Hello everyone, recently there has been some internal discussion regarding some older boss content, and the mechanics that are currently in place for them. The idea has been floated that some specific bosses should have their mechanics/attacks re-worked to match OSRS. We understand this may be a touchy topic, as this will likely make the bosses more difficult (albeit more predictable in many cases), which is why we've decided to poll these changes, so that you, the players, can decide if this is a necessary/worthwhile change for the game. The main bosses we're considering for the re-work would be the following:
One of the main issues with this boss is that it does not use the proper "rotations" that decide which phase will appear next. Re-working this boss will involved adding the phase rotations, along with fixing some minor issues, such as being able to attack Zulrah while it is phase transitioning.
Kraken is not a very complex boss, and there isn't much missing from it, except for that at the moment all damage can be negated while fighting it. The changes being proposed involve making Kraken's attacks "Typeless", meaning that protection prayers do not help negate damage. We would also be adding the 4 Kraken tentacles that deal minor damage during the fight (if not killed). This may seem like a lot, however the Kraken's attacks are notoriously weak, and don't deal very much damage to begin with, given that the player is using proper defensive gear.
Cerberus is the next boss we want to propose re-working, as it is lacking some structure, and one of it's main special attacks. We're proposing making the lava pool attack more similar to OSRS, giving it a slightly longer delay before it erupts, and making the eruption a 3x3 AOE attack that does reduced damage the further you are away from it. We would also polish the summon ghost attack, and add the Triple Attack, where Cerberus will use a magic, ranged and then melee attack 2 ticks after one another. Lastly, we would make the special attacks occur in the proper pattern which is listed as follows:
"Cerberus has a special attack pattern that determines how she uses her attacks.
As mentioned in each attack section, Cerberus' mechanics are initiated after the following, quickly summarized here:
- The triple attack is performed as the first attack, then after every ten normal attacks.
- The summoned souls attack is performed every seventh attack, but only after Cerberus has under 400 hitpoints.
- The lava pools are deployed every fifth attack, but only after Cerberus has under 200 hitpoints.
If the attacks end up overlapping with each other (e.g a triple attack and summoned souls on attack #21), Cerberus will instead prioritize the attacks in the following order:
- Triple attack > Summoned Souls > Lava pools
There is also a small chance that Cerberus will not use the summoned souls or lava pools special attacks when she is supposed to, and will use a regular attack instead."
Abyssal Sire
The proposed changes for Abyssal Sire involve polishing the melee attacks during phase 2 to make them more similar to OSRS, adding minion spawns during Phase 3, and tweaking the Miasmi pool attack to match how it is on OSRS.
We look forward to hearing your feedback, and thank you for taking the time to read this post.