Of these the majority are items that a solid portion of the playerbase (ironmen) can't even put to use since they can't receive them on their mains. Instead of a giveaway format it would be more effective and motivational if they were changed to something like a week of drop boost on a raid or runbacks of the most popular event formats (such as boss spawn events every event day of the following month's first week). This will benefit everyone more evenly without really being too broken and you'll likely see more consistent vote turnout if it's not a chance of one or a few people benefiting but something everyone can enjoy for their efforts of consistent voting (and dealing with those horrible captchas).

I understand these events are mainly to help alora maintain exposure and grow, which benefits everyone, but when you tie material things to it people take their interest into account. Who wants to be consistent in voting only for someone who hasn't played in months or even years to snag a scythe without touching the vote button?

Posted 05 October 2022 - 04:17 PM #2

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Hey @Menat, currently if you vote these are the prizes you can win: https://www.alora.io...t-october-20th/


The discord giveaway is something extra I added onto Omicron's competition. We already have weekly events, bonuses, all day loots, etc. It will remain the same way it is now.

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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