Often times, things work better on Alora without the need for degrading.
Like crystal tools/equipment, tentacles, and infernal tools.
Would you like those to be degradable like OSRS as well?
What's my point? Matching OSRS 100% isn't always the answer.
There's nothing wrong with discussing issues and ways to make Giants' Foundry more worth doing on Alora.
Like I'm absolutely for letting people grind things out... but the grind needs to be realistic.
I've done the grinding and knocked out the smith's outfit myself.
I can tell you from experience, no one on Alora will actively grind Giants' Foundry for smithing catalysts. Why?
1. they're only good for making bars at regular furnace, so it doesn't drastically affect the current blast furnace META
bars enter the game through what channels?
- pvm keys/chests/drops (passive method)
- blast furnace (fast method)
- regular furnaces (slow method)
- super heat
If there's already a 50% reduction at blast furnace, why can't players earn their way to a 50% reduction at a regular furnace?
Like... you support 50% reduction from OSRS at blast furnace (by default), but won't support a 50% reduction at a regular furnace (that players have to grind for)?
Sounds a little hypocritical to me.
2. coal is already super accessible -> no reason to go out of your way to do a minigame for it
- you can mine coal 3 tiles from a bank in the mining guild
- you can mine more coal passively than the coal you would save from buying catalysts in the same amount of time
- bosses drop it noted
Make this a high donor perk and watch all of the haters flip flop.
No support, sorry but we already have a permanent 50% coal cost at blast furnace. Not only is it not in osrs, but what to gain said is just another reason why this would be too op. so once again. no support.
Once again, my friend, I suggest you actually try out the activity first before you start jumping to conclusions.
It's not like the smithing catalyst's 50% reduction will stack with the 50% reduced coal cost we already have at blast furnace.
Test it out for us. Can you even use a smithing catalyst at blast furnace?
That 50% reduced coal cost we already have at blast furnace => is a deviation from OSRS => and an Alora exclusive perk
Is it really that crazy to consider adding 50% reduced coal cost at a regular furnace as another Alora perk (one that players actually need to work for)?
The way I see it. This would be balancing regular furnaces and blast furnace.
Just watch. Give it a few weeks, and the same haters will be suggesting we add a donor perk and/or a vote book perk for 1.2x or 1.5x reputation points.
'Oh stop complaining and trying to make everything easier Alan... '
Like... At least I'm testing the content and providing constructive feedback. What are you guys doing?