What is your suggestion?: Add Keris Partisan to Alora
Is this in OSRS?: Yes
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: Have a Easier to achieve effective weapon against Khalphite queen for mid game ironman/players.
Why this is Needed IMO?: The current effective crush weapons for Khalpite Queen are quite difficult to get ex,
https://gyazo.com/e0...1d19ddc414ae518 (Current BIS Weapon Example)
Who cares about Khalphite Queen anyway?: Ironman and Completionist's who want to complete Logs/Pet hunters.
How Should this be added to Alora?:
> Rather Just swap out the reward of the Keris for Hard Desert Achievement Diaries to give it Keris Partisan.
> Add it to Vote/Slayer Store similar to Zamorakian Hasta
FAQ And Weirdo Takes Denial,
> What is the Keris Partisans stats and effects, https://gyazo.com/aa...e536db6777d8d14
> Everyone knows Current Desert Achievement Diaries are dogshit this will help Achieve Higher incentive.