This pretty much nails it on the head for me.
"The community" is 18 players who voted yes? And how many people play the game mode at the moment and why do they not play it? I am not asking to make everything safe, I have done much dangerous content and agree with all except for this. Check out this topic:
Where "the community" voted to make ToB unsafe for HC but did that get implemented? It is okay to make adjustments following polls and the implementation of content and I feel this is reasonable. As far back as 2020 there were complaints and awareness of bugs in ToB. I don't have access to the archives for bug reports, but I have a hard time believing these issues have not been reported before. I play the game mode knowing well and accepting the risks, but it is unfair that these issues are beyond my control and I have to "play paranoid" to survive a piece of content? Either make it unsafe for both game modes, or make it safe until the bugs get resolved. There is no reason it should not be consistent across game modes. Just read through the comments in that content poll and tell me that ToB is fair, consistently bug free content.