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Important realizations i've come to realize

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Posted 03 June 2022 - 08:35 PM #1

Green eyes

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This is not for everybody.

so I'm just gonna heavily wing this and speak from the heart, whatever sticks - sticks.




#1) I don't fit in in the outside world, legit i have potential problems with everybody, i don't get along with people normal people.

so fuck outside world, for now.




#2) Evaluating the % of bitch-assness running in veins.



This, i think, is self-explanatory.


I think it's a good idea for us to look at what we're doing in game and if it's not to our liking/not going how it's supposed to go, we log off for 5 minutes, walk to the mirror, look in the mirror, really look at your reflection and ask ourself:


"Am i fucking a clown?"



Really think about this question, it will reveal it's secrets to you (and if you get triggered by the thought = ...that should tell you something).


This will be calculated in L's (Hold this L) and W's (Nice), to see exactly the % -of clowness, in your veins.

is it 2%, is it 47%? is it 69%?

Each what's it called, add-on, that is not natural = is an automatic L.


using ALL help you can get = like, boosters, everything, just using every single thing to get a drop = automatic clown (UNless you're going for heavy grind in record time - then yes, this is permitted)


Also an Exception = is having a high donator rank, because it is what it is - it's natural.

+ you support the server, get benefits FROM doing it and it's all Good (so this gets a pass too).


But if you're a, for example, ironman, using all fucking boosters at the same time, just angry asf, given up? long time ago, i can't handle this shit anymore - gimme my FUCKING DROP, I NEED IT, just about to lose your shit soon = you need to (read below)


Sit the fuck down, that's like = L'S after L's, after L's - You need to have a personal intervention with yourself.


Anything that makes your life easier = automatic L.


We do everything the hard way, no exceptions.


Just look at Ragragrag46.

Do you think he needs some "Bigger hit"-bonuses to kill ironmen, or almost 3000 of them?

No, dude just probably logs on, and just brutally kills em...it is probably painful.

absolutely heartless.


there are many other people i could mention here but it would be too long, so the above mention serves as a good example.




#3) The most important thing i've realized is: Take Good care of your Alora account.


because = it directly tells you Who/what you are.


it's like a mirror, if your irl life is isht, then = you only need to Log into alora to see what's up with you.

It works as a wall, at which you throw a ball, and it bounces right back at you.


In other words: if you alora account is shit, then most likely your irl life = is shit*.

So do Everything in your power, even if it is like, donating etc = to get you to where you need to be.

Because again, this is a direct reflection of who you are.


it's basically like an anchor, from which  = you can enter into the world, AS yourself.

because the world is big asf, and god damn it's easy to lose yourself, so this place is the best anchor i think.






#4) Jagex legit doesn't give a fuck about Private servers.



On the contrary, they actually benefit asf from having private servers around.

Why is this? it seems oxymoronic - why not eliminate "competition"


For starters, No1 quits runescape - just takes a break

I first played this game in 2001-2003, bitch it's 2022,  and im still here, wtf.


Why does this matter to Jagex?


Easy - they know, eventually you're gonna come back, even if it's for a little bit - or full time.

THey get your money,.


They allow private servers to operate, so that you can go and take a break (let's be honest, EXP-rates on osrs vs alora = huge difference)..and Jagex knows that their game is addicting as fuck and Hard asf to level up there.


SO they allow RSPS's to exist, so that you can deliberately take a break, log onto an rsps, have your fun and eventually = you'll come back to osrs......almost guaranteed..



So Jagex operates exactly like a drug-dealer.



They get you hooked on the game (like a drug-dealer giving you a first sample for free)

then. they got you.


After that = it's only a matter of time when you're gonna come back..even if  it's 2 years later, it doesn't matter because revenue..

They'd rather have you come back (eventually) = than lose you Completely (by shutting down rsps's/totally eliminating botting)


and shutting down all rsps's  would be a VERY stupid move on Jagex's part, this is why it's never gonna happen.


= they'd lose ALOT of customers...so they allow the "minor-evil" to exist.. Because they're a monopoly, no rsps is ever gonna be bigger than Jagex..

but if they do get Big asf = i think i've seen Jagex shutting them down..because now they're messing with Jagex's money..

So they allow little profit (even 100k a month/years = is nothing to jagex, but if i started an rsps and made like 3million a year = 100% jagex would shut me down).


It's like if I have 500kg of cocaine...ok, no problems, i am the main-plug in my city.

I see little dealers making money off of my product...

Do i get angry and eliminate them?

No - because they get their product From me, regardless if they sell em - if i don't exist = they don't got the product.




#5)  Jagex doesn't give a fuck about Botting either.


If they really wanted to - they'd shut down all bots (believe me, they know exactly who the bots are, their technology is most likely not shit)

but,as with RSPS's = they allow bots to run, for a while and after that they ban that account, get you to buy another bond/or whatever and again they get paid.


They will never totally ban all bots..cos then it's GG to the game.


Legit Jagex is like some fucking Entity, it used to be small asf = now it's a corporation, for real.





I'm not sure where i'm going with this, hopefully i don't get muted or banned for swearing, because swearing brings the point home.


I guess this is all.


Thank you.

Posted 03 June 2022 - 10:21 PM #2

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greatly worded, thanks for sharing!

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Posted 03 June 2022 - 10:32 PM #3

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I guess everyone enjoys the game their own way.

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Posted 04 June 2022 - 12:47 AM #4

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What in the nephewson did i just read????? :kekw:

What in the nephewson did i just read????? :kekw:

Posted 04 June 2022 - 02:06 AM #5


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you're right. good shit man.

Posted 04 June 2022 - 08:06 AM #6

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damn what i have to do with this post

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Posted 04 June 2022 - 08:29 AM #7


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plotwist Omi made Alora for the OSRS dev team

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Posted 04 June 2022 - 11:15 AM #8

gim crohn
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I can't decide if I'm confused, aroused or concerned



Posted 14 June 2022 - 08:05 PM #9

UIM Blue
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Very true. Especially with botting point.


Bosanski - 1 Defence 1 Prayer UIM

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Bosanski Progress - II *Coming SOON*







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