My playtime so far:

Hey guys, hope all is well for everyone!
I've always wanted to make a HCIM and stick to it and have a progress thread so I've finally done it. I'll try to keep mine as far from boring as possible.
That being said, let's jump into it!
I'm just getting over being sick, I had pushed like 80 Agility then didn't get on for a day or two.

My initial plan when making the account was to knock out Agility first as it's my least favorite skill, and that's what I did.
I obtained full Graceful and got Agility done both on the same day, today 9/6/2022. Also got the pet at 2m xp.

Now I plan to work on a little bit of Thieving for some cash and seeds to start Farming, while also starting Fishing and Cooking so I have food saved up for combat later on.

I haven't started combat yet as I'm focusing on gathering skills first such as Fishing and Farming for supplies to do Combat at a later time.
Attack: 1/99
Strength: 1/99
Defence: 1/99
Hitpoints: 10/99
Range: 1/99
Prayer: 1/99
Magic: 1/99
Runecrafting: 1/99
Construction: 1/99
Agility: 99/99
Herblore: 1/99
Thieving: 50/99
Crafting: 1/99
Fletching: 1/99
Slayer: 1/99
Hunter: 1/99
Mining: 1/99
Smithing: 1/99
Fishing: 50/99
Cooking: 50/99
Firemaking: 1/99
Woodcutting: 1/99
Farming: 1/99
Hopefully we stay alive, wish me the best of luck!
Fingers crossed for no disconnects or lag spikes once PvM starts!