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Skilling Outfits

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Posted 01 June 2022 - 10:01 PM #1


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What is your suggestion?:

Making skilling outfits obtainable from clue items (fishing bottles, clue nests)


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

No, but we have a similar mechanic with Seed Packs


How would this benefit Alora?:

Since we do not have the Osrs activities which rewards players with these sets,

it would be a decent passive way to obtain some Skilling Outfits.


Let's start with Angler - In Osrs, the main way to obtain the Angler set is through Fishing Trawler.

The minigame is fairly simple and easy to complete.

On Alora, the only way to obtain Angler is through Aerial Fishing.

The hours needed to complete the Angler set far outways the reward it provides for most

account types. It would be a nice addition to replace the Corrupt armour set drop with Angler.



For the Lumberjack Outfit, its the same issue - In Osrs players can enter the Temple Trekking minigame & reset these runs to reach the Bridge section. The full set can be obtain in less than an hour.

In Alora, players must complete numerous daily tasks & earn enough points to buy the outfit.

Adding the set to Clue Nests (specific to woodcutting) would be a great addition, just how general nests can give Onyx's.



Considering these skilling sets only provides a 2.5% xp boost for the complete set,

I'd say it wouldn't be a bad idea, especially when a normie can get 200m xp fairly fast.


These changes would benefit all types of players: completionists, skillers, lower rate accounts (mainly realism), and also UIM as they are able to store these sets in the POH.


As mentioned above, replace Corrupt armour with Angler - the Corrupt pieces are rare enough! We could move those to opening clue boxes instead!

Same with the Onyx from nests, but we could limit the set for Clue nests only.



But that's just my take on the situation... Let's see what the community thinks of it!




Posted 01 June 2022 - 10:52 PM #2

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In my opinion adding skills sets to fishing bottles + nests would make them way too passive to obtain.

As of Farming setup from the farming contract boxes, it takes a certain amount of effort and luck in order to obtain them. Same goes for the Pyromancer set from Wintertodt (Firemaking set)


I do however support the note about Angler set is abit rubbish only obtainable from the Aeriel Fishing activity, this could however be solved by adding it to the Tempoross droptable aswell.


For the matter of the Lumberjack set, there's already an alternative. In the Woodcutting Guild you can trade in 6k Redwood logs for the set at the Guildmaster.

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Posted 02 June 2022 - 02:30 AM #3

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No support,


I agree that  the angler outfit isn't easy to obtain and a big grind for a small bonus. This could maybe be solved by getting more pearls or adding an alternative of getting the set.


As for the other sets, they could be obtained fairly easy without a too big of a grind.

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Posted 02 June 2022 - 12:13 PM #4



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