I have another short development blog for you all. In this blog I'll be talking about the next update. If the recent changes to clue scroll rewards and money chests aren't your cup of tea and haven't helped you make money, you might find some solace in Superior Slayer Encounters.
Players will be able to purchase the ability to unlock the encounter feature for a one time cost of 300 slayer points. The cost is drastically lower than OSRS in hopes that encounters appear at earlier slayer levels, making earlier tasks slightly more enjoyable.
Killing a superior encounter will allow you to access the normal monsters drop table three times, excluding constant drops. I'm uncertain if the drops need to be buffed at this time, so for now expect similar drops to OSRS.
Slayer encounters are designed to liven up your slayer tasks and give you a bit of challenge in exchange for a potentially better reward. If you have any suggestions or complaints about this piece of content please feel free to leave a message below.
Thank you,