What is your suggestion?:
alternating the start times for bonuses/events. The current system always activates bonuses during "peak" times usually at 4pm server time. Meaning if you don't play during those set times you wont be able to participate. (referring to cox/tob/nex/nm bonuses not the generic PC loot/ barrows bonuses)
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
by offsetting the time the bonuses are activated, it would include a more diverse player base. For example, monday events start 4pm, tuesday start 5pm, wednesday start 6pm ect. This way more players could then get the chance to see potentially 1 or 2 bonuses rather then 0. I'm an OCE player and for the last 5+ years ive played alora and the only way i get to participate currently is if i set an alarm for 2am (which ive done plenty of times) which we can all agree isn't healthy. Bonuses bring players together and helps stimulate player interaction but also make it more viable to find a group/team.
*This is more focused on bonuses rather then events as i understand events have to be planned/hosted by an admin. Bonuses can be triggered within seconds.